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rhino509 07/07/2007 08:08 PM

question about salt creep
i have never seen anything about this,once there is an abundance of salt creep in the sump/top of the tank,if the creep is pushed back into the tank will it still include the "perfect balance" that the salt mix has when first mixed?
one more question,i do a 5 gallon water change every saturday on my system,this sufficeint enough?(75 gal tank with 40 gal sump)
thanks for reading

SeanySean 07/07/2007 08:14 PM

Not sure what it contains, but whatever it is made up of it will only be benefical to put back in. I disolve it first in tank water then add it back, at the end of the day it is only tank water that has the H20 removed.


jon99 07/07/2007 08:56 PM

Most people recommend around 20% water change per month so with four 5 gallon changes that's 20 gallons which is 27%, so it should cover it. This ofcourse is only a general recommendation. If you have a very heavy bioload, poor filtration, tend to overfeed your critters, or have some chemical warfare going on between your corals, more may be better. But it is good that you do 4 smaller changes rather then just one big one each month. If it seems to be working so far, I wouldn't change anything.

silverwolf72 07/07/2007 09:01 PM

You gotta watch out for just pushing it in if it happens to land on a piece of coral it can chemically burn the coral

luvmyreef 07/07/2007 10:56 PM

Pushing it in should be fine with caution like stated were it lands....I don't like doing it because there tends to be dust acumilation in there. So I guess it depends on how often you do this

chemesgh 07/07/2007 11:00 PM

Wait a minute, you guys don't use this to line the rims on your margarita glasses????


luvmyreef 07/07/2007 11:07 PM

Hmmmm, sounds yummy to me

Nitro350Z 07/08/2007 12:12 AM

I thought that salt creep was not to be reintroduced into the tank as the chemical properties of it are different than the original salt, ie. That during evaporation it changes chemically somehow.

I'm not sure if thats right, or even close, but I think I heard/read it somewhere and I cant remember were.

Can someone confirm or disprove this?

TrueblueNY 07/08/2007 12:26 AM

i like the idea using it margurita's : ) seriously / wipe it off, push it back into the tank - whatever you want to do. as noted i would just make sure your not pushing it onto a coral - something to avoid indeed. as far as your water changes - 5 gal. a week sounds good as long as you keep it up. a 10-15 gal. change once every two weeks would work too.

rhino509 07/08/2007 11:15 AM

hmmm,i would like to know this for sure too,as i have been pushing the salt back in ever since my tabk has been running.i guess ill stick to what works for now unless i learn otherwise.

ihopss 07/08/2007 12:32 PM

Stop the splashing, or leak ,and that won't happen.

turnburn 07/08/2007 01:34 PM

I don't get any salt creep around my main tank. Only around the sump. I just push it right back in.

rhino509 07/08/2007 02:43 PM

i dont have leaks or splashing,but i guess i do have quite a bit of surface agitation that could almost constitute as splashing(small bubbles always popping).i was just curious as if the process of evaporation was quicker or slower than consumption of water nutrients,and/or if it gave back those things to the tank once re introduced.but i have thought more about it,and this is one ogf those things that doesnt really have a right or wrong awnser,so i will continue to do what has worked for me thus far,and that is pushing the salt creep back into the tank.thank for reading.

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