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lexxx 01/05/2008 09:43 PM

Trigger Fish & Bottom Feeders.
I have a Clown Trigger and a Blueline Trigger and was wondering if there is any kind of bottom feeder (fish or other) that would be suitable to put in the tank. The guy at the LFS told me the only possibility would be to get a sand sifter that's bigger than the triggers. Does anyone have any experience with this scenario? I'm pretty sure snails and shrimp would get chomped up???



Espo92 01/05/2008 10:38 PM

I'm pretty sure anything would be picked on by the triggers, even if the target is bigger than the triggers.

lexxx 01/06/2008 01:22 PM

Thanks for the reply Espo. To anyone that has triggers, how do you keep your tank clean? Bottom feeders to good things for a tank.

THC(kb)3.5 01/06/2008 03:44 PM

Simple answer to how you keep the tank do .......bottom feeders are not going to fit in with a BL Trigger and a Clown Trigger and honestly as the two triggers mature you will probally have issues with them fighting for territory,and blue-lines and clown triggers are no push-overs!

cunningham 01/06/2008 03:46 PM

i have a large hermit crab
I have a hermit crab for about one year in my trigger tank and he has even outgrown his shell twice I through in a bigger shell and at night he will switch shells it is kind of neat, mine stays hidden in my live rock all day but as soon as my lights go out at night he comes out to clean:hmm5:

lexxx 01/06/2008 07:02 PM

Hahahahah.....I understand what you're saying THC....I didn't necessarily need the bottom feeders to fill the void to my laziness. I have no problems cleaning the tank myself. I just wanted some other creatures to be able to thrive in the tank.

Thanks for the info on the hermit crab, cunningham. I guess creatures that come out at night may have a chance to thrive in a tank with triggers? I do have lots of hiding spots. I just don't like to put things in the tank unless they have a really really really good chance to thrive. Thanks for sharing your experiences!!! Anyone else out there???!!!

Sharkbait74 01/11/2008 02:21 PM

If your tank is big enough, you want a Goat Fish. [url][/url]

I read your note because I was also doing some research on my situation:

I have HUGE Yellow watchman goby, or at least the biggest I have ever seen. My options are to place him in either:
A) 90gallon reef tank where my two yellowheaded jawfish are the priority to stay healhty and relaxed. I'm thinking there's plenty of potential to have bottom battles and one of the jawfish could likely be fully swallowed by the goby.
B) 200gallon FOWLR with 26" Snowflake Moray Eel, Tuskfish, Foxface, Yellow Tang, Angel to be determined, possibly a Picasso Trigger. My concern is being chased and killed by the Tuskfish and/or the Trigger. I don't think the Eel would catch it, but I can foresee the goby committing hari kari and trying to jump out at the sight of the eel.


RayAllen 01/11/2008 02:53 PM

I have a chocolate chip star in my 210g with a Picasso and a Niger and 3 non-reef safe wrasses. It has never been touched by any of the fish and helps keep the sand bed clean.

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