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reeformadness 01/10/2008 12:06 PM

Just switched to T5's
Overall, I am happy with the upgrade. I previously had 4 T-12 VHO's (3 super actinics, 1 aquasun) on an ice cap ballast. I am now overdriving 3 T5's (1 UVL aquasun, 2 ATI aquablues) and I kept 1 UVL T-12 super actinic. All are 46.5" being run on my icecap 660 ballast. I will now be saving 90W/hr in electricity. That's only about $2/mo in my area but every little bit counts. My first impression was WOW! They were even smaller then I expected and they are BRIGHT! I never have used reflectors in my hood so I'm sure that is part of it. Either way, the light is nearly blinding when you look directly at it and they certainly are pushing more lumens than I had before. I'm not sure how this will equate to PUR and growth in my corals though. My first disappointment is the temperature of the bulbs. I guess people mean that the tank won't get as hot when they say that they run cooler, but the surface of the bulbs themselves will nearly burn you. My biggest disappointment would be in the amount of fluorescence in my tank now. The overall color is GREAT, but some things that were fluorescing (sp?) are not anymore. My T-12 super actinic is old so maybe changing that out will remedy the problem. I also may consider switching out one of the aquablues for a T5 super actinic just to try one out for myself. I hear they do not compete with T-12 super actinics but it might be the best trade off between color and energy efficiency. With all the bulbs out there I'm sure I can get the color I want, and therefore, my opinion is that T5's are superior to T-12s and PC's (except, maybe with super actinics.) I will try to get some before and after pics up this weekend with the same exact camera settings.

Dustin1231 01/10/2008 01:04 PM

most light bulbs will burn you...

Dustin1231 01/10/2008 01:05 PM

the T5s heat the tank up less then MH. I have to run a fan in the summer because of my 2x 250 MH

reeformadness 01/10/2008 01:06 PM

Sure, but these are certainly hotter on the surface than my VHO's were. Keep in mind I'm pushing them 80W each. I do have summer heat issues, so that will definitely be a help.

pony_killer 01/10/2008 05:33 PM

wheres a good place to purchase t-5 bulbs online?

reeformadness 01/10/2008 05:44 PM

I got my aquablues at They probably have the best selection and I love how they have the spectrum of the bulb in a graph. More manufacturers should give all the specifications that they can. I got my aquasuns at since I had a 20% off coupon. They usually have good prices anyway. also carries UVL products.

flyguy7150 01/10/2008 05:49 PM

My bulbs get hot, but not as hot as yours sound. I am not overdriving them though and have cooling fans in the canopy pointed at the endcaps. A uvl super actinic will really make your corals pop, I love the way this bulb made my corals really stand out, much better than a PC actinic. How come you didnt run 4 t-5 bulbs?? I think the t12 would barely be noticable with the t5s on.

reeformadness 01/10/2008 05:54 PM

The T-12 does look awfully dim compared to the T5's. It is VERY old (2 years?) Many in this forum tend to think (including The Grim Reefer) that the T12 actinics are superior. I am wondering if this is true now.

reefergeorge 01/10/2008 05:56 PM

When you overdrive t5s you should have a fan blowing across them. To try to extend the life a little more.

reeformadness 01/10/2008 06:01 PM

I guess a fan might be my next investment. I know the cooler they are, the more light you get out of them too. Sounds like a win-win.

Craig Lambert 01/10/2008 06:03 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11569049#post11569049 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reeformadness [/i]
[B]The T-12 does look awfully dim compared to the T5's. Many in this forum tend to think (including The Grim Reefer) that the T12 actinics are superior. I am wondering if this is true now. [/B][/QUOTE]

There's little doubt about that. I recently switched to t-5's on my 75G. I was running 4 t-12 uvl aquasuns and 2 uvl super actinics. ( I run two icecap ballasts). I kept the two Super actinics and run 4 t-5's with them. I run 2 aqua blue, 1 aquasun, 1 blue special.

reeformadness 01/10/2008 06:08 PM

So it sounds like it might be just a very old, dim bulb that needs replacement.

reeformadness 01/10/2008 06:10 PM

4 aquasuns on a 75? That aquarium must have been bright! I have never heard of the blue special.

flyguy7150 01/10/2008 07:01 PM

blue special i think he's referring to the aquablue special, same bulb you have

Craig Lambert 01/10/2008 07:15 PM

Sorry, 2 ATI aquablue special, and 1 ATI blue plus.

addicted4life 01/10/2008 07:22 PM

I wanted to mention getting a blue+ bulb too. I run 8 T5 bulbs and have tried them all and all I gotta say is I like the blue of the blue+ the best. I think I remember the aquablues looking purple ??

reeformadness 01/10/2008 07:31 PM

Thanks. I thought about the blue+ and will probably try it in the future. I definitely like the bluer look of my new lighting. Really brings the purple out in my rocks.

jennmac415 01/10/2008 08:25 PM

how about a pic?

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