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jck9 12/31/2007 11:05 AM

my first lps whats everyone think
just got these two corals the other dat and wanted some opinions.



the brain dosent look as "puffy" as others that ive seen. does it look healthy?

coralite 12/31/2007 12:17 PM

Thought I would post these as images for you. These are good beginner corals. With moderate light and good water flow they should do great.


Bernie21 12/31/2007 12:28 PM

Nice peices, specially like the brain, nice colors!!

Sheol 12/31/2007 11:00 PM

What a neat looking Trachyphyllia. I've seen one other like it, but the red was replaced by day-glo pink.


jspine01 12/31/2007 11:04 PM

I really like the brain, it does look a bit deflated but it is probably just getting used to your tank.

mfp1016 12/31/2007 11:59 PM

I hope your brain does well, my new one looks about the same.

Nice euphyllia!

Tyke 01/01/2008 06:04 AM

That brain has a lot of potential. I'd like to see another picture of it in a couple weeks. What kind of lighting do you have?

jck9 01/01/2008 03:13 PM

i have 260 watt pc lights 2 10000k and 2 actinic 65watts a piece. its starting to look better. starting to see the very tips of the feeder tenticles

coralite 01/01/2008 03:15 PM

I think the Trachyphyllia looks a little bleached. You should keep it in reduced light until it darkens up and try offering it medium sized meaty food items.

Finding Emo 01/01/2008 04:44 PM

very nice how much were they?

jck9 01/01/2008 05:00 PM

frogspawn was 20$ trach was 50$

Ductwerks 01/01/2008 07:31 PM

That is a really nice brain i like the colors. It will take about 4-5 days for it to open up that is what happened with mine.

Engine 7 01/01/2008 07:34 PM

Looking good :)
Great deals.

Pufferpunk 01/01/2008 08:40 PM

Feed them well. You need a lot more light for that brain IMO. I had the same lighting & after a year they receded to the point ot almost death. I loaned them to a friend w/MH & after I set up my new tank with T5s went & got them. They looked fantastic & look even better, a year later in my tnak.

Dave E 01/01/2008 09:38 PM

Were do you have it placed in the tank?

jck9 01/01/2008 11:09 PM

i have the trach on the substrate and the frogspawn about 5" from the surface

jck9 01/01/2008 11:10 PM

how do i feed the trach if the feeder tenticles are not all the way out? do i just sit it near the mouth and it will take it?

Pufferpunk 01/01/2008 11:14 PM

Turn off the pumps & put food on the mouth/s. For the frogspawn, just squirt food at it & it will bring the food to it's mouth.

lark 01/02/2008 04:58 PM

If I put food directly on my trach and it's tentacles aren't up, I have some critters -- one very agressive peppermint shrimp in particular -- who will try to swipe it before the trach can react.

But it's usually pretty easy for me to induce its tentacles to come out. What works for me is to make sure the lights in my room are on when the lights on the tank go out. I turn off the pumps and, about 30 minutes later, broadcast food into the tank from the top in the general area above the trach. Usually, within about 10 minutes, the tentacles come up, and I just place a small piece of krill or something directly on them.

I don't do this too often, though.

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