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reeferboi6888 12/09/2007 06:27 PM

Dwarf Seahorse Tanks
Title is self explanetory now lets see the tanks


dachsieholic 12/12/2007 12:15 PM

dwarf seahorse tanks
I love dwarf seahorses...unfortunately I don't have a tank to show off, but I would love to see some!

PJsStuff 12/14/2007 02:04 PM

I would love to see some too. Currently i just have a 5gal cheop plastic kids tank from walmart with a bubble filter. It works but i want to make something nicer. Im trying to design something so i can have a fuge/sump but the only problem is that using a pump to transfer the water to the fuge/sump would suck up the horses and brine. any ideas?

seacraze 12/14/2007 11:31 PM

I have a 6 gallon Eclipse that was cycled out for months before adding dwarfs - its perfect. I will post pics over the weekend.

crazedpuffer 12/15/2007 08:50 AM

PJ use a sponge over the part where the horses and brine would get sucked up, thats what a lot of people do so they dont get stuck in the filter.

PJsStuff 12/15/2007 09:01 AM

it still sucks the brine up. with the bubble filter i only have to add brine once every few days cause none of them get sucked up and there are still a bunch swimming around.

panmanmatt 12/15/2007 11:30 AM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11389158#post11389158 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by PJsStuff [/i]
[B]it still sucks the brine up. with the bubble filter i only have to add brine once every few days cause none of them get sucked up and there are still a bunch swimming around. [/B][/QUOTE]

You should be removing any uneaten brine about 1/2 hour after every feeding. And feeding should be done 2-3 times daily with enriched baby brine shrimp.
An easy way to solve this is to only feed what the horses can consume in about 1/2 hours time.

Brine lose all of their nutritional value after 12 hours from hatching so even though their is food in the tank it is slowly starving the dwarfs as they are getting no nutrition from them. It is essentially the same as you living off of nothing but water and potato chips or plain popcorn. Sure you are consuming something but getting absolutely nothing from eating it.

panmanmatt 12/15/2007 11:31 AM

double post

Pea-brain 12/15/2007 09:06 PM

My dwarf tank is a 2.5 with 2 rocks and some caulerpa on it. I just set it up and finished cycling it. The only water movement is an air line. The dwarfs will be here sometime right before or after christmas. I might post pics of the tank sometimes in the next few days.


PJsStuff 12/15/2007 11:18 PM

They have been doing fine for about 5 months now and have had many babies. Started out with 2 pairs and now im up to about 27 horses total.

Pea-brain 12/16/2007 02:25 PM

Okay heres my tank. Nothing impressive. It is lighted by a desk lamp, which is why the light is so yellow.


spellbound 12/20/2007 07:23 PM

Okay, I finally have a short break. We are finally busy and trying to sit for a period of time has been difficult. I'm pleased. Anyway here is my tank.
I'll take better pictures after then new year when I'm sure we'll slow down a bit. Here is a close up of the seahorses and day old babies
[IMG][/IMG] I lost the babies and some of the original 10 seahorses. The pump quit at night. The brine shrimp hatcheries died off and I had to restart them and the tank developed a level of ammonia. I now have the tank back to 0 ammonia. We lost the 7 babies and 3 of the original 10. The other male has been dancing with the female, so hopefully we will have another batch soon.

PJsStuff 12/20/2007 08:32 PM

thats the same tank i got.

spellbound 12/21/2007 05:00 PM

Cool, I love this tank. It is just the right size for the dwarfs with a few additions of decor. The price was reasonable too.

saltydragon 12/28/2007 11:06 AM

spellbound...what kind of tank is that and what filtration?
looking to setup a small dwarf seahorse tank....

PJsStuff 12/28/2007 11:51 AM

I got mine at walmart for $36 i think. its 5.5 gallons. it comes with a small power filter but it sucked up one of my horses. I found a small air powered filter that i replace the power one with. I'm actually selling my horses if anyone is interested. Tank and all. I think i have 5 left that still need to be sold. I just don't have time to take care of the little guys any more.

spellbound 12/28/2007 05:51 PM

It is a mini-bow. I'm sure PJ is right about the size. I know it is around 5 gallons. I am not using the power filter either. I purchased the sponge filter as I knew the filter would be too much for them and a better quality light bulb then what came with the tank when I bought it. It is one of those florescent type with two loops-a white one and a blue one. I have two air pumps. One for the tank and one for the brine shrimp.
They are a lot of work, but I am here all day and so it is not to hard to take care of them.

saltydragon 12/29/2007 11:57 AM

ok....i was thinking of a 2.5-5g dwarf seahorse tank.....but looks like i cant do it because i work from 8am to 6pm evreryday....or is that possible?

Pea-brain 12/29/2007 12:29 PM

I don't see why not. They only need to be fed 2 times a day. No big deal. Just set up 2 brine hatcheries and harvest and restart them whenever you are home. So like you wake up at 5 AM, strain the brine out, throw it in the tank, fill the hatchery back up with water and more eggs, when you get home go to your second hatchery and harvest the brine, refill it, repeat. Of course if you can supplement the diet with copepods and the like.


PJsStuff 12/29/2007 01:09 PM

Here is a pic of my tank. Its for sale by the way. PM me if interested.


Here are 4 of the horses. I have 5 of them in there now.


Here is the filter and heater.


toastii_reef 12/30/2007 10:43 PM

those are absolutely beautiful

my tank is tacky/cheesy to the extreme-- but i love it!

and they love it too
i will try to post pics

but i have 1 adult male
1 adult female (she was born in my tank- she is now 7/8 months)
2 or 3 3 month fry
1 4 or 5 month old male juvie! hes sooo adorable i love him!

i love my seahorses- i have had them for close to a year now- one of my males recently died- i figure from old age since he was wild caught and i have had them for about 8months- but he bore a few batches :D

PJsStuff 12/30/2007 11:04 PM

Here are some more pics of some of my past horses.

[IMG][/IMG] <BR>
[IMG][/IMG] <BR>
[IMG][/IMG] <BR>
Giving Birth
[IMG][/IMG] <BR>
[IMG][/IMG] <BR>

Pea-brain 12/31/2007 12:53 AM

I like the male in the third pic! He's got alot of cirri. Someone should selectively breed dwarves to have lots of cirri! It'd be neat...IMO....


toastii_reef 12/31/2007 09:46 AM

I dont think that its soley determined on genes for ciri

all of my adults didnt have cirri and then when my fry were born into my hair algea infested tank :) they grew the ciri and they are beautiful!

saltydragon 12/31/2007 09:20 PM

wow.... the pic from (PJsSTUFF) the dwarf seahorses are really tiny...or is it because they are still young...

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