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LionfishFinatic 07/29/2007 06:00 PM

Foxface Lo
Would like some info on these guys, just got one today and he is very interesting. just want to hear some of your guys' experiences with them.

msudawgs56 07/29/2007 09:56 PM

I just got one yesterday myself and so far it is eating Sea Veggies Purple and green seaweed.

Mine changes color, loses all it's yellow and turns black to blend in with the black background on my QT when i spook it. After I back up or move slower it gaines its color back and swims around the tank.

The guy who owns the Fish store I bought it from says they tend to be shy and reserved. I bought mine in hopes of controlling some of the algae in my FOWLR. And I'm sure you know but i'll say it anyway since I was told by everyone I know that the dorsal fin is be careful.

Good luck with yours !!!

LionfishFinatic 07/30/2007 10:03 AM

Ya I already knew the dorsal fin was poisonous. When anyone goes near the QT tank he will hide between two pieces of PVC pipe and turn a splotchy brownish gray color. Very shy fish but he is definitely a keeper!! At the LFS they were feeding him flake food so hopefully when I feed again today I can rip up the seaweed sheets into flake sized bites and he will eat them. Other than that he is a great all-around fish and I'm glad I picked him!

Let's here some more from you guys on this interesting fish!

thepudge 07/30/2007 10:36 AM

I got a magnificent foxface about a month ago. It is finally coming out of its shell but it took a couple of weeks for it to not get easily spooked. Changes color constantly, and quickly. Mine devours all types of algae (including cheato), and will ravage sheet algae in about 10 seconds. Also likes flake food -- it took it a few days to start eating flakes, but it came around. Cool fish!

JStorey 07/30/2007 12:39 PM

Mine was very shy at first and a little skittish. It changes colrs when stressed and at night will camoflage itself against any background. He eats like a pig too. I put algae sheets in daily and it can't resist it. He also eats flakes, pellets, mysis, brine, shrimp, clams or anything else that gets tossed in the tank. Mine was also a survivor of an ich breakout I had a year or so ago. It had popeye along with it and stayed hidden and didn't eat for over 2 weeks and then one day came out to eat like nothing had ever happened. Very hardy fish.

wanabebell 07/30/2007 05:36 PM

mine isnt ever yellow unless its feeding time then it paces the front of the tank as golden yellow as can be and then when it feeds then it goes back to its regular colors

cloudjockey 07/30/2007 07:41 PM

very shy at first, then becaomes "tame". Mine also changes color. Feed lots of veggies. So far a pretty cool fish.

tbar 07/30/2007 09:14 PM

When I awoke The first morning after getting mine he was colorless, motionless, and vertical. I looked and did not see any breathing or gill movement. Got the net to get him out but gave him a little poke with the handle and he swam off fine.

WuHT 07/31/2007 01:33 AM

Cowardly like a butterfly with an appetite of a Tang.

These guys i've seen recycle the waste from the other fish (yummy!) and they'lll go nuts during feeding time...but otherwise are VERY easily spooked.

LionfishFinatic 07/31/2007 04:37 PM

Ya he is watching himself in the reflection of the back of the tank constantly. Even if you just walk up he goes crazy and hides until I leave. He is eating a bit, not as much as I would like :lol: I like em FAT!!! lol :lol:. Any particular foods make 'em go crazy?? other than that he is doing great!

WuHT 08/02/2007 08:13 PM

bloodworms <--- but you risk turning them into a crazy carnivore. Still they're cowards though.

Beemo 08/03/2007 09:30 AM

i had a foxface lo for a year. i hated that fish
he would freak out all the time and scare the pants off the other fish. i'll never get another one

i think he died of a heart attack

LindaQ 08/06/2007 11:45 AM

I've had a foxface for 2 years and he's great. He gets along fine with all the other fish & can be very entertaining. :)

About a year ago he accidently jumped out of the tank and had a "near death experience". So he sleeps on the other end and watches TV every night before he goes to sleep...... Entertaining !!

ALLBOUTREEF 08/06/2007 02:26 PM

i have 1 about 1.5" and i love that fish, i had him for 2 months and he eats anything i feed. u gotta give him time to get used to u around the tank, mine doesnt get scared nomore and changes colors at night to blend with the rocks

Beemo 08/06/2007 02:33 PM

unfortunetely mine never got used to me. i mean it was a little over a year, he had plenty of time.
i would have to sneak in the room and crouch down so he wouldnt freak out.
its funny because when he was a baby he was a little bit more tolerant, then as he got bigger he turned into a freakish nightmare speckled out and became so hideous looking, then when id leave he would get his full color back again.

are other rabbitfish like this?
id like to get a gold spotted rabbitfish but im worried it too will have scaredy cat issues

ALLBOUTREEF 08/06/2007 02:43 PM

i know is funny how funny they act. mine fights with my picasso triger. he used to be scared of the seaweed clip, lol. i guess he got used to me cuz i b staring at my tank for at least 7 hrs a day but he scared of my wife

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