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Henry100 10/14/2006 01:03 PM

Anyone interested in buying Sepia Officinalis?
I go fishing every weekend and catching cuttlefish(Sepia Officinalis,usually 7-9cm in length,but can eventually reach a length of 50cm) is a piece of cake for me.I am interested in selling live cuttlefish,but I don't know how to send it in USA and how much it costs.

Brock Fluharty 10/14/2006 02:13 PM

You probably won't be able to send it to the USA. Costs would be outrageous, and customs, etc. Just curious, how do you catch them? Nets, hooks, traps?

Henry100 10/14/2006 02:28 PM

I catch them using lures that resemble crayfish.I throw the lure from a pier and I retrieve it slowly.The secret is that I watch the lure while retrieving it and so I see the cuttlefish when it strikes.It's awesome.The same lures are used for fishing squid.

sandlot13 10/16/2006 11:31 AM

ya, if you were in the US you would be in business man, but from that far away, im gonna say its almost impossible. glad you asked though

Henry100 10/16/2006 12:21 PM

Thanks,buddy!I am going to ask local aquarium stores if they want to provide them with cuttlefish.I will tell them that the first cuttlefish is free of charge,so as to see if it sells or not.

sandlot13 10/16/2006 01:22 PM

smart! good luck with that, and if you can take any pictures, please post them!

Henry100 10/16/2006 02:38 PM

I think it's a bit difficult to post photos because there is a limit of 50kb,which means the photos will look awful.I also have to install my camera's software in order to cut the quality of the photos(5MP is too much for posting images)...

sandlot13 10/16/2006 03:17 PM

try downloading pixresizer and using that to make web veiwable images....... hope that helps

Kinetic 10/16/2006 04:29 PM

wow, i'd take one in a heartbeat. those are hard to find =(

you're getting them out of the mediteranean?

Henry100 10/17/2006 01:37 PM

Yes,of course!Mediterranean has a lot of them...My record is 4 cuttlefish a day,but I usually catch 1 or 2.I will also try pixresizer,but I want to know what photos you prefer to be posted.Photos of cuttlefish during fishing or when I bring one in aquarium at home?

kiknchikn 10/17/2006 01:44 PM

That is really neat. Shame you can't ship them. Can't wait to see some pics!

sandlot13 10/17/2006 01:45 PM

either or! the more pics, the better!

Henry100 10/17/2006 02:12 PM

Take one pic!This was from my record of 4 cuttlefish a day.The most big cuttlefish of them was measured 330gr and 12,5cm mantle length.They are about to be cooked.


Henry100 10/17/2006 02:18 PM

Here's another one!


sandlot13 10/17/2006 03:48 PM

hahaha, man, its like you eat them like they are no thing, yet there are people who would kill to have them in their aquarium! ;) crazy how the world works like that....

one man's meal is another man's treasure.....

Henry100 10/17/2006 05:16 PM

OK,I understand that these pics are disappointing for people who want cuttlefish in their aquarium,but they don't have the opportunity to acquire one.Unfortunately,I probably can't send them to you,each cuttlefish should be transported in a 1gallon container,at least.This transport would cost much money!

sandlot13 10/17/2006 07:11 PM

yup, like i said, almost impossible...... thanks for sharing pictures though! if you get anymore, let us know!

Henry100 10/18/2006 12:06 PM

Alright!I will post new photos in a few days.I have also 6-7 videos(15 sec. each),taken by my camera while I was keeping(for a few days) one cuttle in my aquarium.But I don't know how to share them with you...

Henry100 11/24/2006 06:32 PM

Hey,take a look at these two fresh pics of my new cuttlefish,which I introduced in my aquarium the last Sunday after fishing!Isn't it a beautiful creature?



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