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andrewkw 01/06/2008 03:18 AM

How long did it take for your Dendrophyllia to open?
I bought my colony 10 days ago and it still hasn't opened. I'm starting to get worried. I can get some of the polyps to eat but they only extend enough to eat and I see very little extension otherwise. I've moved the colony to a higher flow area as I was told this might help.

Any other suggestions? how long before I really should be worried? It arrived from who knows where 2-3 days before I bought it so its really been closed as least 2 weeks (one day+ on the plane, 2-3 days at the reef shop and 10 days at home).

I've been dusting it with cyclopeeze trying to encourage it to open, only when I place some mysis or regular shrimp directly on the polyps with the pumps turned off will some take in the food, it really has to be right on top with zero flow otherwise it won't eat as the slightest bit of current will knock the food off.

I wasn't too concerned when I bought it since I heard from several people how hearty they are. I just want to see it already! The skeleton colour still looks good, there is no smell either on top or under the colony.

skydragon 01/06/2008 03:34 AM

do have a pic of it . i keep my very low light

Qckwzrd 01/06/2008 11:28 AM

All my dendros opend in the bag and stayed open during acclimation. I do have one polyp that doesn't open much at all. Hardly any polyp extention but since I've had it, it has grown 2 babies. I have to place the food right on it for it to eat. Its right next to another Dendro I have which has its polyps open all the time. As long as its eating a lil its better then nothing. Try feeding it at night rather then the day. And turn flow off when you feed it and feed mysis after you hit it with cyclops.

fishyfishy23 01/06/2008 02:03 PM

put more flow over them they seem to like moderate indirect flow IME it entices them to come out.. Also add rods food or something to the tank and feed everything else and I bet they'll be out.

ReneX 01/06/2008 02:38 PM

My two dendros both opened up in the bag, one after being in transit for over 48 hours.

If they're getting some food, that's better than nothing. How do your other corals look? How are your water params? Have you checked to make sure nothing is bothering it at night, like brittle stars or large bristleworms?

fishyfishy23 01/06/2008 03:08 PM

I'd take a pic.. do you think its possible its a sun coral and was sold to you as dendro? a LFS to me had some labeled incorrectly.

Echidna09 01/06/2008 04:49 PM

Which species is it?

andrewkw 01/06/2008 05:01 PM

I'm pretty sure its fatsula but I could be wrong here's a pic when I first got it, looks pretty much the same


I will do a water test tonight, but everything else in the tank is happy, xenia, acans, zoas ect.

It's in my acan / frag tank which I feed everyday I would have thought by now the amount of food in the tank would have encouraged it to open.

skydragon 01/06/2008 05:47 PM

im sorry is that a sun coral? wii my dendro like like that. [IMG] [url][/url][/IMG]

ReneX 01/06/2008 08:05 PM

Definately not a sun coral. Looks like a dendro.

skydragon 01/06/2008 11:00 PM

will it look alot like dendro but. because dendro grow out in heads.and there branching dendro that grow in branch. but this one look like sun coral. because the way how it grow. can i ask how much you pay for tho? because dendro go about 55-80 aheads and sun coral go about 30-45

Echidna09 01/07/2008 01:56 AM

How much he paid could be a good reference if it was [I]D. Coccinea[/I] (which grows giant heads, and the most common species in the trade) or [I]D. Arbuscula[/I] (which grows small, branching heads), but most other species are likely to sell as a sun coral whether they are or not. If this one was correctly labeled as a dendro, I doubt the price was extreme. This piece is neither [I]D. Coccinea[/I] which go for $50-$70 a piece or [I]D. Arbuscula[/I], which I have only seen offered at one place, and that is for $75 (I believe) per polyp. Skydragon, you have [I]D. Coccinea[/I], so it will never look like this specimen.

Do you check if they open while the lights are out? I had a colony of [I]D. Arbuscula[/I] that refused to open for a month and resulted in most of the polyps dieing. Four polyps remained and would open at night or partially when I fed. I got tired of feeding at night and there are currently two diminishing polyps.

I would put in in low light so that if it starts to recede it doesn't start growing hair algae. If you get it to open you should be fine moving it back wherever you want. That's just my opinion though.

Mikigo 01/07/2008 02:20 AM

My dendros tissue do not blend together, but sun coral do. just my observation.

skydragon 01/07/2008 02:47 AM

Echidna09 right i would put him in low light too. but i see sun coral open in day and night too. Mikigo that what im talking about dendro dont blend together but sun coral do. ya will have to see how much he pay for tho to get a good reference

andrewkw 01/07/2008 08:34 AM

Well I perhaps found a possible reason. The calcium in my frag tank was only 350, I've since moved the colony to my display where it's 420. There is a small amount of nitrate present in both my tanks approximately 5 and for sure less then 10 (so hard to tell with the colours sometimes). I use Salifert test kits in case you're wondering.

I don't really keep many SPS frags in the tank other then things that frag by accident so I haven't closely monitored the calcium rate until now. It was 390-400 prior to me putting the dendro in as I did test before putting it in. I add 2 part since there is no reactor on the frag tank.

I normally don't like posting what I paid but just to ensure you guys know this is a dendro I paid $350 for the colony. I could have bought 8 sun coral colonies 2 vats over at the same shop.

It's now on the sand bed indirectly under a 250w 14k light getting some low to moderate flow. I just checked it with the lights off and its still not open. I don't think light effects these guys at all. I have tried turning the lights on and off to see if it made any difference and the tiny bit of extension it did have did not change with lights on or off. It's more of a pain in the *** to feed in the display but I will try and entice it later today.

Echidna09 01/07/2008 05:05 PM

Even at 350, your calcium should not affect polyp extension. Lighting does not matter with non-photosynthetic corals as far as being careful to not bleach or brown it out. Since they lack zooxanthellae they cannot do either of those. The only reason I said keep it in low lighting is so that if you do not get a response out of it and flesh starts dying it will not grow algae. If it does grow hair algae it will be really hard to remove all of it without damaging the coral.

Turning the lights off won't really help. You need to look at it at nighttime after your lights have been on for their regular cycle. You will probably want to wait at least an hour of the lights being off before you check it for polyp extension.

nanotrigger 01/08/2008 02:30 AM

turn off your flow, place some mysis around it..


skydragon 01/08/2008 03:13 AM

nanotrigger nice dendro frag you got there. i belive dendro is a deepsea species low light. everone that i know keep them very low light just like yumma. i agreet with Echidna09 on that calcium should not affect polyp extension. i realy think you should keep them low light for 1week and see any polyp extension. dont worried about they eating or not yet. because if they dont eat. they will not eat.
keep them in low light that way you tell is a sun coral or dendro too because frome what i see dendro open all day and sorry for keep say your new coral is a sun coral. i just never see a dendro tissue blend and grow together. dendro alway grow in heads. any keep us update good luck

nanotrigger 01/08/2008 03:17 AM

thanks. i've had them for 3 years. just figured out how to get them to bud. haha. yes they are deepsea species. but they don't care for light at all...light or no light thye will thrive as long as you feed them. I have mine on a frag rack near the top almost under a 150w MH.

i do agree if they are New you might want to keep them in lower for a little while... but later you can keep them higher up.

Qckwzrd 01/08/2008 02:47 PM

Dendros open in the bag, while being temp acclimated.

nanotrigger 01/08/2008 02:49 PM


Qckwzrd 01/08/2008 02:53 PM


otiso777 01/08/2008 03:48 PM

Yep mine opened in the bag as well. I fed it the second night that it was in my tank and have been feeding it every other night since then. It hasn't had a problem opening up yet and I've had it for almost a month now.

Echidna09 01/08/2008 05:11 PM

Andrew's dendros are going to look different from those pics because they are not D. Coccinea.

Qckwzrd 01/08/2008 07:23 PM

Otiso how many babies have yours produced since you've had them?

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