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DensityMan 11/08/2003 11:55 PM

The continuing Adventures of Tim (Supermantis)
Alright, so I've known for a while that [url=]Tim (G. smithii - approx. 1.25 inches)[/url] could handle himself with straw-fed brine, stomatella snails and the occasional tiny hermit, but he hadn't really had a chance yet with real [i]prey[/i] (at least none I can confirm... I did find a claw-shall last week). Friday I lucked into a tiny, green 'rock-crab' on a new zoa-colony (definately not an emerald/mithrax crab). I was ecstatic.

I just knew the tiny crab would be a great oppurtunity for Tim to strut his stuff. Apparently so did he, for mere seconds after the new crab was placed into the tank (in the rubble-yard roughly 4" from Tim's hole) he was scoping out the new-guy (probably didn't hurt that I guided the crab to his resting place with the feeding straw). ;)

After getting really bored watching both of them watch eachother I 'guided' the new guy closer to Tim's hole (again with the straw). Tim hid.


So I went back to work on something...

About fifteen minutes after I forgot there should have been something exciting going on in the tank I caught a glimpse of Tim darting out of his hole. I tuned into the tank to watch the ensuing battle with great interest. From his movement I spotted the crab who had had the nerve to have advanced onto Tim's rock roughly 3" from his actual entrance, but in plain sight.

[b]Kra-KOW![/b] [i]Splinkt![/i]

[b]Kra-KOW![/b] [i]Sprinkt![/i]

Two great blows did Tim unleash upon the invader...

Two blows did the invader deflect...

Then the green crab actually snapped at Tim!

[i]Snap![/i] [b]FOOOOSH![/b]

He bolted.

The creature that reefers the world over fear and loathe for its destructive power fled the arena of battle... He fled from lunch and bolted straight back to his home, still hungry.

Tim hid.

The crab gloated (I could see it in his stance, he was gloating).

I sulked.


Tim killed two tiny stomatella snails later that same day. He looked to be showing off with the shells outside [i]Fortress of Sissy-tude[/i] [size=1](TM)[/size]. He was trying to show off how fearsome a hunter he is, but I could tell he wasn't even buying his performance. No matter how horribly fearsome those snails had been, I think he knew it was a pathetic show of force at best...

I have named the crab "[COLOR=green]Kryptonite[/COLOR]," and may have to start calling Tim by his new nickname, "[COLOR=deeppink]Clark[/COLOR]."

I'm almost certain [COLOR=green]Kryptonite's[/COLOR] still gloating...

Drew_P 11/11/2003 01:06 AM

hehehe :p

Typhon 11/12/2003 10:13 AM


Keep us updated on the "Adventures of Tim"

Mr Limpett 11/12/2003 10:23 AM

Dear Tim,
If at first you don't suceed, regroup, reload, and get revenge! Remember that crabcake has to sleep sometime, and when he'll be his worst nightmare!!!

DensityMan 11/12/2003 10:50 AM

I do keep looking for shell-ragments, but this week is another week of picking on the little guys. 2 more dollars... er, I meant, blue-legs gone and Tim looking all tough hanging out of his hole.

Lost track of Kryptonite, but I'm sure he'll resurface... someday... ;)

goat19 11/12/2003 10:58 AM

i gotta say DensityMan, you have had some of the most entertaining posts about the life of Tim aka Clark. i will definitely continue to follow the story!

clsund 11/14/2003 07:27 PM

Density, you have a gift for spinning a tale.

nanoman123 11/14/2003 08:00 PM

my 5 year old friend was at my house when i read that post, so i read it to him...... a few days later he came back over and said "matt, when will you read me more stories about the adventures of tim?"

DensityMan 11/14/2003 08:13 PM


Thanks all...

Know that the next time Tim gives me a story, I'll pass it along.

DensityMan 12/08/2003 04:26 PM

Who needs two?...
Apparently he wasn't feeling useless enough. Last week he decided to give up his redundant eye. I think he gave it to a tiny blue-legged hermit (who didn't feel like being lunch). In fact I think the little hermit may have actually been trained by [COLOR=seagreen]Kryptonite[/COLOR] and sent to remind Tim that his arch-nemesis is still alive and well.

I was panicked at first. I made a hurried plea for assistance or knowledge (what could anyone do?)... I searched online...

Meanwhile, Tim holed himself up and molted. He stayed hidden for six days this time. Truth be told, he looks silly, but dignified. He's already learned to reposition his eye more centrally and he gives off the impression that he is much more observant now.

[COLOR=seagreen]Kryptonite[/COLOR] is alive and well. I have seen his burrows and I know where he feeds. Even the sailfin has taken some pointers from him as he tried to [i]shoo[/i] Tim out of "her" tank (he'll be moving back to the home tank soon - that saddens me somewhat as he is MUCH more active in this tank).

Tim and the Great Straw...

Tim realizes the Great Straw is empty...

From the shadows... the brine'll never know what ate it...

Mr Limpett 12/08/2003 04:39 PM

just when you thought it was safe to pick on hermits...

How many times have you been told,
"A hermit crab! They'll pinch your eye off."

Hang tough Tim. Rocky always had to fight with one eye.

nanoman123 12/08/2003 05:46 PM

do you have any pictures of kryptonite?

Macbeth417 12/09/2003 02:23 AM

This thread cracks me up. Great stuff.

Dakota_reef 12/09/2003 04:56 PM

That has definetely been the most well told story of a mantis shrimp. It's made me empathize more with them. They may be harsh predators, but they have their moments of, shall I say, "becoming humbled?" I got 10 bucks on kryptonite!

DensityMan 12/10/2003 02:39 PM

Thanks all for enjoying Tim's journal. His home has been a real beehive of activity this week.

The attention given in this thread may be going straight to his head. He's started piling his used 'dishes' up at the door, as if in anticipation of me hauling them away for him so he can read the paper or something. His tastes have also become noticibly more expensive.

"What nassarius snail?"

Tim's had quite a few visitors lately too. He invited a couple sexy-looking stomatella snails in for lunch earlier today. They must be getting pretty comfy in there too; Tim put their shells out with the dishes... Must be one hell of a party. Lucky guy...

He also got a new roomie today.

Think of him as a warm-up to the next match-up against [color=seagreen]Kryptonite[/color]. He's a bit smaller though. Almost bite-sized...

I'm still trying to find the fuzzy pics of [color=seagreen]Kryptonite[/color], but I suspect his network of ninja crustaceans have made off with any physical evidence of his existence by now...

Damn sneaky crabs.

nanoman123 12/10/2003 06:31 PM

this is definetly the best thread on RC (that ive read so far)

Dakota_reef 12/10/2003 07:26 PM

omg, this is so great. This is better than penny arcade!!! (anyone read that btw?)

DensityMan 12/12/2003 02:27 PM

He's still demanding room service and boy howdy can he eat; given the opportunity. That's him in the doorway belching the alphabet before cursing at me again to take away the dishes that continue to pile up... He's even pushed the bigger ones off the ledge and I know he's keeping a couple more in the hole to put out right after I do take away the main load... er... IF I were to do that, which I won't... today...

(seven sets of remains above - not counting the two husks still inside and the several knocked off last night... sheesh)

DensityMan 12/15/2003 12:21 PM

I'm not sure if I won or not, but today he got tired of Apartment living and moved to a ground-floor residence. I think he got tired of the dishes being stacked up on his doorstep...

Moving Day:



netjackson 12/15/2003 03:46 PM

I can't get enough of this thread. I have the same type of Mantis, but mine is not nearly as cool as Tim.

Dakota_reef 12/15/2003 04:44 PM

more! more! more!

::munches on popcorn and sips his coke::

Mr Limpett 12/16/2003 01:53 PM

Dog fighting=bad
**** fighting=bad
mantis fighting=perfectly legal fun

DensityMan 01/02/2004 04:58 PM

The heater in Tim's tank went "[url=]POP[/url]" just before Christmas. I thought for certain he was a cooked mantis.

Two day ago he reopened the door to his home and announced to the remains of the tank that he was back in charge by eating two nassarius snails and I think one hermit.

My boy! :D

Haven't seen hide nor hair of [COLOR=seagreen]Kryptonite[/COLOR] for awhile either...

jjrock 01/02/2004 08:29 PM

Tim's sure got Character! Those early pics you posted of him were fantastic, he is gorgeous. I always thought that the smaller (younger) a Mantis Shrimp the less color he would be. This does not appear to be the case wth Tim.

What a fantastic Mantis ...

Keep the story rolling.


DensityMan 01/20/2004 11:32 PM

Introducing Strongbad...
Hey all! It's been a little while, so before tonights story I'll bring everyone up to speed.

- Tim is shock resistant
- Tim is not dependant on oxygen
- Tim does not need clean water
- Tim eliminated another of [COLOR=seagreen]Kryptonite's[/COLOR] minions (found the claw and the partial remains - not a molt), but [COLOR=seagreen]Kryptonite's[/COLOR] is aparently still on the loose...
- Tim has molted three more times and enjoys the occasional shrimp pellet between expensive nassarius meals.

Now for today's real update. The following story takes place across the room from Tim's tank. While that is an enormous distance for Tim, the story does impact him in the end.

So I get home from work2 and get to see the tanks lit for about 10 minutes before the lights click off. I've been trying to locate a secretive mantis from the 20lbs of new rock that went into the new 75g tank, to start the water stewing. Anyway, so I sit down in front of the tank and immediately notice something amiss...

There is a piece of LR missing from the rubble-pile:


Not only that, but there is a very clear (and relatively deep) trail leading away from the rubble pile...


more trail (it is a 48" tank after all)...


I finally spy the rock (alright... I saw the rock first, but it just doesn't make as great a story)!


If I were Sherlock Holmes, this fellow would be whatever ridiculous villain I were up against in this tale...


[url=]Dr. Ron's working diligently on an ID of the crab as we speak[/url]... ;)

This guy has gusto, that's for sure. He's no ninja-employing, sneaky, under-handed villain like [COLOR=seagreen]Kryptonite[/COLOR].

He shall be known now as [b]Strongbad[/b].

If he and Tim can't work out peacable arrangements, I'm certain that Tim will dispatch him with honour... *GRIN*

[b]jjrock, Dakotareef, netjackson, etc:[/b] Tim wanted me to let you all know he continues to enjoy your adoration, but does wonder why not one of you has come by to remove the 'dishes' piled up on his doorstep... :D

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