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Harleyguy 12/28/2007 05:26 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11472850#post11472850 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reeferhead [/i]
[B]Great thread!

If there is one thing I've learned from this thread so far it is the following:
The Army pays you officers way too much money to sit in the TOC all day and chat on RC. :D J/K However, as a fellow Guardsman getting ready to deploy as well, I must say this is a worthwhile venture and I'll be following along to provide assistance in planning this beast as best as I can.

As a former artilleryman (13E on M198's both Airborne and Leg units) and now a straight grunt infantryman, I must say the infantry is way more rewarding. Even though putting rounds down range, blowing stuff up, and enjoying that wonderful smell of "wolf *****" was a blast, the infantry is where it's at. Besides unless you're an FO you'll probably never get to see you own dirty work :) . Although in the end, when it comes time to deploy, we almost all become some form or fashion of MP anyway, so does it really even matter?

I haven't even left yet and I'm already planning my next big tank upon return. We have very similar plans as far as dimensions and other specs.

You should seriously consider working Waveboxes into your design as suggested earlier. If you plan them into your original design you can have them fill the spaces left around overflows and use false walls to hide them so they do stick out. The flow they produce by using the intrinsic functions of natural waves is just unmatchable. I would complement them with enductors of some sort on an Oceansmotions possibly even on just the returns and avoid closed loops entirely. This of course, depends on how much flow you want to run through your sump and other basement tanks.

One last question, do you have a tank setup back home right now? I'm quite nervous about leaving mine running while I'm gone for a year with just my wife and a couple club buddies to watch it. What do you think? "Check or Hold?"

Later, [/B][/QUOTE]

Thanks for chiming in, "Queen of Battle" LOL :lmao:

I have decided that I'm fairly sure I'm not doing wave boxes. I think, if I have space, I'm going to do a surge tank... About 50 gallon surge.

Also I can't even get on RC at the TOC here. I have to wait until I'm off.

As far as my set-up back home... none... my wife absolutely refuses to do anything with the tank except, sit back and enjoy it.

Harleyguy 01/02/2008 06:38 PM

OK a very small update...

I bought some tubing for my skimmer (I'm getting some help with it)

Check out the size of it in relation to the door behind it...:eek2: :eek2: :eek2:


It is 48" tall and has a 24"OD

On a side note I also got some 10"OD for reactors...

Now I just have to get home to see

Harleyguy 01/02/2008 06:39 PM

oh and that's a 12" ruler on top :D

rEd86 01/02/2008 07:04 PM

Where did you get that 24" OD "tube" from?!? I have been looking for some big stuff for another project and couldn't find a source.

I can't wait to see how it turns out.


Harleyguy 01/02/2008 07:17 PM

eBay and the best part... I was the only bidder and got it for opening bid... although shipping is over $200 with insurance (I insured it for $2500... What it would cost to replace)

I shopped around and found some for $750 a foot.... :eek::eek2: :eek1:

EnderG60 01/02/2008 07:41 PM

yeah your gonna need at least two dart needle wheels for that thing!

that tube alone is over 93 gallons. Now that you have the tube, all ya gata do is make the cone, rest is a snap.

Harleyguy 01/02/2008 07:47 PM

yup usind 2 Darts :)

jnarowe 01/02/2008 08:29 PM

Wow. Don't screw it up! :lol:

Reeferhead 01/02/2008 08:56 PM

Thank you Harley...

I just showed this to my wife and she doesn't think I'm as crazy anymore for spending $400 on my last skimmer

$3000 for just the skimmer body? Now that's nuts!

I look forward to seeing this thing come together

EnderG60 01/02/2008 09:19 PM

i dont think i paid anywhere near that for it(or at least I hope not). Hell for $1000 i would have made ya one the same size out of fiberglass :)

erics3000 01/04/2008 12:29 AM

That is going to be a sweet skimmer...

spazz 01/04/2008 12:40 AM

based on the size of the skimmer i bet his bio load will be higher than the real reefs are. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
well if he needs to make a little money for the tank he can always run a line from his house to the atlanta aquarium and help them filter there water.

talksalt 01/04/2008 01:05 AM

Yowzers! Subscribed just to see that skimmer built :D
Another Harley Rider here, For now =\
Have to sell to build my 500.
Anyhow, Good luck with your build :)

Harleyguy 01/04/2008 11:59 AM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11517489#post11517489 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by spazz [/i]
[B]based on the size of the skimmer i bet his bio load will be higher than the real reefs are. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
well if he needs to make a little money for the tank he can always run a line from his house to the atlanta aquarium and help them filter there water. [/B][/QUOTE]

I sent am e-mail to them..... I haven't gotten any thing back though....:lol: :lol: :lol:

dannavas 01/04/2008 09:33 PM

on your tank good luck . As for you thank you for wat you are doing to keep my wife an 4 kids safe here . May God keep you safe an bless all of you dan navas u.s.a.f. 79 to83 thanks

jnarowe 01/04/2008 10:14 PM



asmodeus 01/04/2008 11:11 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11379878#post11379878 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Harleyguy [/i]
[B]Here's a pic of my Battery
[IMG] [/IMG] [/B][/QUOTE]

Love the Picture man that is My Battery C I'm with 1Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. We are a light airborne Battery, dismounted grunt stuff, mortar's, we used to use the LG-1 MKII the french Gun. Now we have the M777 love it too.

I'm heading to Afhgnanistan Feb 9th like in less then 30 days can't wait, I have been everywhere else this will be my 6th tour over there.. TAP Rack ready

Harleyguy 01/11/2008 08:27 PM

Asmodeus be careful in Afghanistan that's a scary place. Speaking of scary, want to see what UPS can do to a 24" diameter tube if they get there hands on it...


Let's hope UPS pays... I did have insurance

asmodeus 01/11/2008 08:32 PM

ya we just finished culture training, man lots of crappy stuff that goes on there nad speaking of crappy man that sucks about the cylinder. Hope ups pays for it good luck man

jnarowe 01/12/2008 02:47 AM

Oh my, I would crap my pants. Are you sure it was done in shipping and not sold cheap and broken?

Harleyguy 01/12/2008 03:43 AM

UPS packaged it. :(

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