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westcoastreef 01/02/2008 11:01 AM

Neptune Aquacontroller Jr. users, Question?
Hey I got a aquacontroller Jr. for Christmas and have hooked the lights on my two tanks to it as well as all of my powerheads. Does anyone control their powerheads to run at different times/ random motion? If so what are your cycles? Also, what else does everyone control? I have a ph controller that I really like running my CA Reactor, so I am not going to hook that up to it.

twon8 01/02/2008 11:35 AM

i use it to turn on/off some maxijets with the nozzle cut mod, also controls my heaters and it is set to turn off mh lights if temp gets above 84.5

surfnvb7 01/02/2008 11:36 AM

i use a DC8 to control my lights, heater, fans in the canopy, a larger fan in the sump during the summer, and 4 of my circulation pumps.

of the 4 circulation pumps, 2 of them are MJ1200's i have set to alternate flow every 1min.

the fans in the canopy turn on when the temp gets to 81 i think, and the fan in the sump turns on if the temp gets to 82. the lights will turn off at 83 i believe.

the heater turns on when it gets below 78, and turns off when it gets to 78.

then i have my feed timer set to a couple minutes i think.

there might be something else that i'm forgetting.....

only prob i have with my ACJr is i can't seem to get the time correct. after a couple of weeks the clock is running 30min behind schedule to what the actual current time is. i keep adjusting it using the "leap second" feature, but i've just never been able to accurately dial it down. kinda annoying having to reset the clock every couple of weeks, but not a major deal.

J. Montgomery 01/02/2008 12:00 PM

My AC Jr. is currently controlling:
A1: 36W (Refugium Light) (soon to be replaced with a dosing pump)
A2: 250 (250W MH)
A3: 175 (2 x 175W MH)
A4: Skm (Skimmer)
A5: Fan (4 x 4" Fans)
A6: Htr (Heater)
A7: LMd (MaxiJet Mod)
A8: RMd (MaxiJet Mod)

I've messed around with alternating powerheads in the past, but now I just have them both running all the time. The clock on my unit keeps time accurately.

Here's my complete programming:

If Time > 8:00, Then 36W ON
If Time > 22:00, Then 36W OFF

If Time > 9:00, Then 250 ON
If Time > 21:00, Then 250 OFF

If Time > 12:00, Then 175 ON
If Time > 18:00, Then 175 OFF

If Temp > 83.0, Then 175 OFF
Max Change 015, Then 175 OFF (keeps the lights from turning back on for 15 min after they've turned off)

If Temp > 83.2, Then 250 OFF
Max Change 015, Then 250 OFF

If Time > 0:00, Then Skm ON
If Feed Cycle, Then Skm OFF

If Time > 0:00, Then LMd ON
If Time > 0:00, Then RMd ON

If Temp > 78.2, Then Fan ON
If Temp < 78.0, Then Fan OFF

If Temp < 77.8, Then Htr ON
If Temp >78.0, Then Htr OFF

twon8 01/02/2008 12:42 PM

i have had no problem with the clock, but the temp probe on one of mine has gone crazy, telling me the temp is 114, which it clearly isnt'. i moved the heaters in that tank and plugged them into a different outlet.

Charlie Davidson 01/02/2008 01:34 PM

I use my for random flow of 2 -3 powerheads. (MJ's)
I will have to re-read book, to give you exact program. Because if I try to look one up now, I will probably mess up one.. ;)
I believe its like---
OSC 005/004 on/off then pm1 on
then on other pump was
OSC 005/003 on/off then pm2 off (something like that)
Anyway, it ends up with a period of time that the surface is smooth for @1 minute every 5min. So that I can view clams from above..
I also turn on Kalk mixer every so often (1 min of 60?) using OSC--------?

westcoastreef 01/02/2008 01:57 PM

So if I am reading that right they change every 5 minutes?

J. Montgomery 01/02/2008 02:03 PM

According to Charlie's program, pm1 would turn ON for 5 min and then OFF for 4 min. pm2 would turn OFF for 5 min and then ON for 3 min.

ridinshotgun 01/02/2008 02:07 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11504331#post11504331 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by twon8 [/i]
[B]i have had no problem with the clock, but the temp probe on one of mine has gone crazy, telling me the temp is 114, which it clearly isnt'. i moved the heaters in that tank and plugged them into a different outlet. [/B][/QUOTE]

Anthony I had the same problem on mine and the probe was bad. They replaced the probe for free, since it isn't covered under the warranty, after I complained.

Also found out that if you have the unit laying down you can get some false and screwy temp readings. They went away after I stapled the velcro to the wall inside my stand.

twon8 01/02/2008 02:19 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11504941#post11504941 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ridinshotgun [/i]
[B]Anthony I had the same problem on mine and the probe was bad. They replaced the probe for free, since it isn't covered under the warranty, after I complained.

Also found out that if you have the unit laying down you can get some false and screwy temp readings. They went away after I stapled the velcro to the wall inside my stand. [/B][/QUOTE]

interesting, mine is horizontal on that tank.. the velcro gave out a while back. i have to contact them for a replacement.

thanks for the info.

Charlie Davidson 01/02/2008 02:22 PM

Josh , I know I alternate flow (PM1 and PM2) and every so often, they are both off for @1 min.
I felt 10min pulse not often enough.. And, I am using a MJ cut shroud, which also alternates flow! (Thanks, Antony!)

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