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Chads29 07/02/2007 07:47 PM

Australian Acan's
With the amount of them coming into the country and the prices going down at the wholesaler level do you think we will see a considerable price drop as the final consumer?

maybe this would allow those who normally buy these corals and chop them up to actually keep the whole coral as they can afford it with the new prices of them.


Peter Eichler 07/02/2007 09:20 PM

Prices already seem to be falling. As of now it seems that supply is more than keeping up with demand.

greystreet41 07/02/2007 09:57 PM

I haven't really noticed prices dropping, but I do think they will as I don't see a lot of vendors inventories "moving." I could be wrong though.

sufunk 07/02/2007 10:23 PM

Anyone not trying to sell aussie acans knows that they have already dropped considerably. Considering greystreet actively sells them, i'm not sure how much stock i would put in his "observations" about the market trends:rolleyes:

Vendors that were selling for $150 a head just a few weeks ago are already selling 3 heads for $150. By the end of the year it will be $150 a head i'm sure.

neyugn0w01 07/03/2007 12:17 AM

Alot more will be coming in this month. I know of 2 shipments this month alone. The price should adjust to about $50 for a small colony.

Peter Eichler 07/03/2007 02:49 AM

The other thing that I think is happening is that a lot of the colors touted as rare and special are quite common. The colors are great compared to most of the Lords from elsewhere. But when you saw the same colors showing at just about every vendor offering the Aussie corals, the gig was up quickly for those people touting their coral as rare.

zeppelin 07/03/2007 04:58 AM

I personally haven't seen the prices on the wholesale end coming down much. Last ones I got the price was about the same, but the colonies actually got a bit smaller, and looked fragged. There are several color morphs that are showing up as their more 'common' morphs for sure, which you see on multiple sites. I dont see any of them coming in at the rate of the indo acans though. I do agree that $150 a polyp is a bit steep. ;)

water hazzard 07/03/2007 07:42 AM

Prices have definitely dropped but I am sure the more colorful ones will still be priced 100-150. There are alot that are comming but alot arent any more colorful than some indos. Color variation will still command higher prices(more colors more money)

sufunk 07/03/2007 10:39 AM

I know i'm in the minority but this whole aussie acan thing is really sad. Awhile back everyone railed on me when i said how crappy i thought it was to chop these up to the highest bidder forpsychotic prices. A few people told me how wrong i was and that they bought WHOLE colonies not just frags to be refragged as soon as possible.

Now almost 2 months later, not 1 single pic of a WHOLE acan colony has been posted by any of these people. A thousand aussie acan threads and not one wholecolony among them. Every single pic i see are tiny, mutilated frags just sitting in peoples frag tanks with them waiting for them to grow so they can resell them at $100+ a head.

Does anyone who owns an aussie acan ACTUALLY have it in their display tank with NO thoughts of fragging it for $$$$ in a few weeks/months???? It would really be refreshing to see at least one of those instead of people just chasing a name to make some $$$

rigleautomotive 07/03/2007 10:50 AM

acans grow so fast if you dont frag it ,it will consume your tank eventually.IMO fragging is a necessary evil

isjg 07/03/2007 11:03 AM

Yes I have a whole colony and I'm never going to frag it -


Sorry but you didn't specify location :D

Anyhow, you're right. It would be far better to leave them whole. Even better to leave them in the ocean. I suppose in fragging them it actually spreads them around ie one colony can go a long way and should mean less colonies divided between the same number of buyers which is a good thing.

Chads29 07/03/2007 11:04 AM

I disagree with how fast you are claiming acans grow. I have found them to be very slow growers only a few polyps a year are grown.

rigleautomotive 07/03/2007 11:07 AM

i get new polyps weekly on some larger colonies.the larger colonies when happy seem to grow new polyps pretty quick as opposed to frags.

sufunk 07/03/2007 01:28 PM

I agree that they are pretty fast growers usually. HOWEVER, that isnt what is happening. Almost every person to a man is buying them solely to frag them as quick as possible.

Other than isjg(who is FROM Australia i might add) noone has posted a whole colony in a DISPLAY tank. Everyone has them in frag tanks waiting to grow them enough to frag them and make their money back. Sad:(

Its seems the majority of people on here,especially this forum, dont even have display tanks anymore, just frag tanks to make money off of. I buy corals because of how nice they will make my display tank look for years to come. Just seems most others just want nice corals to slap a name on them and see how much they can sell frags for:confused:

p.s.- GREAT piece isjg!!! I'm sure many(some in this thread) are figuring how to pm you and get you to sell that by the head for some quick cash,lol.

neyugn0w01 07/03/2007 01:42 PM

The reason why you do not see large colonies such as isjg, is due to wholesalers breaking the colonies into smaller frags with anywhere between 10-20 polyps sizes.

sufunk 07/03/2007 01:48 PM

Thats weird:confused: Everyone told me that their buddy Clint sold them WHOLE colonies and didn't frag them up.

Still haven't even seen a 10 polyp much less 20 polyp colony. All i've seen is people bragging about pathetic chopped up 1-5 head colonies so far.

Hypertek99 07/03/2007 02:23 PM

I seen Water Hazzard's Tank and he's got like a bunch of colonies. Very nice tank he has. Oh if you see this Water Hazzard can you pm me or e-mail me?? I tried to pm you but it's not working.

slojmn 07/03/2007 03:43 PM

I bought one of Clint's whole colonies :), I still have it with no plans to frag it up into a bunch of tiny frags. What I choose to do is no reflection on anyone elses choices. If they choose to frag and share with others that is cool, the coral continues to thrive and grow in various tanks. While some wont make it many will. In a year or two there will be plenty of colonies that people have grown out. BTW, I agree, Acan lords grow slow for me. I have not taken a picture of the colony yet but I certainly can. I did have to frag a one polyp layered section due to some die off when I first got it. It seemed that it was fragged before Clint ever got it. I noticed the cut edge when I removed it from the bag and the polyps were slowly fading. It had 30 polyps when I bought it, now due to the cutting It is around 26 polyps :D. I picked up the Python one off Clints site, I think it is still up there marked as SOLD for your comparison :D. He also has some of the original colonies still in his own tank. I know there are folks who have fragged colonies, it does seem to be the way it goes in the industry. We all frag for the sake of space, money, to share, etc.

slojmn 07/03/2007 03:52 PM

sufunk, I have a nice SPS/LPS display tank, its packed at the moment as I am setting up a more dedicated LPS cube...also a display tank. No frag tank in my family..but I do sell and give away frags. It helps to offset the cost of the hobby and since I keep a small tank I need to prune. I also have some corals others would like and I enjoy sharing. I think you are way over generalizing with your coments. There are many, many beautiful display tanks in this forum.

sufunk 07/03/2007 05:03 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10266490#post10266490 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by slojmn [/i]
[B]sufunk, I have a nice SPS/LPS display tank, its packed at the moment as I am setting up a more dedicated LPS cube...also a display tank. No frag tank in my family..but I do sell and give away frags. It helps to offset the cost of the hobby and since I keep a small tank I need to prune. I also have some corals others would like and I enjoy sharing. I think you are way over generalizing with your coments. There are many, many beautiful display tanks in this forum. [/B][/QUOTE]

I hope you are right. The "many beautiful display tanks" in this and other forums were what made me want a large display tank.

It sure seems like all you see now are pics of tons of frag plugs at the bottom of a tank or frag racks packed to the gills. Pics of nice display tanks with colonies seem to be getting more and more rare around here.

It also seems like alot of people in this forum and in this thread lately only post/care about getting a eraser sized frag of the latest "hot/named" coral to sit in their frag rack until its big enough to re-frag.

Chads29 07/03/2007 07:05 PM

I did recieve 2 small colonies with at least 15 polyps one of them came from Randy O. from an Ebay purchase. His prices for the small colony where very reasonable especially considering it is one of the more colorful variations I have seen.

I have no intention on fragging that coral for a long time. With the lower prices on the new acan's going into Canada I am hoping to add at least one more small colony to my tank if I am lucky enough to score one of those colonies for a reasonable price.

slojmn 07/03/2007 07:33 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10266990#post10266990 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sufunk [/i]
[B]I hope you are right. The "many beautiful display tanks" in this and other forums were what made me want a large display tank.

It sure seems like all you see now are pics of tons of frag plugs at the bottom of a tank or frag racks packed to the gills. Pics of nice display tanks with colonies seem to be getting more and more rare around here.

It also seems like alot of people in this forum and in this thread lately only post/care about getting a eraser sized frag of the latest "hot/named" coral to sit in their frag rack until its big enough to re-frag. [/B][/QUOTE]

I have a ton of cool frags in my tank sitting on plugs waiting to get moved into the new tank. eventually they will make there way onto the right rocks, for now they are just frags collected over the past year from lots of really great reefers out there in the U.S., some from vendors. I love collecting really nice corals. I prefer frags over colonies so I can grow them out. My goal is not to fill my tank with wild colonies to have a ready made reef tank. My goal is to fill my tank with small pieces from others and grow them out. This takes a few years at least. My old tank had huge colonies and I spent 4 years collecting frags and growing them. It is a slow process if you do it with patience and caring. This is only my truth about my tank and my desires. I can't speak for others on this forum but that acan colony I bought from Clint was the second "colony" of anything I have purchased, everything else started as a small frag.....everything. You may be right to assume some are getting the hottest coral just to wait to frag it to sell it...but truthfully that can be a while with some of these corals. I have had my original pink watermelon for 18 months. One frag is it...and that was a trade :). It is pathetically small even after 18 months, darn thing grows so slow then it didn't like being fragged :(. Anyways, you get my jist, you're generalizing a great deal in your posts. Many folks have hot corals and trade with friends, give them away to club raffles, pass them on to newbies, restock a crashed tank of another RC member, sell some, etc. I know there are plenty of unscrupulous folks in this hobby just like any hobby, in general. Hard to find the good eggs anymore. But I have found lots and lots of good eggs in the reef world :D. I like to look at the positives as much as I can and find the beauty in people. I choose to stay away from the haters. I stay away from the unscrupulouos folks in the hobby as well. Once know.

This is so off topic...sorry Chad :( , I'll let it go now ;)

Duce 07/03/2007 07:42 PM

I would love to get my hands on a whole colony but I can't afford one :(

msn711 07/03/2007 10:38 PM

[quote] It sure seems like all you see now are pics of tons of frag plugs at the bottom of a tank or frag racks packed to the gills. Pics of nice display tanks with colonies seem to be getting more and more rare around here.

It also seems like alot of people in this forum and in this thread lately only post/care about getting a eraser sized frag of the latest "hot/named" coral to sit in their frag rack until its big enough to re-frag.[/quote]

It does seem that way these days, doesn't it? Personally, I like to buy frags b/c, as others have already mentioned, colonies are just too expensive. And I think there's a lot of satisfaction to be had in watching it grow over a couple of years. I'd rather have a really nice frag of something I like than a super expensive colony of the latest "hot" thing just because other people like it. But I put my frags in the tank where they can grow out and become part of the reef. I try to skip over the tank threads that look more like store sale tanks than nice displays. And there do seem to be way too many of those popping up all over the place.

Maybe someone can answer this for me: what is the point of putting frags in a frag rack instead of putting them in the rock work somewhere that they can grow out and become permanent? I could see if you have a tank full of stuff already and you don't want the frag to get lost. But I keep seeing these frag racks even in tanks that aren't full.

tangwang 07/04/2007 12:13 AM

Personally, I haven't seen any price drop at a wholesale level. Granted there are alot of the acans coming into the US right now from AU, but who knows how much longer Australia will be exporting stony corals. I mean this year is the first time australia has allowed export of stoney corals in over a decade. And let's face it, its a whole different government in australia, than in most of the indo-pacific countries that all of our other corals are imported from.. I will agree that it is kind of crappy to see all of these beautiful colonies purchased from retailers for the sole purpose of chop-shopping them up, and gouging them away. But it goes all the way to the source- some of the exporters in AU are doing the exact same thing, especially with the lords. That's one of the reasons why alot of the retailers seem to have only pieces of actual colonies.. It all goes back to supply and demand.. As long as the demand is there, the price will be there as well....

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