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bigredchair 12/14/2007 01:47 PM

180 stocking suggestions
ok so this new 180 will need some fish.
And I know what I like, but not sure about compatibility or stocking order, so some advice would be helpful.
Would like to have some coral in there, maybe sps and a clam or 2 in the future.
Corals I like:
shrooms, zoas, frogspawn, torches, acans, blastos, yumas etc. stuff like that

Fish I like:
Yellow tangs (was thinkin 3)
Purple Tang (1)
Hippo tang
Regal tang
Naso tang
Achilles tang
lyre tailed anthias (4 or so)
Flame angel
Pair of clowns
fairy wrasse
6 line wrasse
lawnmower blenny
bluespot jawfish
fuzzy dwarf lion

Heres what wife likes:
Porcupine puffer
majestic angel
koran angel
And several other larger angels.
Green slimer, bubble coral, open brain. zoas

So I need to decide what type of reef Im gonna do and then decide on the fish.
Fastfish had angels in their tank, so it seems doable.
Wasnt sure about compatablitlity on the tangs and what type of stocking order.
And if being prone to ick would be a major problem.
Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.

OC CJ 12/14/2007 02:07 PM

i would plan on buying a big skimmer if you plan on housing that many tangs.

bigredchair 12/14/2007 02:21 PM

Yeah thats why I posted, cuz Im not sure yet, we have a needle wheel modded asm g3 skimmer.Will that be large enough?
I dont need that many tangs, its just a list of what I like:) and what I know is reef safe

anthias_lover 12/14/2007 02:32 PM

Not sure you can stock all those fish in 180g. I can give you my list in my 190g. I will reduce a pair of clowns if someone takes them.

Achilles tang
Powder blue tang
2 Purple tangs
Bristletooth tang
Yellow tang
2 Black percula clowns & percula clown
2 Lyretail anthias,
2 Purple Queen Anthias
4 Green chromis
Bicolor blenny
Royal Dottyback

reef_doug 12/14/2007 02:44 PM

On your list: I don't know how the dwarf lion and jawfish would get along. Might want to check that out. I would scratch off either the Naso or Archilles to reduce load. 6Lines can be mean, you might want to scratch him also.

On your wifes list, it's only recommended to have 1 angel. Also the angel could pick at clam and would definitely pick at open brains and LPS. I have a 6" majestic angel for a couple weeks and so far he has left the clams & SPS alone. Great fish!

faded1004 12/14/2007 02:45 PM

hahahha, you going to get the same lyretails? i love them, still haven't gotten more...

ich, just get a used UV sterilizer, shoudl be pretty inexpensive...

i never had a problem with ick... just keep up with maintinance and you shoudl be okay...

how is the tank doing? you shoudl take a pic of it!

bigredchair 12/14/2007 03:05 PM

Do I need to post to photo gallery in order to get inline photos?
The LFS here has a whole family of lyretails, 4 of em, for 20 bucks each, I think I may buy them and have him hold them for me.
I have been taking picts of the entire build and couldnt figure how to post picts.

faded1004 12/14/2007 05:27 PM

i use, but i know quite a few people use photobucket? and there is another one that is popular... check out some of the free photo hosting sites... you can try to use those and link them from here... that is what i basically do...

TrojanScott 12/14/2007 06:10 PM

Take it from me, a Naso in a 180 is okay, but even now, I wish I had an even bigger tank for him. I have a Naso, a Blue, and a Yellow, and that's as many as I'll keep in my 180. Tangs are messy for sure!

nava405 12/14/2007 07:49 PM

good luck to keep so many tangs in same tank , it'll probably work, but i'm sure u'll need to buy more than 1 of each, especially achilles.

i thought blue tang is same as Regal tang?

bigredchair 12/14/2007 07:59 PM

i wont be able to afford that many tangs, but I figured Id at least jot down the ones I like to see about compatibility and possibly a stocking order on a choice few of them. Wife dont like the tangs after the powder brown we got from petco introduced ich, and killed like 10 nice fish. So i will only be able to get a couple anyhow:)
You are right, a regal and blue tang are the same. I meant a chevron, but doing more research I see that they get big, and lose their color. And for $100, it needs some color. lol

laverda 12/16/2007 07:43 PM

Way too many tangs for a tank that size. As they grow out they will kill each other off one by one untill you have two or maybe 3.

bigredchair 12/16/2007 07:48 PM

ok I understand about the tangs, enough said. Maybe just a few.

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