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mclaman 12/05/2007 10:22 PM

Joe's Juice
Is it me, or is my Aiptasia problem getting worse? It seems like everytime I use this stuff, the Aiptasia come back in greater numbers a month later.

Alternative - I am thinking about trying a Copperbanded Butterfly.
I have a Purple Tang and a Powder Blue Tang. Are they going to kill a copperbanded Butterfly if I try putting one in there to control the Aiptasia problem?

reefnetworth 12/05/2007 10:39 PM

depends on the size. IMO.
i bough a peppermint shrimp ($9.99) from [url][/url] and it devoured 29 of them in about 1.5 weeks.

nava405 12/05/2007 11:02 PM

well i think it's probably cuz the tank more than the joe's juice. I use it too but even tho i still have aiptasia, but not at the same spot. I tried peppermint shrimps but never have any luck with those..first 2 got killed by my cleaner shrimps, and last week i got another 2, one got killed by my cleaner shrimps again,and one was found in my filter sock when i clean it.

faded1004 12/05/2007 11:08 PM

i used pepermint and it worked for me... i bought like 6...

dougiee 12/05/2007 11:10 PM

Its pretty much hit and miss with peppermint shrimps.
But once you get lucky and get the one that eats the aptasia, that
little guy will take care of it in no time.

If you buy a copperband and its smaller than your tangs, especially your purple tang. Than yes he will get punked around

Go with the peppermint shrimps..

mclaman 12/05/2007 11:24 PM

I've never had much luck with the peppermints either. But I will try them again. No harm in trying. The only thing that migh be a problem is my flame hawk.

lowbudget 12/06/2007 12:44 AM

i bought 4 peppermint and they still hanging around behind my maxi-jet.

glaudds 12/06/2007 02:00 AM

I introduced 8 small peppermint shrimp into my tank a while back. I think only two survived, but they are now huge and my aiptasia problem is gone.

dragonforce 12/06/2007 10:32 AM

1 vote for peppermint shrimp here too. Worked well in multiple situations. In a larger tank it might be less effective. Look into a specialty nudibranch at that point.

sharkdude 12/06/2007 11:34 AM

what is your feeding regime?
if you feed a lot, in my experience, the peppermint shrimp won't touch the aiptasia.
as mentioned, other shrimps may kill peppermints.
also, in my experience, feeding micro foods and cyclopeze promotes population explosion of majanos and aiptasias.

mclaman 12/06/2007 03:03 PM

Yeah, I am pretty much screwed as I like to keep my fish fat and happy. I think the Aiptasia get quite a bit of extra cyclo-peez.

photobret 12/06/2007 04:54 PM

Another one to try is a Kleins Butterfly, if you have corals and are worried about the Copperband the Kleins is reef safe as far as I'm told by my LFS, they have one in their SPS tank. I bought 2 peppermint shrimp and they have eaten all my Aptasia even the ones lurking between my Zoa's. Go the shrimp!!

mclaman 12/07/2007 12:09 AM

Well, I went with the copperbanded butterfly. I introduced him tonight and after a little harrasment, the Tangs have pretty much left him alone. We'll see if he get's the job done.

bo0e 12/07/2007 06:06 AM

hmmm i think the i know the answer to this one but is it possible to have peppermint shrimp with a niger tigger and Harlequin Tusk?
I have a basic 90 gallon with 140 lbs of LR. I was thinking the shrimp can somehow hide from them :rolleye1:

Sorry for the jack.

SuperNerd 12/08/2007 12:05 AM

I tried peppermints, berghia, and joes juice. The only thing that has beaten them for me is kalk paste. I just keep smothering them with it until they don't come back. I think eventually they use up all their energy from this and go away.

ycnibrc 12/08/2007 02:23 AM

I have 14 peppermints and counting still have aptesia. I just introduce a copper band and pray that it will eat the aptesia. On the peppermint some will eat some will not you just have to be lucky to buy the one that want to eat the aptesia. I'm going to buy 10 more this weekend and hope for the best.

dragonforce 12/08/2007 02:47 AM

When your tank gets in the 100+ zone, the little peppermint shrimp don't do a whole lot of good.

ycnibrc 12/08/2007 07:27 PM

I'm so tired of this pest I will inject them with red dye and turn them into a rose anemone......:-)

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