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mksalt 01/03/2008 08:53 PM

Lawnmower Blenny Owners
Thinking of getting a Lawnmower Blenny to help control algae.

I have very fine sand. Can you Lawnmower Blenny owners out there tell me how much they disturb your substrate? Too much disturbance of mine and I will have a sand storm.

Thanks in advance for your help.

yoboyjdizz 01/03/2008 09:02 PM

They pick through the sand here and there but nothing to cause any sand storms or disruptions to your sand bed. Great fish!

BADGUS 01/03/2008 10:22 PM

I have 2 and the rarely mess in the'll have no prob.

cardiffgiant 01/03/2008 11:00 PM

I can't say that I've seen mine touch the sand bed.

01saleen 01/04/2008 05:58 AM

mine never touches, or grazes from my sand at all, you will have no problems, get one....

WetPetsHawaii 01/04/2008 08:09 AM

Lawnmower blennies are common here in Hawaii among reefs and tidepools....they tend to stay on your live rock mostly....unless they see something interesting in your sand...they are very curious fish and will move around your tank a lot but its unusual for them to stir up your sand.....

scotmc 01/04/2008 08:21 AM

Other than the fact my LB slept in the sand. He spent most of his time on the rocks.

masonicman 01/04/2008 02:48 PM

all of the above

scoobyrs25 01/04/2008 03:03 PM

Best fish ever.

blface 01/04/2008 04:09 PM

Mine never messes with anything in the sand.

mksalt 01/06/2008 12:53 PM

Thanks all for your feedback. Everyone loves a lawnmower.

Do they actually make a dent in hair algae, or any other type, in your tank? Do you see them also eat prepared foods?

Thanks again.

cardiffgiant 01/06/2008 01:04 PM

Mine eats like a pig. It's the fattest inhabitant in my tank. Pellet, frozen, algae, and like ot chomp anything in its path.

Sk8r 01/06/2008 01:18 PM

mksalt, they're a wonderful fish, but they get 5" long. That will be the biggest drawback in your tank. He will be your biggest fish.
If you are having hair algae problems, a refugium is quite efficient at solving it, by removing the phosphate that fuels the problem.

Deyoe1118 01/06/2008 02:54 PM

agree...very good fish...mine seems to want all the attention...:D


asia102485 01/06/2008 11:55 PM

Yup, mine only roams my rock :)

jcpatella 01/07/2008 10:58 AM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11534063#post11534063 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mksalt [/i]
[B]Thanks all for your feedback. Everyone loves a lawnmower.

Do they actually make a dent in hair algae, or any other type, in your tank? Do you see them also eat prepared foods?

Thanks again. [/B][/QUOTE]

I loved my lawnmower blenny. He completely cleaned my entire tank of hair algae. As time went on, though, I could see him scraping around trying to find any algae he could and wouldn't eat prepared food. He got very skinny and eventually died. I'd like to get another one, but I probably won't for a while. At least until I know I have enough algae for him to pick on in the case that it doesn't eat prepared food.

jhentr 01/07/2008 01:23 PM

Mines never disturbed the sandbed. He spends 99% perched on my live rocks and fed off of on only nori and algae off the rocks.

ShilohPSU 01/07/2008 02:53 PM

I have had mine for over a year and a half and he has grown to almost 4 inches! He does eat algae off of the sand bed, but it doesn't really cloud the tank. They are a must have for any tank.

30 gallon: Coral beauty, damsel, lawnmower blenny, cleaner shrimp, 10 blue leg hermit and turbo snails, green fingerleather, 50lbs live rock, 192W PC lighting.

72 gallon oceanic: gold banded maroon clown, koran angel, sailfin tang, lawnmower blenny, 2 cleaner shrimp, 3 peppermint shrimp, 20 blue leg hermits, 10 turbo snails, long-spined urchin, 6" electric blue crocea, 2" purple maxima, electric green mushrooms, horn coral, sebae anemone, yellow cucumber, 50lbs live rock, 40lbs live sand, 48" Outer Orbit 560W lighting combo: Two 150W 10k HQI MH and two 130W 460/420nm PC

Aadler 01/07/2008 03:12 PM

jhentr, you just have to keep trying to get them to eat other foods, ive had mine 7 months and he just started eating rods food, but he has eaten spirulina waffers since about 1-2 months old, but it took a lot of effort to get him to try those as well.

Delphin25 01/07/2008 04:08 PM

get a small or medium sized one not large
larger ones eat different stuff and can get teritorial (I read)
mine wont eat anything but what he finds, scrapes off rock and glass
occasionaly in the sand bed
get him to eat some prepared food early so he wont starve later on
I think he's sensitive to salinity and temp changes ie water changes maintenance etc, turns light tan when unhappy then back to dark gray when hes happy and actively feeding I think.
Mostly just sits on rock and watches everything 4-5 inch large one

carb850 01/07/2008 04:18 PM

I got one about 3 weeks ago, he stays hidden 100% of the time. After over a week of not seeing him at all, I really scoured the tank to find him hiding in a hole of the rocks.

I have a plenty of hair algae and haven't noticed any change in the amount since I have had him.

When I first got him and before he found all of the good hiding places, I seen him nearly white then again nearly black. It seemed to me more of a camoflage thing then mood, but that is only based upon a few sightings.

saveafish 01/07/2008 05:04 PM

Ok I would like to know something though it might be off thread some. I got one and it paces back and forth in frount of the glass frount and has bitten my clowns. It is close to going to sump jail but I cant catch the goofie thing. does eny one know how to catch her or get her to stop making a sand storm due to its pacing.

"Umm, fish?" 01/07/2008 05:28 PM

I had one that was the only animal I ever had to decide it liked [i]Bryopsis.[/i] I miss that blenny.

chodaboy 01/08/2008 03:46 AM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11543501#post11543501 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by saveafish [/i]
[B]Ok I would like to know something though it might be off thread some. I got one and it paces back and forth in frount of the glass frount and has bitten my clowns. It is close to going to sump jail but I cant catch the goofie thing. does eny one know how to catch her or get her to stop making a sand storm due to its pacing. [/B][/QUOTE]

Mine does the same thing, although it is not mean to other fish. It seems like is trying to fight with its reflection. For the most part, he seems healthy but he does this a lot of the day. Grazes at dusk and won't eat nori. His tantrems kick up sand.

ShilohPSU 01/08/2008 03:50 AM

Plucking bryopsis by hand kind of sucks. I would have paid $50 for that blenny! I'm happy that mine doesn't mind eating algae on the sand. It helps out my cucumber.

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