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Minuteman 09/28/2005 08:05 PM

How long to leave nori in the tank?
Had an LFS guy who is pretty knowledgeable tell me that you should take nori out of the tank after 4-5 hours, but I don't understand why. How long do you leave nori in your tanks?

dirtyreefer 09/28/2005 09:31 PM

Not sure how long, but it'll start to rot if you leave it in too long. That turns into ammonia, then nitrite, nitrate. You know the drill :)

Speckled Grouper 09/28/2005 09:39 PM

My fish make sure my nori stays no longer than 10 minutes.....

selgado 09/28/2005 09:41 PM

Why are you putting in more than they can eat? I only put in enough to last maybe 2 hours. My yellow tang and blue tang finish it off and there is no need to remove any leftovers.

Dr_Tang 09/28/2005 09:41 PM

I believe the package says no more than 24 hours

Minuteman 09/29/2005 10:25 AM

I have a Hippo in QT and he's been eating caulerpa, which I don't want to put in my display tank. So I am going to be adding the nori. I'm just trying to find out what the issues are with leaving it in there.

maddyfish 09/29/2005 10:34 AM

I hand feed strips of it to my fish throughout the day. It doesn't sit in my tank at all.

rbrice020378 09/29/2005 10:50 AM

Is it unusal for a Kole Tang to eat mysid shrimp?
I figured that because it was a tang it would eat caulerpa and/or nori and foods of that sort. But my Kole only seems interested in shrimp and general tank grazing.

blackie lawless 09/29/2005 11:34 AM

I throw in a strip 2 or 3 times a day for my Naso Tang. He makes quick work of it. It's gone in about 2 minutes. He loves for me to let it float so he can come up from underneath and "attack" it.

I'm not a big fan of letting food sit in the tank for too long. Once in a while I will take a strip of Nori and tie it to a rock so my inverts can munch on it. Once an hour or two have gone by I usually remove whatever is left.

jeffbrig 09/29/2005 12:46 PM

I've got an achilles in QT. He doesn't always eat nori while I'm there, but if I come back a few hours later, he's devoured anything I left in the tank.

toscano 09/29/2005 01:10 PM

I fold about a 3x4 inch piece and mount into a lettuce clip and soak with a bit of Zoe and/or Zoecon. It's gone in a matter of minutes between my Blue and Yellow Tangs. My lawnmower has started going after it as well. He sees how excited the Tangs are and says to himself I must be missing something here. I better taste this stuff. Pretty comical.

Fursphere 09/29/2005 02:10 PM

Ya, if your fish aren't finishing off the nori with a quickness, you're putting in way too much.

Then again, I've got four (fat) tangs... :lol:

(Pacific Blue, Yellow, Sailfin, Powder blue)

Horace 09/29/2005 02:42 PM

<----- Not a tang expert :P

What is nori? Is that the dried sea weed? I have just started putting in a bit of that on a clip for my yellow tang in QT. Some days he seems to eat the whole thing up, others he doest touch it. I do try and remove any left overs the next day if he hasnt eaten it though. You guys saying I should only leave it in there for a matter of hours????

Dr_Tang 09/29/2005 02:44 PM

ive only recently tried nori on my foxface and 2 dwarf angels and nobody seems interested in it....the angels just pick at the micro algae and the foxface just eats caulerpa. So i only leave the nori in there for 24 hours. Hopefully they will discover it soon....

Fursphere 09/29/2005 02:45 PM

Yes, dried sea weed. "nori" is just the japanese word for it.

Its also used in sushi rolls. :D

Kevomac 09/29/2005 02:46 PM

It is the dried seaweed. I buy mine at the local Asian food market. Costs me about $1.59 to $1.79 for a ten sheet pack. The sheets are about 5-6 inches square. My french angel and regal blue tang wipe it out in minutes usually. On rare occassions, I will see some left the next morning, about 9 hours later, but it always gets finished soon after.

ShellBell 09/29/2005 05:19 PM

My yellow tank likes to rip the whole thing of the clip and let it float around. BRAT!!! :D

lillibirdy 09/29/2005 07:57 PM

My huge Mexican Astro snail jumps right on it....eats any left.

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