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GoingPostal 01/10/2008 12:48 PM

Rip my CBS
Well my first shrimp ever died. :( Found his skeleton this morning, I'm thinking bad molt because he molted yesterday and dead today, I bought this shrimp in June of 05, now I probably won't get another until the new tank is ready, he was a pain to catch every time we moved but was a model citizen except for the occansional hermit crab lunch.

Really old pic of him

Sorry, had to do a little memorial, he's made it through three tank moves and years of me messing up the tank with him in it so I felt he deserved it, anybody else have long lasting inverts?

Mr James 01/10/2008 07:39 PM

I am sorry to hear about the shrimp. He will be missed!!

GoingPostal 01/10/2008 07:56 PM

Tank seems empty without him, he lived under my pagoda cup mostly, I really want to add something but don't want to worry about moving it. I used to have an arrow crab when I first started, that thing was cool but loved hermit crabs, especially the expensive scarlets! The CBS was a James request so he's bummed about it.

dedex 01/11/2008 12:23 AM

Sorry to hear about your is the new tank set up coming anyway? What color did you end up painting that room?

GoingPostal 01/11/2008 11:51 AM

Haven't painted yet, I went and got a bunch of samples but I'm awful at picking colors, just not my area of expertise and I have no patience for it. I'm trying to get a friend of mine to come over and give me some ideas. Tank is backordered for who knows how long and I'm broke! I've been putting together a list of all the equipment I need and trying to buy some of that stuff. Big tanks are so much more involved than my little nanos!

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