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Morgman 11/21/2004 08:40 PM

Breeder's Registry Breeding Poll for RC
Hey clownfish breeders----

After thinking about the Breeders registry and how slow it is I thought maybe we could kick stuff up a bit for them. Maybe we can do this for Reef Central too. My idea is some type of questionnaire like the Breeder’s Registry breeding questionnaire. This form could be adjusted if necessary so we start a database on clown and other species etc. Here is a link to their questionnaire,


I think this could be very interesting to see in masses. So if we have 200 breeding accounts for ocellaris we may be able to get a feel for the average tank size, feeding schedule and other information that may be involved.

Can one of you computer savvy reefers make a form or poll much like that of the breeding questionnaire??? Or is there another route we can take? This new RC questionnaire or poll should be able to show averages of species and be able to look at each log or species individually. Does that make any sense?

I personally feel that this would really helpful for all of us in gathering more statistics on home breeding techniques. Not to mention it will help out Breeder’s Registry and increase their database.

I really think this can help for some of the less common species of clowns and other fish besides clowns.

Please don’t hesitate to respond. The more feedback we have the better.

Thanks reefers---


traveller7 11/21/2004 09:57 PM

Made this sticky for a bit, let's see if some interest is generated.


Morgman 12/02/2004 01:58 PM

I guess I can make a form and people can copy and paste it into an email. I know a lot of you breeders would like confidentiality. I won’t post result of individual spawning records but a general summary. I can post the individuals log if the owner wants. This may be valuable for the more difficult species like skunks etc.

Please give me any feedback. If I am wasting my time let me know and I will let this thread die.

Here is what I was thinking.

Some sort of charts or stats like the summary chapter in Mike Paletta book on “Ultimate Marine Aquariums.�

I think this would be pretty nice information.

Here is an example of what I was thinking.

Amphiprion ocellaris (50 total Reports as of this date)

Average tank size 22 gallon
Approx water temp 78
Spawns per month 2.5
Species tank only 10
Reef tanks 30
Community Fish tank 10
Attempts to raise larvae 10
Broodstock feeding times per day 1.75
Larval rearing co culture 7

This can apply to other fish too.

Dlckwood 12/05/2004 02:15 AM

Well I'm intrested in what other people have to say. Hopefully some day soon I can add to it. I know from a semester of HTML that a form like that is really easy to do. I sold my book that shows me how so I am now at a loss. Anyone with a little HTML knowhow could throw that together in a day. I will see if I can relearn it but with finals it will have to wait a little while.

z_rivers 01/02/2005 10:24 PM

i too would be interested in how this turns out. i want to get into clown breeding and have been researching quite a bit. this could only help further me in my knoweldge.

surferdude141 01/05/2005 11:57 PM

sounds like a great and wonderful resource.

rsman 01/11/2005 09:29 PM

so besides the fields already there what else would one want???

Morgman 01/12/2005 05:16 PM

Clownfish Breeder's Survey
The Survey is up and ready to go. I will post results here in the next few days as people respond to this posting.

Here is the link for directions on the many surveys,


I am pretty sure that all of the directions are self explanatory. There are a few mispellings that will be fixed as the surveys are adjusted via feedback.



Let me know if you have any comments or questions.

By the way, if any of you fellow reefers wants to host the results and other pages please let me know.

Morgman 01/15/2005 04:45 PM

Vert20 and I have worked up a new and improved clownfish survey.

This time it is much easier and the results are real time.

Please take the time to fill out the questions.

Hopefully we all can gain some more insight to clownfish breeding techniques. The results will be able to be viewed by all.

Here is the link,


This is an anonymous survey so all of you who maybe timid you don’t have to worry.

This is the list of questions:

• Is this pair Wild Caught or Captive Bred?
• Was your pair already an established pair or did you pair them up?
• Is your pair still alive?
• What age are your clowns to date or What age were they when they died (or the when pair was terminated)?
• What is the tank capacity for this pair? (Gallons)
• What type of salt water do you use?
• What is your Daylight Photo-Period?
• Do you use a moonlight or similar lighting during the night to simulate the lunar cycle?
• How often do you feed?
• What do you feed this pair?
• Is your tank dedicated to your clowns or does it host multiple fish and or corals?
• Do you raise your pair's larvae?
• How did you collect the Larvae?
• What do your clowns use as a nesting site?
• Do you have an anemone in this pairs' tank?
• How long did you have your pair when they first spawned?
• How many days on average for your pair's nest to hatch?
• How often does your pair spawn (on average)?
• What do you feed your rotifers?
• How long do you feed your larvae rotifers and what point do you switch to feeding other foods after rotifers? In general for all species bred.
• How long have you been raising clownfish?

Thanks for your time,

Morgman and Vert20

Vert20 01/15/2005 04:52 PM

As Morgman stated the survey is Anonymous. However I would like to encourage you to register before you start taking any surveys. This way you can track your responses along side the others, as well as being able to track your own successes.

Also I am thinking of a few things that might allow you to track your clutches from the time they are laid, until sold, or otherwise. At present I am looking for a module to do this that would incorporate into the survey package and it's SQL database.

Thanx again to Morgman for doing most of the hard work...

rsman 01/15/2005 08:20 PM

ok so where do you want suggestions???

7) it seems to me that 16hrs should be an hour choice if for nothing more than its 2/3rd of a day

5) under tank size, it would be nice if the innerconnected was seperate from the size, at least it might make more sence to me.

6) might cover both or a mix I do a mix, more ASW but some NSW might anyways

8) moon lite i like that answer as i dont have a "moon light" but i have a 4w light with a difuser

19) i couldnt get both IA and live phyto to work ??? though live is much more for me than IA i still use both.

19b) rotifer enrichment ???

20) answers for rotifer feed time is weird to me, but probibly ok ish.

Vert20 01/15/2005 08:56 PM


Great suggestions and I have copied them for future reference. The surveys don't allow editing as long as there are current reponses so I will keep them handy for others.

As far as the tank size thing, you should have been able to make multiple selections for that question. Maybe I am not understanding what you mean.

The question you had about feeding rotifers, I didn't even consider using both live and instant apologies.
I would consider the Rotifer Feeding question part of the enrichment you ask about (19b).

Thanks again for the suggestions!

rsman 01/15/2005 09:01 PM

on the tank sizes i did make multiple selections, but it just seems odd or as if it coulda been better.

i didnt know how that 19 could work thats why i did the b :D as i think about it it probibly should be both feed and enrich, but only because rots can be grown off of a much larger variety of stuff, that keeps them going but i dont think id wanna rely on them for food.

no prob, i did the main questioner and the clarki's unregistered, but have registered sence, ill fill in the blanks as i have time

Morgman 01/16/2005 03:26 AM

Maybe we can work on a seperate laraval survey. IE- tanks, flow, heaters lighting, etc.

Of course a rotifer one would be cool too. I am sure as a group we can come up with some pretty good ideas.

How often do you feed your rots, do you drip feed them, mix and dump IA etc.
How many gallons of rots are you running for X amount of clutches.

rsman 01/16/2005 03:44 AM

I like the thought of seperating the survey's I think it fits better with what I see in my setup and in others for normal,

i know im gona complain, if you need programming support speak up ill be glad to, starting monday :D . and more or less im just thinking outloud. i dont like clutches its too focused might even seperate out a section {live foods} group phyto, rotifers, artemia, mollies ......... or maybee not :D

how many gallons of rotifers do you culture?
what density is your rotifer culture normally at?
how many larva do you feed in an average month?
what % of clowns maybee ??? or maybe just a number how many are clowns???

thinking we need numbers for several things instead of pick one, we could spend all day trying to figure out if it should be 700 .. 800 or 700 .. 750 .. 800 and such then the survey could do an average plus posting the responses ???

im also a royal pain ive got references :D

so we could just assume that because its in the clown fish forum that all breeders only breed clowns :D

Vert20 01/16/2005 08:49 AM

Great ideas guys!

Richard- I survey-tized the Breeders Registry form that you mail in to them. Since you are registered you can take they survey. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

[url=]Take Survey[/URL]

Anyone else that wants to test drive it, register when you click the link.

Let me know what you think

Vert20 03/14/2005 04:56 PM

Since this began we have had 33 responses to the General Survey and several species specific surveys are completed.

You can find them here....If you fill out a survey, please register first so we can better track the data.


[url=]Survey Page![/URL]

reefraver 04/26/2005 05:26 PM

hey does anyone have any tips on keeping the larva past the 5th day

please private message me

oama 04/26/2005 09:39 PM

I always found that feeding them helps.:p

True Percula 10/22/2005 10:28 AM

does anyone know what i need to breed clowns?

spk 10/27/2005 12:57 PM

Morgman, Vert20, rsman,

This is a great idea. Do you have any problem with me registering as I am only now in the process of building a breeding system?

I am really loooking forward to seeing the result that are returned.

Thanks again


Vert20 10/27/2005 01:01 PM

No problem at all. The surveys are going to be moved to the commercial site ... I will post here when that happens. The data will be saved and still available. The responses have been pretty good, got some interesting answers to some questions.

Go thru the results if you are up to it. Lots to learn there.

Thank you!

Morgman 11/05/2005 12:39 AM


Maybe it's time we gather the data and throw it into some tangible charts or graphs? What do you think? I will work on that if you want.


jnowell 01/08/2006 10:09 PM

Great job guys, I just added my A. Clarkii data. You mentioned that this was SQL, I think some queries are in order. I'm a network admin, not a DBA or programmer, but couldn't you make an open ended form that would allow me to search by "hatch rates based on tank temp" or "larvae survival based on day switched to NHBS."

It's an awesome source of info, but without success rates, it really doesn't tell me anything other than what other people are doing, right or wrong. I just got my first hatch through metamorphasis, 10 out of 50 aint bad for a first timer, but should my info as a newbie with less than 20% success really be given the same weight as someone who gets 80%?

Regardless, it's an awesome resource. I'm looking at it from a newbies standpoint though. What I would love to glean from it would be "what I am doing different than breeders with higher success rates", that's where the true benefit is.

So, after my long newbie rant, I vote to add initail # of larvae, and # reared successfully.

Thanks for all the hard work!


Coraldynamics 01/10/2006 01:51 PM

Hiya Jason, I am the user formerly known as Vert20 :D

Thanx for getting the data in on your Clarkii pair. As time permits I am working on getting some graphs of current results. It is a pre-made packaged survey tool without much control over HOW the forms are handled. We can create surveys for those to complete and we can tally those results. I had originally hoped that users registering could return and finish previously started or see which surveys they have completed, but even that does not appear to be the case. I am still checking with the vendor on that.

On a Side note, how is life in WF? I am from there originally and most of my family is still there. Good to see the small towns on the boards...


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