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Ruskin 03/28/2007 12:02 PM

Frogspawn Questions
Hi. I've been offered a Frogspawn from someone local to me for a decent price. He said that it was doing great afew months ago but then took a turn for the worse. He lost 2 of the 3 heads on it. It has since recovered over the last month or so and he says its doing very well and looks healthy again.

What im wondering is this. Can a coral like this recover from whatever plagued it and be fully healthy again, or is it doomed to crash once more? If I did pick it up is there some sort of dip to do to prevent anything from making it into my system?

Thanks for the help, I just dont know enough about Frogspawn to purchase it without asking. It isnt that I dont trust the person, I'd rather be informed first rather then when its too late.


AnimaliA 03/28/2007 12:44 PM

I have a few different frog spawn and hammer colonies. Some have lost heads in the past when I wasn't being diligent with my husbandry, but they have all bounced back and are going strong (fragging them at least 3/4 times a year to make sure they dont overgrow my tank). I have found them to be very resilient and hardy corals. Enjoy :)

Ruskin 03/28/2007 01:53 PM

Awesome, thanks for the reply.

So, any sort of dip yourself, or anyone else would reccomend? Can they tolerate a freshwater dip? Or iodine & SW?

AnimaliA 03/28/2007 04:53 PM

With the hammer and frogspawns I have never really "dipped" them. I do usually take some tank water and place the new coral into it (after acclimating) and give a gentle shake to remove any loose material or whatever. I use a white bucket and check what comes off (kinda paraniod). So far though, nothing to be concerned about.

have never tried a freshwater dip for them...dont know if that would be good or bad...

jefathome 03/28/2007 05:15 PM

I do not believe that a FW dip is good for any LPS.
Only Zoo's and fish.

Also, does he know WHY it "crashed"? If the water had some nasty stuff in it (Nitrates, low calcium, PH off...whatever...) then there is no need to dip anyway.

neo1013 03/30/2007 06:17 PM

I personally will not buy a coral in hopes that I can nurse it back to health. it is just too much of a gamble.

killagoby 03/31/2007 10:58 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9590647#post9590647 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AnimaliA [/i]
[B]I have a few different frog spawn and hammer colonies. Some have lost heads in the past when I wasn't being diligent with my husbandry, but they have all bounced back and are going strong (fragging them at least 3/4 times a year to make sure they dont overgrow my tank). I have found them to be very resilient and hardy corals. Enjoy :) [/B][/QUOTE]

How do you frag a hammer if it is not a branching colony?

Ruskin 04/03/2007 02:34 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9592689#post9592689 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jefathome [/i]
[B]I do not believe that a FW dip is good for any LPS.
Only Zoo's and fish.

Also, does he know WHY it "crashed"? If the water had some nasty stuff in it (Nitrates, low calcium, PH off...whatever...) then there is no need to dip anyway. [/B][/QUOTE]

I just got an email from him saying that he removed the Frogspawn from the rock it was on and discovered some 'black spots' on the underside. What would this possible be? I have no pictures of it.

fsn77 04/04/2007 03:15 PM

I do a Lugol's solution dip on all new LPSs we get... have found nudibranchs in the past and some type of white flatworm.

jefathome 04/04/2007 03:23 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9637819#post9637819 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ruskin [/i]
[B]I just got an email from him saying that he removed the Frogspawn from the rock it was on and discovered some 'black spots' on the underside. What would this possible be? I have no pictures of it. [/B][/QUOTE]

Black spots?

How big? On the skeleton, or on the fleshy part?

Sorry... can't really help you on that one.

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