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hdodd 12/24/2007 11:45 AM

Galaxia feeding
Have new 120, just introduced my first corals, two zoa's and a galaxia. My question, does the galaxia need feeding, have read where it does, if so, what??????? See, am a real newbie. All paraments are fine by the way. Thanks.

DanInSD 12/24/2007 01:01 PM

I don't feed mine anything in particular and it does fine. However, it's in a mixed reef tank that gets feed pretty well, and I have a high fish load so there's lots of fish poop.

If I didn't have the fish, I'd be giving rotifers and cyclops.


hdodd 12/24/2007 01:41 PM

thanks much

kiknchikn 12/24/2007 01:48 PM

I feed my galaxia cyclopeeze and it seems to love it. It probably doesn't need to be fed though.

The galaxia isn't a soft coral by the way.. it's a stony ;)

hdodd 12/24/2007 02:17 PM

Wow, how can something that moves so beautifully be stoney, lol. Am really new, have such a long, long way to go. Will I ever get there? I really need a good simple resource book or something.

kiknchikn 12/24/2007 02:34 PM

If you look at the coral when the polyps are retracted you'll see it grows a skeleton :)

bohannbj 12/26/2007 08:30 PM

everything does well on cyclops
love it

DanInSD 12/27/2007 02:47 AM

Officially, Galaxea is a large-polyped stony coral (LPS), in the same general category as Torch, Frogspawn, Hammer, Bubble, Plate, and similar corals. Among the LPS corals, Galaxea has relatively small polyps. Small-polyped stony corals (SPS) are in a league of their own with respect to light, flow, and mineral nutrient needs.

Enjoy the ride,

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