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danfrith 12/29/2006 03:42 AM

Copps, do you plan on breeding all these dwarf angel pairs?

Hattie B 12/29/2006 10:41 AM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8845636#post8845636 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Treg [/i]
[B]Hattie B,
That is a good question about what his Fry would look like...
I dont suppose we will ever know the answer considering Frank is the only one to ever breed these in captivity.
Unless maybe Frank kept a pair back for himself... John???

Ah, ok, I am sure there is a lot to breeding these fish, but it would be so interesting to follow the F1 to the F2 and so on.

Maybe you should get a female ;)

ps. Not to start anything (like before about hybrids) about inbreeding from the above post; just more merly interesting from a scientific point of view of this species :)

copps 12/29/2006 11:57 AM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8845636#post8845636 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Treg [/i]
Unless maybe Frank kept a pair back for himself... John???

I know the fish he's kept and he has none of these anymore I don't think. Treg, if you didn't take this pair I was going to! :) It's probably better though, as I really couldn't turn down any fish he was getting rid of... It was tough to turn down the hotus, but these would truly need a dedicated coldwater tank with a chiller running constantly as these are the coldest water Centropyge... I'm going to ask him his opinion on the multis in more depth though.

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8845636#post8845636 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Treg [/i]
Now you just need to come up with that secrete PayPal account from selling frags. :D

What do you think these guys went on the family credit card?:D

Anyway... I imagine that continuous breeding of the multis would yield the same color patterns, as it appears to be environmental and not genetic... you know? The exciting thing will be to see if the hybrids are sexually reproductive...

Dan, I know what goes into breeding these angels, and therefore I would never have close to enough time considering I have a wife (a wonderful one!) and a 17 month old (currently learning the fish names in Scott Michael's book... in Latin of course :D)... As much as I have a passion for this, I have to know when to say when, and right now I have a ~450 gallon system that demands time completely seperate from the system these guys are in... If I were five years younger and single, I'd probably be living in Hawaii right now working with Frank :). Spawning the angels is the easy part by the way... It's the rearing of the fry that's taken Frank countless hours to hone... He's got it down pretty good and when he comes back we'll see some amazing things...

Treg 12/29/2006 01:31 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8848449#post8848449 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hattie B [/i]

Ah, ok, I am sure there is a lot to breeding these fish, but it would be so interesting to follow the F1 to the F2 and so on.

Maybe you should get a female ;)

If I thought it were possible, I would give it a go.
My Percula's have been laying eggs again every 2 weeks for several months now, I may actually give that a try in the very near future. :)

If the two angels didnt throw eggs for Frank, I dont see them doing it in my 24" tall tank. Even if they did, like John said, rearing Angel fry is pretty complex. To be honest, I wouldnt know where to start with it.

[QUOTE]Treg, if you didn't take this pair I was going to![/QUOTE]
From the sounds of it, I am Glad I got them when i did! :p

John, do you know where any of Franks other Multi's ended up or how many there were? I would be interested in seeing some pics of the others.

Angel*Fish 12/29/2006 07:37 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8848964#post8848964 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by copps [/i]
[B]Dan, I know what goes into breeding these angels, and therefore I would never have close to enough time considering I have a wife (a wonderful one!) and a 17 month old (currently learning the fish names in Scott Michael's book... in Latin of course :D)... As much as I have a passion for this, I have to know when to say when, and right now I have a ~450 gallon system that demands time completely seperate from the system these guys are in... If I were five years younger and single, I'd probably be living in Hawaii right now working with Frank :). Spawning the angels is the easy part by the way... It's the rearing of the fry that's taken Frank countless hours to hone... He's got it down pretty good and when he comes back we'll see some amazing things... [/B][/QUOTE]

It's easy to underestimate how difficult this becomes once the fish have done their part -- I looked into it myself. Everything is so darned small :hmm6: If someone wanted to fund this...well, that's a different story ;) . Is Frank taking investors, btw?

Oh --- and No, I don't think we're at all wrong thinking these little fishy pioneers made history!

Steven Pro 12/30/2006 12:55 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8843104#post8843104 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by copps [/i]
[B]Hey Steven, I spoke to Frank Tuesday and brought up MACNA and he respectfully declined. Going away from his work is a tough thing to do and he'll be very busy this year despite most likely not raising fry... Thanks very much though for your work and I look forward to MACNA this coming year...

I will ask again... who's going to MACNA in Pittsburgh? yay or nay?:) [/B][/QUOTE] I understand. Thanks for checking though.

slojmn 12/31/2006 02:06 PM

The vid is so cool, he really is putting on a show :D. The poor thing, he doesn't seem to be getting anywhere with it.
How are the rest of the brood from Frank doing??

BTW, the CD came the day I left for my trip...all good. I am planning on sitting down with it tomorrow and reading, reading, reading. I can't wait. Thank you again.

After not seeing my babies for four days while on a trip, they look bigger :D.

copps 01/01/2007 12:47 AM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8849590#post8849590 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Treg [/i]
John, do you know where any of Franks other Multi's ended up or how many there were? I would be interested in seeing some pics of the others. [/B][/QUOTE]

You know Treg I don't know... another thing I'll ask him when I get a chance... He's done so much and worked with so many species... many not listed on his site... I should be heading back to Oahu this summer. Frank's also got an open invitation to come out and visit us near DC, so hopefully one day he'll make it out...

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8862742#post8862742 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by slojmn [/i]
The vid is so cool, he really is putting on a show :D. The poor thing, he doesn't seem to be getting anywhere with it.
How are the rest of the brood from Frank doing??

BTW, the CD came the day I left for my trip...all good. I am planning on sitting down with it tomorrow and reading, reading, reading. I can't wait. Thank you again.

After not seeing my babies for four days while on a trip, they look bigger :D. [/B][/QUOTE]

Those articles Frank wrote for FAMA are fantastic. I also threw the two Centropyge articles that we spoke about on there that show the link between C. fisheri and C. resplendens among other things...

Yeah, the poor male has been doing his dance with little interest from her so far, although I have to watch the tank more that late at night... it's tough, but VERY rewarding, and makes me wonder why so many people refrain from pairing Centropyge up as it is not a tough thing to do.

Anyway, I'll update with some more things... All seven of the fish I received from Frank continue to do well :)!

Happy New Year all!


danfrith 01/01/2007 04:04 AM

Has anyone noticed how much the colors seem to vary in the interruptus angel. They are beatiful but if you compare copps, waynes, tregs, Maximus's, and then the one on livaquaria they almost look like different geographical variations. Just wondering if anybody noticed this?
Happy New Years.

copps 01/02/2007 12:36 PM

The colors do vary Dan, but another thing is that the colors show differently in every picture depending on how the light hits them... I used a flash in my photo, because all without a flash come out blurry, but the fish shows much more blue than orange as it appears in the picture... Each fish is an individual though and this species shows alot of sexual dimorphism, however it's not geographical differences... Treg's, Wayne's, and Maximus' are all siblings, with my male pictured as the Daddy, so this is probably just a combination of how they show in photos and natural variations... For reference, here is a horribly out of focus picture, but it shows how the fish appears blue from this angle... compare to the image I posted before... What a unique species!

nbd13 01/02/2007 12:48 PM

I am getting my pair of hybrids tomorrow from Frank, so once they settle in I will snap some pics for everyone :D. I cannot wait to get these.

I will try and take a pic of my male intteruptus as well, he is about 4-5" and is a little different than the ones posted so far, in terms of color.


LargeAngels 01/02/2007 12:52 PM

Copps: Is there any other way to have centropyge than in pairs (hehe). I agree, it is fairly easy to pair them up and to watch the interaction and mating ritual is pretty cool.

nbd13: And I think your interuptus is about 2" thick also. Just like your joculator. Very nice and fat fish.

nbd13 01/02/2007 05:21 PM

LargeAngels- Haha, yeah they are definitely over feed :). Since the last time you saw them, the joculator probably put on another 1/2" in length too :).


LargeAngels 01/03/2007 08:39 AM

Nick: I figured. They all get the "Supersize" feedings from you. I gotta check them out soon and you should post a new picture of that bluestripe. All I do is change diapers, fill bottles and get to enjoy my tanks for a few minutes at a time.

nbd13 01/03/2007 10:11 PM

Here are mine as promised. These guys just arrive today from Frank @ RCT Hawaii.

This is the smaller of the two, they are both in my frag tank so I can "condition" them before they go in the main tank:


The larger of the two:


Here is my male C. interuptus for comparision shakes. As you can see it's alittle different than the ones posted so far.



davelin315 01/17/2007 09:14 PM

Hey John, thanks for allowing the WAMAS visit the other night. The pictures don't do justice to how cool these fish look, especially when you look at them and compare them to some of the corals in the neighboring tanks!

copps 01/18/2007 11:21 AM

Thanks Dave! Great having you guys by... is anything better in this hobby than BSing over a couple of beers with fellow fish geeks?:beer:

delphinus 01/18/2007 01:06 PM

Jumping in on this thread a bit late, sorry to "butt in" so to speak.

These fish are amazing. Very cool Copps. That's quite a haul.. :cool:

Just one question, and sorry if this was answered before, but are all these in one large tank together? Or are you keeping each in their own display?

The interuptus pictures are amazing. Thanks for making me realize there was something else I can't live without now. I guess I'll have to content myself to obsessing over them in pictures for now though. ;)

Angel*Fish 01/18/2007 02:04 PM

Congrats on your fish... but breeding, history, rarity and huge expense aside, I just have to say that this >>>
<<<< is one of the cutest faces I've ever seen! :D
How long is this adorable little fish?

slojmn 01/18/2007 02:58 PM

Marie, I'd say that little guy of Nick's is about 3/4" long in that picture. Of course, he knows best but that is my guess. I need to get some fresh shots up of my pair. They are happy little things.

copps 01/19/2007 12:56 PM

Hey guys, my good friend in the hobby who is also a professional photographer came over yesterday to take some shots of my large system also got some great shots of these guys... I'm getting a dvd tomorrow and will post the photos when I get time this weekend.

All seven angels from this shipment continue to thrive... I've had them for almost six weeks now...

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9013011#post9013011 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by delphinus [/i]
Just one question, and sorry if this was answered before, but are all these in one large tank together? Or are you keeping each in their own display?

The resplendens/fisheri pair are in a dedicated 54 gallon corner. This system has a second 54 gallon attached making a half circle. The second 54 temporarily has the colini pair in it, until the LFS they are going to has their big display ready. I currently also have the interruptus in the 54 gallon with the Colin's angels because I have a dedicated chiller keepin the water between 76 and 77 degrees, which is the warm end of what the interruptus and resplendens could take. The interuptus will end up in my 180 gallon sps display when I get a chiller next month, as this system goes up into the low 80s, too warm for the wild interruptus. The 54 gallon opposite the resplendens/fisheri pair will end up with a C. joculator pair within the next couple of months when the Colin's and interruptus are moved out. The captive bred lemonpeel/coral beauty pair is currently in my 6 foot frag system that is attached to my 180. This pair will eventually go into a large 250+ gallon fish only tank I'm planning.

So, to sum it up, the seven angels are currently broken up into three separate aquariums... :) My two pairs will be in separate systems and the interruptus will be in my large sps display, possibly eventually paired up again with a wild female, although that's to be yet to be decided.


Angel*Fish 01/19/2007 01:16 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9021602#post9021602 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by copps [/i]
[B] The resplendens/fisheri pair are in a dedicated 54 gallon corner. This system has a second 54 gallon attached making a half circle. The second 54 temporarily has the colini pair in it, until the LFS they are going to has their big display ready. I currently also have the interruptus in the 54 gallon with the Colin's angels because I have a dedicated chiller keepin the water between 76 and 77 degrees, which is the warm end of what the interruptus and resplendens could take. The interuptus will end up in my 180 gallon sps display when I get a chiller next month, as this system goes up into the low 80s, too warm for the wild interruptus. The 54 gallon opposite the resplendens/fisheri pair will end up with a C. joculator pair within the next couple of months when the Colin's and interruptus are moved out. The captive bred lemonpeel/coral beauty pair is currently in my 6 foot frag system that is attached to my 180. This pair will eventually go into a large 250+ gallon fish only tank I'm planning.

Copps [/B][/QUOTE]
I had a vague impression of being jealous of you -- thanks for summing it up so nicely :smokin: . Now it's crystal clear lol :D.

Seriously - I like your 54/54 set up! Great idea - may have to borrow it.
Now that you're going to be keeping some lower temps. - Have you been considering other fish that previously might not have been ideal? Blue spot jawfish would be the first thought at my house :)

delphinus 01/19/2007 01:20 PM

Thanks for the info! :cool:

copps 01/19/2007 01:40 PM

Marie, the cool water temps will actually benefot many of the fish... the 76/77 range is at the low end for warmer water species and the high end for many other species... so it opens up my options. One of the species that's been in the system before the resplendens/fisheri pair is a pair of Pseudanthias fasciatus, also know as red stripe anthias. This anthias has a widespread distribution throughout the Indian and Pacific Ocean, but is found in deep water and therefore carries a high price tag. These also benefit from the cool temps. They've settled in well and are a very hardy anthias. I started with a trio but lost one almost immediataly to an infection on the fish's side where it had been needled to depress the swim bladder. Again, this weekend I'll have much better shots taken by my buddy, but for now here is a shot of the anthias... They are quite striking with purple highlight that don't picture too well...

Angel*Fish 01/19/2007 03:29 PM

Those are beautiful! Not everybody has a fasciatus pair! Your tanks must be gorgeous, too. I know what you mean about the photos.. I have a Cooper's anthias which either photographs more beautiful than it is or way less -

Since you like your fish on the rare side, I'll share my only claim of glory.... which is that once I saw a Rabaulichthys sps.? (sailfin anthias) at the LFS for $30. Only I was too stupid to buy it at the time :rolleyes: When I went back to get it, it was sold...

It wasn't this one (, but at least this is a photo of a live fish - I think the one I saw was R.altipinnis


And...sorry to be so far off topic [I]and[/I] bragging :)

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