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reefdna 06/09/2007 07:23 PM

Frazier part 2
I also have a complaint against FRAZIER. I have posted in the other thread but I wanted people to know that there are more than one complaint about this guy.

I purchased a pump from him and the payment cleared my pay-pal account over 3 weeks ago and still no pump. He claims to have sent it but no matter how many times he has promised it he has yet to produce a tracking number or confirmation number. He also states it is none of his problem since he has the money and on his word has sent the pump. Although I have tried to state that without a tracking number I can't even make it my problem.

I do have a Pay-pal dispute claim against him and am hoping for the best. MY opinion is to stay away from this guy. Currently I just want my money back though of course he refuses again stating that it's not his problem.


oct2274 06/09/2007 10:17 PM

i vote ban, this guy would have been gone from ebay already. hopefully paypal will shut him down too.........make every IP he has ever used is banned.

dc 06/11/2007 10:08 AM

We do not police bad sales generally. It's pretty much 'buyer beware' I know when I see something I might be interested in, I search their posts, to try to get a feel of who they are.

As far as taking action, it's pretty much a he said, she said thing. We have no idea what the truth is. Hopefully this can be fixed.

reefdna 06/11/2007 07:03 PM

I'm mostly for making sure others are aware of him when and if he sells again.

frazier 06/11/2007 09:31 PM

bash me all you want as I really don't care..I take blame for some of the time it has taken to get the pump to reefdna. but it is shipped.. it's easy for ppl to point a finger so do it.. but I think a lot of you guys need to grow up.... this is kind of funny...LoL

and oct2274 you don't even support this board and your asking me to be ban... hell at least I pay to help out....

oct2274 06/11/2007 09:39 PM

Why do you pay? to make people feel better about buying things from you and then rip people off from what i can tell. This is the second time I have seen a post about your not getting someone the product they paid for. I'm glad people are making others aware of your inability to provide the products you sell. You'll either fix your issues or continue to see people warn about buying things from you. The great thing about this community is that you can get information about bad experiences here.

frazier 06/11/2007 09:48 PM

both ppl got what they paid for..... but you wouldn't know that because you didn't see the stuff so how can you take sides that is what I would like to know... as I said I have came though with everything I said I would.. as in the case with reefdna it took allot longer then what I wanted but I have came though. I have been very nice about this and have told him if he wanted to talk I'd gave him my number to call.. you guy's make it sound like I'm not trying at all with reefdna but I am....
that is my problem with you guy bashing me... go ahead and do it.... if it makes you feel more like a

reefdna 06/13/2007 11:24 PM

The shipment was sent today according to FEDEX which further shows that his claims to have sent the pump on May21 was a lie as well. You shoudl have sent me my money back instead of trying to be sneaky and send it out at such a late date. I paid you immediately after we agreed on a price (within hours) I still want my money since I can not trust a crook like you that the pump will even work.

Also I still have not recieved the pump so your claim that we got what we paid for is bogus as well. the funny thing is that you take simple stated facts as bashing you. You're defensive and never apologetic. You screwed up and you still seem to think it is everyone elses fault. The only thing ever stated here that deserves the LOL phrase is your statement that you have come through for anyone.

You are a liar and a thief

Ed C

oct2274 06/13/2007 11:28 PM

lying is definitely not helping your arguement, that is for sure.......

widefx 06/13/2007 11:44 PM

Why wouldn't you just give him his money instead of shipping it out now.
Talk about holding someone's money. I think you owe reefdna at least some interest on his money.

Gees what a scam artist.

Alto 06/14/2007 10:38 AM

He probably knows that if he sends the money back no one else on RC in their right mind would ever buy from him again, so this is his only chance to unload the pump on someone. The pump probably doesn't even work or has a makeshift epoxy patch work repair job like that other person got. Just based on the response to this and other posts I wouldn't send this guy a penny for anything. Future buyers DEFINITELY beware

Clark Griswold 06/14/2007 12:09 PM

I would suggest searching for Fraziers postings in the future and posting links to the multiple threads about him. If someone wants to do business with him after reading about him and seeing his lies about shipping dates and his foul attitude then that is their decision...they will have been warned!
It's disturbing that someone would find it funny that they have held someone's money without delivering product for such a long time, not providing a refund, and lying about having already shipped it the entire time (as well as providing a fake tracking #).

Thhitman 06/14/2007 01:53 PM

At very best lazy and a liar.

reefdna 06/16/2007 12:22 AM

The pump arrived today and even thoguh it was delivered late pay=pal dropped the claim. He had also sent me an e-mail stating he would send me $30 to try and make ammends since the pay-pal thing was over with. I told him to send it and this was his reply.......

wait a min now you want to deal!!!!lol that was a one time
deal that said hey drop the case and I'll send you 30. but
thats it.. call me whatever you want I don't know how I can
PLEASE.. are you that dumb??? how many times do I have to
tell you that..haha

smiller 06/16/2007 05:37 AM

Debi is absolutely correct, normally we do not step in cases of he said/she said. That said, in cases of multiple complaints we do take a look, as we are doing in this case. If you have something to add at this point that directly pertains to the purchase of a item from this seller then you can post here, but the other comments are not welcome. If the name calling persists this thread will be closed.

frazier 06/16/2007 08:08 AM

for one I told you to drop the case and I'll send some money to you for your trouble. you said no I want all my money back and don't want the pump. then after PayPal agree with me and said I did everything right in this case and dropped it you come back and say that your going to bash me all over the board if I don't pay you. as I said to you drop the case and I'll send you 30 not well if you lose the case I'll send you 30....again I DID EVERYTHING RIGHT HERE AND NOW HAVE PAYPAL BACKING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

hoyta 06/16/2007 09:13 AM

I.D.I.O.T!!!!!!!!!! If anyone ever gives this moron any clout, they are just as dumb. Fraizer- you are a [profanity] loser, plain and simple.

dc 06/16/2007 09:16 AM

[COLOR=blue][b]Please reread smiller's post![/b][/COLOR]

smiller 06/16/2007 09:16 AM

hoyta, you very close to losing your posting privileges on RC. I suggest that you read the UA before you post here again.

Thread closed.

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