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rlcline76 01/01/2008 06:00 PM

Tangs Suggested Reading
I am wondering if any of you can suggest a book or 2 on tangs, suitable environments for, and health. Some of you know that I moderate elsewhere and spend a lot of time researching disease. I get several questions on tangs, nutrition, stressors and so forth. I don't have tangs. I am alright without one being as I only have 20 gallon tanks! Much of my reading on tangs is from WWM. Anyone have some reading suggestions for me?

puffin04 01/01/2008 08:07 PM

Well if you only have a 20 gallon then i hope you know that you can not keep a tang or any type of surgeonfish in there. What would you like to know more about them? There is a ton of info on reefcentral or you can swing over to and read more thread. Or you can try this site:
I just do not know how technical you can get with tangs, nothing like coral, but studying diseases is good. If you hydro everything before adding to DT you will not have to worry about disease, ich , and parasites....

Steffen Sparks

killingseed 01/01/2008 08:41 PM

i like this book , not just on tangs but as some good info on tangs and related care/disease and lots of other relate SW facts and informations.

Marine Aquarium by nick dakin, tetra press. got mine off amazon dirt cheep used but looks new. i reviewed it on my bros and had to have it.

i have a couple others i got for x-mas but havnt had a chance to review them. i will have them handly on the next meeting and i will try to review them in the next couple day and let you know.

rlcline76 01/02/2008 11:18 AM

Nope, no tangs here. On the other forum, I somehow became the "doctor" of some sort. Scary stuff. A long time ago,we had someone post a pic of a Paracanthurus hepatus with welt like bumps. One of our moderators said it was due to stress and to feed it well...seemed to do the trick. I've looked around and found very little. I sources say that it could be viral, could be a reaction to parameters?????? So I decided to readup on their stressors, nutrition and so forth.

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11500484#post11500484 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by puffin04 [/i]
[B]Well if you only have a 20 gallon then i hope you know that you can not keep a tang or any type of surgeonfish in there. What would you like to know more about them? There is a ton of info on reefcentral or you can swing over to and read more thread. Or you can try this site:
I just do not know how technical you can get with tangs, nothing like coral, but studying diseases is good. If you hydro everything before adding to DT you will not have to worry about disease, ich , and parasites....

Steffen Sparks [/B][/QUOTE]

Salty Sam 01/02/2008 03:11 PM

I have one at my shop by Kuiter and Debelius....A comprehensive guide to Acanthuroidei.

Bottom line.....real prone to Parasites due to the stress levels that these fish have in captivity. I love Tangs and would never not recommend them, but folks need to be aware of their needs and care and diet.

rlcline76 01/04/2008 04:41 PM

I am waiting for a few interlibrary loan books from our Post library and then I can get to requesting these. It never ceases to amaze me how much it costs for some of these publications. I also like I think I pay more for shipping than anything else and it is still cheaper!

Now, who has a collection of FAMA issues from 1993 sitting around? I need a 3 paged article and the closest holding for this is in Dallas! Don't all jump at once! lol

rlcline76 01/10/2008 04:47 PM

John, if you think about it, which Dakin book? I was on Amazon, looking to do a little cheapo shopping and I saw a few titles.

Sam, there is actually a thread in the Disease forum here on RC about the condition that has me interested in this. Again, back to dietary needs and stress.

killingseed 01/10/2008 06:27 PM

[url=]The Book of Marine Aquarium [/URL]

there are some good books list here as well. from RC 's reef keeping

[url=]Building a Proper Marine Aquarium Library[/URL]

rlcline76 01/10/2008 06:42 PM

I was looking at the Steven Pro article a couple of days ago. I have quite a few of those books. I wish the Noga book was cheaper, though!

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