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dbmtrman 01/04/2008 06:22 PM

how do angels do in hypo?
The reason I ask is that I have a Koran Angel (Juvenile 3.5 inches) in qt, along with a Kole Tang. The Koran went into qt for a small spot of lymphocystis on his bottom lip and left pectoral fin. I became concerned when the left pectoral fin began to deteriorate, and thought he needed a treatment of antibiotics. The qt is a 24 gal AP. The Kole, was also looking as if he was coming down with Ich. So while I had the LR out of my 180 to catch the Koran, I also removed the Kole at the same time.

They have been in qt for 3 days now. The Koran's lymphocystis looks much better, but the Kole's ich has began to get worse. My question is, since The Kole has ick, and I planned on treating with hypo, should I also treat the Koran, as a preventative? I do have another 10 gal set up as a qt, in which I could put the koran, but he seems to be getting along great with the Kole. They share the same piece of PVC in qt.

billsreef 01/06/2008 03:22 PM

The Koran will handle hypo fine ;)

dbmtrman 01/06/2008 05:04 PM

Koran and Kole Tang are doing great in hypo so far. This is the 3rd day and should have the sg down to 1.009 by tonight. The yellow clown goby is showing signs of ick. So I guess it is in my DT. I picked up another 29 gal set up for a second qt tank. I guess I'm going to have to clear the dt for six weeks to clear the ick out, right? What do I do about my dragonettes? (pair of green mandarins and a scooter blenny) I've read that they aren't susceptible to ick, and don't do well with hypo. Besides that, wouldn't be any pods to eat in my qt. If I leave them in the dt, will that stop the ick from dying off?

billsreef 01/06/2008 05:07 PM

The mandarins are resistant, but not immune to ich. The problem with them in hypo is not the hypo itself, but rather the lack of "bugs" to eat. If you can get them reliably eating things like cyclopeze, than you can QT them.

dbmtrman 01/06/2008 05:50 PM

The Scooter Blenny eats everything. The mandarins eat blood worms. Haven't seen them eat the cyclopeeze though. I also have a 10 gal. qt, with a small amount of sand, for them to pick at. Should I put them in there, do hyposalinity to kill any ick, and feed cyclopeeze and blood worms?

billsreef 01/06/2008 08:32 PM

Be worth it to QT them too if you can keep them fed ;)

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