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Kigs 02/05/2007 11:33 PM

damaged frogspawn

So I got this beautiful frogspawn few days back. Only to have a clam sitting above a rock release it's foot suddenly and roll down on it, chipping parts of the skeleton on one of its heads.

From past experiences, many of my hammer heads completely disintegrated from damages. I know how sensitive these guys can get when their skeleton is damaged. I'm thinking of treating them with nightly cyclopeeze feeding. Would that help it regenerate or is that head already a goner?

GobyJohnKenobi 02/06/2007 01:33 AM

That's a beauty! I got one exactly like it a month ago that was fragged off of a damaged colony. It is doing great. They seem to be pretty tough.

Probably the best things to do for it are to maintain the best possible water quality for it to minimize any chance of infection, make sure your calcium-alk levels are good, and make sure that it doesn't receive too much flow until it recovers.

Give it a few days and observe it. If it acts hungry, then continue feeding it same as before. Any extra feeding might degrade your water quality.

Best of luck!!

BTW- Mine seems to like the small pellets of Spectrum Thera-A fish food the best. It has really colored up a lot since it started eating a couple pellets a few times a week.

GobyJohnKenobi 02/06/2007 01:35 AM

And I also know your Architorture pain. LMAO

Kigs 02/06/2007 12:24 PM

Thank you for your kind words! It really is a beauty. The polyps aren't as extended today and you can clearly see where the clam chipped off its skeleton. I'll take your advice and try feeding him with various food other than cyclopeeze.

And yes, architecture = hell :lol: Can't wait to be done with this 5 year program.

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