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reeformadness 01/09/2008 06:05 PM

formula 2 for tangs?
Would formula 2 be a good diet for a scopus tang? I have lots of macro in my display and thought the macros would suffice (actually I hoped it would control it) but it appears to be losing weight. It is picking constantly at the macros, but I think they may not be very nutritional. All I know that my LFS has is Formula 2 and think I might try it.

mcrist 01/09/2008 06:10 PM

I use formula 2 for my two tangs and the rest of the tank. Do you feed any algae sheets?

Pmolan 01/09/2008 06:16 PM

My tangs get formula 1&2 and nori.

reeformadness 01/09/2008 06:20 PM

no, I do not feed any algae sheets

mcrist 01/09/2008 06:28 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11561015#post11561015 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reeformadness [/i]
[B]no, I do not feed any algae sheets [/B][/QUOTE]
I would start...

reeformadness 01/09/2008 06:30 PM

Thanks. I will try and get some. Can I use the stuff that is used for asian cooking?

lshark21 01/09/2008 06:34 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11561083#post11561083 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reeformadness [/i]
[B]Thanks. I will try and get some. Can I use the stuff that is used for asian cooking? [/B][/QUOTE]

Nori? Yup.

reeformadness 01/09/2008 06:43 PM

Great. Just wanted to make sure there weren't any unwanted preservatives. Thanks.

mcrist 01/09/2008 07:12 PM

For awhile I stopped feeding my tangs algae sheets/nori and they started display nutritional deficiencies so I strongly encourage it now.

teog 01/09/2008 11:35 PM

Nori is a must for all tangs. A also feed formula 2. I rotate daily between OSI spirilina, life line frozen, formula 2 flake and frozen. But nori is everyday.

jennmac415 01/09/2008 11:46 PM

YEP definitely NORI on a clip everyday... actually all my fish go mad for it... foxface, lavender tang, 3 damsels and a blue jaw trigger... everyday.,.. sometimes twice a day

AIMFish 01/09/2008 11:47 PM

Caulerpa species have little to no nutritional value as you have seen, they are mostly water. Leave some sitting outside and check it out the next day. It often looks like green threads, not much left when the water leaves.

Rick55555 01/10/2008 06:06 PM

I've had success with rotating the following food for my tangs: Formula Two, Spectrum Pellets (Thera A) Nori, Mysis and Blood worms. I sometimes also include Formula one.

jennibee13 01/11/2008 09:52 AM

nori is in walmart, yokohami sushi party or something its called

serum153 01/11/2008 09:54 AM

Formula 2 flake, mysis and nori every 2 days. My scopas is chubby :)

corals b 4 bills 01/11/2008 12:11 PM

I also feed my Powder Blue, Sail Fin and Yellow Tang formula 1 & 2, mysis & brine every day then rubber band a sheet of nori to a rock every other day. Once every three to four days I'll turn off the return and feed the tank some cyclopeeze, at my reef club I was given a bottle of Reef Nutrition's Arti-Pods and all my fish ate it a couple of feeding's but now they won't touch it I don't know why it's always refigerated. Oh yea, my marroon clown snacks on my arm every other day :lol:

opiumpipez 01/11/2008 12:24 PM

forumla 2 pellets and frozen cubes. mysis, cyclopeeze, brine, bloodworms and nori.

obviously i dont feed my powder brown ALL of this at once..i feed about 3-5 times a week.

sean48183 01/11/2008 09:03 PM

I prefer seaweed selects 24 hour to nori. Holds together much better and the fish love it. Nori tends to rip apart to easy and fly around the tank.

jennmac415 01/11/2008 09:24 PM

I seciond that... falls apart almost immediately... what brand is the seawed selects? I have been using the Two Little fishies kind that comes in the foil package...holds up a little better.

sean48183 01/11/2008 11:48 PM

ocean nutrition makes seaweed selects. Get the 24 hour stuff. The 6 hour is the same as nori and crumbles too quickly.

thrillreefer 01/12/2008 02:33 AM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11573974#post11573974 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jennibee13 [/i]
[B]nori is in walmart, yokohami sushi party or something its called [/B][/QUOTE]

Ph*ck walmart. Why don't you just go kill their workers' kids instead. If I had a button that would revert all walmarts to old growth forest, I would push it.

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