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spamin76 04/01/2005 01:38 PM

Looks like the Pope passed away too
Man they say these things come in threes... Johnny Cochrane, Terri, and the Pope.

der_wille_zur_macht 04/01/2005 01:40 PM

Well, as of 1:26 pm he was fine:


DJ88© 04/01/2005 01:41 PM

cnn had a breaking news alert that Italian Media is reporting he is dead and they are trying to confrim it. They pulled it off the main page 5 min later..


El_Chico 04/01/2005 01:44 PM

Regardless of your religious affiliation, he is an extraordinary man

spamin76 04/01/2005 01:53 PM

Indeed - a lesser man would have stepped down but he fought to the end.

spamin76 04/01/2005 02:04 PM

Hmm - never mind - the Italian press agency that leaked it took it back - I guess he's still hanging in there.

Jamesurq 04/01/2005 03:09 PM

That would be one wicked joke on the Catholic population if this was an April Fools joke....


woowoodengy 04/01/2005 03:14 PM

he is alive so they say but they say he will not get better any more he is slipping away its hours or days now
its very sad but it is his time
just to say this guy was probibly sicker than anybody on earth in the past months and he still made it this far he is very strong

spamin76 04/01/2005 03:22 PM

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamesurq [/i]
[B]That would be one wicked joke on the Catholic population if this was an April Fools joke....

/ducks..... [/B][/QUOTE]

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lolspin: :lolspin:

Flanders 04/01/2005 03:22 PM

Jamesurq in a previous life:


MarkS 04/01/2005 03:32 PM

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamesurq [/i]
[B]That would be one wicked joke on the Catholic population if this was an April Fools joke....

/ducks..... [/B][/QUOTE]

A thousand blessings on you! :thumbsup: :D

Bullredchaser 04/01/2005 03:38 PM

[QUOTE]Indeed - a lesser man would have stepped down but he fought to the end.[/QUOTE] Spamin the only way for a new Pope to suceed is through the death of the current Pope. Elections are held after the death not 1 minute before by the peers not the people.And the Vatican is like any other Goverment as some are conservative and some are in the progressive party and the process of the different groups coming to agreement can take weeks to pick one of there peers to become the new Pope. Generaly there is black smoke on top of the vatican building when the Pope dies until a new one is selected and then white smoke comes out in which minutes later a speach is given by the new Pope.

spamin76 04/01/2005 03:39 PM

I know that - but they probably would have broken tradition in this particular case - particularly since he has been so physically weak for so long.

fred says 04/01/2005 03:41 PM

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bullredchaser [/i]
[B]Spamin the only way for a new Pope to suceed is through the death of the current Pope. Elections are held after the death not 1 minute before by the peers not the people.And the Vatican is like any other Goverment as some are conservative and some are in the progressive party and the process of the different groups coming to agreement can take weeks to pick one of there peers to become the new Pope. Generaly there is black smoke on top of the vatican building when the Pope dies until a new one is selected and then white smoke comes out in which minutes later a speach is given by the new Pope. [/B][/QUOTE]

Thanks, Eurotrip

Flanders 04/01/2005 03:43 PM

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bullredchaser [/i]
[B]Spamin the only way for a new Pope to suceed is through the death of the current Pope.[/B][/QUOTE]

By Fr. William P. Saunders
Herald Columnist
(From the issue of 3/3/05)

Since Pope John Paul II has been ill, the media have mentioned his possible retirement. Can a pope retire? Has a pope ever retired in history? — A reader in Alexandria

The Holy Father may retire if he chooses. The Code of Canon Law states, "If it should happen that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office, it is required for validity that he makes the resignation freely and that it be duly manifested, but not that it be accepted by anyone" (Canon 332, No. 2). Nevertheless, when a pope is elected as the Successor of St. Peter, the Church expects that he will remain in office until his death.

However, in the history of the Church, a few popes have resigned for various reasons, and a few have been deposed for various reasons. The first pope to resign was Pope St. Pontian, who was elected as the Successor of St. Peter on July 21, 230. During the persecution of Christians under Emperor Maximinus Thrax, St. Pontian was exiled to Sardinia and condemned to work in the salt mines, which no one was meant to survive. Therefore, he resigned as pope on Sept. 28, 235, to enable the election of a new pope, St. Anteros, who could govern the Church. Pope St. Pontian was martyred in 236 (237), either from ill treatment in general or from a mortal beating.

masson 04/01/2005 03:44 PM

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by fred says [/i]
[B]Thanks, Eurotrip [/B][/QUOTE]

:lol: :lmao:

spamin76 04/01/2005 03:44 PM

That's what I'm saying - I figured there had to be loopholes in cannon law somewhere :)

Bullredchaser 04/01/2005 03:48 PM

The only tradition that has been broken was they used to give Vatican employees(similar to our Civil Service) about a 1000 dollar bonus when ever a pope would pass away.I believe it was a grievance type pay. But when they had 2 popes go back to back they pretty much stopped that tradition. My Italian friend here at work has family that work for the Vatican and has some great stories he shares on how things work in the city.

fishinchick 04/01/2005 03:54 PM

I learn so many new and interesting things when I haunt the lounge.....

spamin76 04/01/2005 04:00 PM

Quick someone call the tang police!!! Fishinchick they will not let you get away with that avatar!!

DtheDude 04/01/2005 04:18 PM

I was wathcing the news yesterday and a doctor was interviewed regarding the physical health of the Pope. Apparently he is not in as bad of a condition as the press makes it seem. Of course, he is ill, but the medical treatment he has received has really been overkill compared to the treatment an average elderly person would receive with a similar health issue, which makes sence because he [I]is[/I] the Pope, but is also probably why he has received so much attention recently from the media. Well, that's what the doctor said...

DtheDude 04/02/2005 03:11 PM

Well, looks like I was wrong...the Pope is dead...

Jeremy Blaze 04/02/2005 04:15 PM


Love the Avatar! Did you see my Anti Yellow Tang thread a while back?

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