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kingsord0 10/20/2005 03:24 PM

What fish should I get?
I am going to get a tank thats no more than a 30 gallon. What fish could i get. I want a dwarf lion if i could keep it in a tank with other fish, like clowns. If anyone can help, it would be apreshated.

jedimike 10/20/2005 03:40 PM

Here's a good place to start...


bertoni 10/20/2005 08:15 PM



egdevilboy 10/20/2005 09:08 PM

try to keep it at 3 - 5 gallons per inch of fish...

egdevilboy 10/20/2005 09:09 PM

a dwarf lion and a clown should be alright but give the clown somewhere to hide (an anemone)

kingsord0 10/22/2005 09:36 AM

I got the tank yesterday, and it's 29 gallons. I am going to start with some green chromis and blue damsles. How many could i get at a time? I want to get two of each and maby a scoter blenie.

fishboy1 10/22/2005 12:09 PM

I started off with two blue damsels for my 55g. then waited for the tank to cycle before adding more fish which usally takes 4 to 6 weeks . This was before I found about reef central and I know now that others recommend cycling a tank with live rock or a piece of shrimp. hope this helps.

JumboShrimp 10/22/2005 12:16 PM

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by egdevilboy [/i]
[B]a dwarf lion and a clown should be alright but give the clown somewhere to hide (an anemone) [/B][/QUOTE]

I wouldnt suggest an anemone. They requre very good water quality, hand feeding every 3 days, a tank established for at least 8 months, bright lighting, good flow, and are generally quite difficult.

InvertLover 10/22/2005 12:29 PM

damsels = the devil

kingsord0 10/24/2005 12:38 PM

What other fish would be good to put in the tank once it has cycled?

Dubbin1 10/24/2005 12:54 PM

Whatever you do stay away from the damsels and please do not cycle the tank with fish in it. As far as picking out fish goes just start reading up on what you like. Once you have decided on a fish then come back here and ask for some advice on it.

Jocko 10/24/2005 01:00 PM

While your tank is cycling I would really think about what your goal is with the tank. Pick up a good book, and plan it out. So, for example, if your ultimate goal is "my tank must have a dwarf lionfish", then plan around that. Rule out anything that is not directly ideal with keeping a dwarf lionfish. In my limited experience, most of my decisions that did not involve tons of planning and research have typically resulted in wasted $$$.

If you don't have it, this book has tons of details on pretty much every type of fish you'll encounter in the typical reef aquarium:


Highly recommended!

kingsord0 10/24/2005 02:02 PM

How come I shouldn't get damsles, and no i will cycle the tank before i get the fish.

kittyj 10/24/2005 03:05 PM

IME, Damsels are mean! I have a black & white one, and he terrorized a pajama fish until I finallly had to move him to a different tank.

kingsord0 10/28/2005 01:54 PM

Would a Ocellaris Clownfish be ok in this tank. I am just trying to know what fish i should get for my tank. Thanks for all the help

bertoni 10/28/2005 02:16 PM

An ocellaris clown would be fine. A pair would work, too.

kingsord0 10/28/2005 02:36 PM

Would a clown fish or 2, a croim or 2, and a flame angelfish be ok

bertoni 10/28/2005 03:17 PM

I wouldn't put a flame angelfish in that size tank again, personally. I might add another fish to the clown pair, but you might want to wait on that. I limit my 29g to 3 royal-gramma-sized fish or so.

MikeA 10/28/2005 05:12 PM

Green Chromis are nice in groups of three or more. The more you have the better the schooling effect.

Damsels are just nasty and very hard to get out of a tank once in.

speccialj922 10/28/2005 09:02 PM

id steer clear of...
-flame angel
-scooter blenny
in this tank.

chromis are great, but if you want a school of 3, then you cant really have much else in there. a pair of clowns and another fish would be great. chromis, firefish, royal gramma, cardinal fish, small blenny. any ONE of these would make a great 3rd fish. use the time that you have (while tank is cycling) to research a variety of fish. there are so many to choose from. remember to check out the adult size of the fish, not just the size when you buy it.

weimers75 10/28/2005 09:08 PM

if you go to Drs F & S site, they have a good compatability chart for fish.

chrisbenavides 10/28/2005 11:38 PM

check out the Nano Fish section at
Go for a pair of false percs (clowns) and a royal gramma (which is on sale right now)

kingsord0 10/31/2005 03:00 PM

There is a Rusty Dwarf Angelfish that i want to get at the LFS. Would this fish be ok, and if it is would it be a good first fish?

dastratt 10/31/2005 10:33 PM

Ocellaris Clownfish
You are on the right track with Oc clowns I think. To pick fish I would consider

1) size. Small enough size is mandatory.

2) hardiness. A fish that is more tolerant of conditions, easier to get to feed, more disease resistant, is just more fun in the long run. Having a fish that pushes the size of the tank can be stressful IME.

3) personality. A fish that's always hiding or picking on its tankmates is not as much fun. The fish behaves differently in a small tank with mixed inhabitants than in a school in the LFS.

4) appearance, coloration etc. ... can be overrated when just looking at static pictures.

IMO, clownfish are excellent in all of these categories. I never would have started in salt water tanks if it weren't for the "nemo fish". In addition to being small enough and very hardy, these fish have adorable personalities. My Oc clowns quickly began eating and recognizing and responding to humans. Their swimming characteristics, waving their bodies and nodding, are hypnotizing and entertaining. To me Oc have beautiful coloration, but this is in the eye of the beholder. Mine are only aggressive when instigated (e.g by my YTD -- I had a maroon clown and it took no cr*p from the YTD whatsoever, they respected it!).

If I were you I would decide on a pair of oc or percula, one bigger than the other (or a single tomato or maroon). The black perculas look cool to me but I haven't kept them. Then decide what else, perhaps use Dr. Foster and Smith Nano fish selection as a guide (or similar size). 8-12inches of fish means only maybe 2 more small ones. (I woudn't add all at once either) That's why salt water seems to lead to bigger tanks ...

kingsord0 11/01/2005 03:08 PM

If I get some live rock would a dragonet be ok?

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