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Paul Davies 11/27/2007 05:10 PM

New Wrasse Missing !!
Hi Guys,

Bought a new wrasse from my trustworthy lfs last weekend, it was a small leopard wrasse and very healthy.

After i put he rinto the tank she went around ver cautiosuly then dissapeared. The next morning i noticed her at the front and when she spotted me she quickly burried under the gravel, she has not been spotted since (2days).

I have a dwarf angel, 3 chromis and a watchman goby.

My question is :- can they last long without food under the substrate ? and has anybody experienced this with their wrasses ?



swjim 11/27/2007 05:21 PM

Many Wrasse will bury themselves overnight but I haven't heard of any staying under the sand for two full days.

cardiffgiant 11/27/2007 05:24 PM

I hthink this is common with wrasse fish. My 4 line his for a couple of weeks before he started to swim around.

scubajsm 11/27/2007 05:28 PM

I too just got a leopard wrasse over the weekend. Mine hid all but about one hour the first day. The second day I think I saw it for 30-45 mins. Each time it comes out the belly is fat, so it must be eating pods or something cause I've offered food, but it doesn't seem interested yet. I have sand in my tank and it buries itself completely except for the the eye, it just looks around. I know that they are shy at first and then settle in to be be wonderful, constantly picking at the rocks seaching for food. Today its been out for about 3 hours that I've seen, and it's roaming around the tank. I wouldn't worry about it hiding, this is what they do when they are stressed, my yellow wrasse did the same thing in the beginning. Make sure you get it to eat, and keep an eye on it make sure it doesn't get skinny. Good luck, is it male or female? I think mine is a female from what I've researched.

coral rules 11/27/2007 06:30 PM

I had leopard wrasse for a few months. For the first two weeks or so it hid and rarely came out. Eventually it got a little braver and stayed out for the whole day. My advice would be to give it a little time.

flasher1 11/27/2007 06:32 PM

I had a flasher wrasse that got picked on by my potters angel. It eventually killed the wrasse. Hope yours is just hiding.

Devtech 11/27/2007 07:55 PM

mine hid for 6 days straight..u should be fine

Beach Bum 70 11/27/2007 08:49 PM

I had a xmass hide for 3 weeks before you came out everyday.It sucks but just hope for the best...

Paul Davies 11/28/2007 02:34 AM

cheers guys, guess they are tempremental at first, i hope mine is just shy.

Did you do anything to tempt them to come out ?

Blown 346 11/28/2007 02:56 AM

With any new arrival they will hide, and can do so for days on end. Plus new arrivals have more of a chance to jump out of the tank since they startle very easy. I would check behind the tank, in the overflow etc.

There is nothing you can do but let the fish get comfortable

LukFox 11/28/2007 03:17 AM

Whatever you do, don't go digging around in the sand for it as it's likely just hiding out and you can actually seriously injure it if you aren't careful. Just leave it be and let it get comfortable.

Paul Davies 11/28/2007 02:13 PM

Guys Guys Guys,..........hes out !!! roaming the tank eating pods and brine,flake and mysis !!!!

swjim 11/28/2007 03:39 PM

Glad to hear it!

Beach Bum 70 11/28/2007 11:18 PM

cool but dont worry if he hides again .Its all new to them.just takes time but a least you know he is alive..

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