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Pufferpunk 12/10/2007 03:04 PM

No, you do not need to use any FW filters on SW. You were told incorrectly. A sump only holds extra water & is a place to hold your skimmer & extra equipment. It really does nothing for your filtration.

FragMan07 12/10/2007 03:06 PM

I realize I'm now off-topic officially and I apologize.

You're saying if I turned off my filter and took it out right now, nothing bad will happen to my tank?

Pufferpunk 12/10/2007 03:41 PM

You have my permmission to hijack my thread. :)
How large is your tank & how much LR do you have? Generally, FW filters are nitrate factories for WS. What is your nitrate?

phenom5 12/10/2007 03:42 PM

I was pointed to this thread by Pufferpunk because I was losing zoas.

so I got some of the purest Vit C I could find, but it still has some other junk with it. according to the label it has...

Cellulose (plant origin)
Vegetable Stearic Acid
Vegetable Magnesium Stearate

this was the best one that I could find, it says Pure Vitamin C on the label.

does this seem okay, or should I look for something else?

Pufferpunk 12/10/2007 03:44 PM

Yeah, mine has all that crap in it too--should be OK.

FragMan07 12/10/2007 03:59 PM

I have a 29 gallon tank with 45 lbs of live rock.

Here are my levels:

Calcium - 500 ppm
KH Carbonite - 250 ppm (bit high)
Phosphate - 0.0 ppm
Nitrates - 5.0 ppm

The temperature in the tank is perfect.

I've just had the filter in the tank forever so the thought of just taking it out is kind of a shock to me. I also bought the Vitamin C tablets, 500 mg

geoxman 12/10/2007 05:00 PM

Mine had that stuff in it as well and the celluose made my skimmer go nuts. I did just find at GNC some PURE Ascorbic Acid and Rose hips--no other added ingredients at all. Nothing! It is in powder form and taste like a lemon. 1/2 tsp=2100mg and an 8oz bottle was $13. It should go further than the ghetto drug store brand and has no fillers.
I do not want to get into a long winded discussion about vitamins and the shelf life, but the manager at GNC went on and on about freshness and purity?? I did my first dose this morning and the skimmer, when plugged in, was fine.

On a bright note my corals are looking rather plump, healthy and colorful and I am not just saying that because of this experiment??

I have done nothing abnormal or different from my normal routine. good luck

geoxman 12/10/2007 05:05 PM

It is GNC brand and is called
Vitamin C Crystals
with rose hips
an 80's mauve bottle with a brown cap

Ascorbic acid
Other ingredients
rose hips powder

contains no
sugar, starch, artificial colors/flavors, preservatives, sodium free, no wheat, no gluten, no soy, no dairy and yeast free

d0cdave 12/10/2007 05:09 PM

Tagging along. Nothing happening to my zoos yet, except for the aiptasia :D

I think the powder form is the best bet. Not too keen on the Silica the tablets have.

FragMan07 12/10/2007 05:16 PM

Well I just did my first 123 mg dose in the tank a few minutes ago.

I chose the pill form and seems to dissolve pretty fast.

I will also be contributing updates to this "experment" as it progresses.

geoxman 12/10/2007 06:18 PM

123 mg is pretty low? I started at 1000 and I am up to 4500 as of tomorrow. good luck

FragMan07 12/10/2007 07:42 PM

It's a 29 gallon, Seriously I'm just going by the number chart posted.

Anyone else have any suggestions as to what I should start with that wont shock my system???

I have 500 mg tablets.

mnestroy 12/10/2007 08:38 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11357003#post11357003 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by FragMan07 [/i]
[B]It's a 29 gallon, Seriously I'm just going by the number chart posted.

Anyone else have any suggestions as to what I should start with that wont shock my system???

I have 500 mg tablets. [/B][/QUOTE]

Play it safe and start slow...

FroggyFeet 12/10/2007 09:28 PM

You don't want to overdose the poor little buggers!

Pufferpunk 12/10/2007 09:31 PM

How did you measure out 123mg?

When I just started dosing I used 1000mg 2x/day on a ~100g system, so I think you can go 1/4 of that 2x/day.

geoxman 12/10/2007 09:47 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11357925#post11357925 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by FroggyFeet [/i]
[B]You don't want to overdose the poor little buggers! [/B][/QUOTE]

I do not think it is possible to overdose on C unless absurd amounts are used. I would only worry about PH rather than over doing it. Vitamin C is one that the body/specimen will excrete the excess surplus amounts and only use what is needed. good luck

Pufferpunk 12/10/2007 09:49 PM

Agreed, it's the pH you need to watch. Even at the 4000mg/day I'm dosing, my pH hasn't budged at all. Still 8.2

NanoReefWanabe 12/10/2007 11:02 PM

i am up to 750 mg a day right now...tomorrow will be a 1000mg have been doing this for 12weeks?

what kinda reports do you have for the duration?

on a side note i increased my MG up to 1600ppm, my alk is 220ppm and my Cal is 440ppm, ph is stable at 8.1

Pufferpunk 12/11/2007 12:17 AM

Why so high on the Mg?

I had surgery 3 weeks ago & thought I'd stop treating because it has been a month already I had been dosing. So while I was in the hospital for a week, I didn't bother to have Hubby dose the vitamin C. By the time I got home, the Tubbs blues (the reason for the beginning of all this) were closing & getting that "pinched" look, along with that brown coating they always get before they shrink & melt. I started again with 1000mg, 2x/day & back up to 2000, 2x/day & just yesterday they are starting to look good again. I told Hubby when he gets more Vit C, to get 2 jars, 1 for us & the other for my tanks.

NanoReefWanabe 12/11/2007 12:26 AM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11359283#post11359283 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Pufferpunk [/i]
[B]why so high on the Mg/

OD the food and cause PO4 jump i guess...wont do that any rate hair algae bloom on a couple corals and a couple snails...

i will slowly let the MG drop back to 1400 over the next week or so as the GHA is gone now...i have noticed the slime onmy troubled zoas dissappear with in hours of adding the vit C...but what is causing it to come back?

LMAO...Puffer i just read your siggy...under hobby i thought it said underwear photography.....i must be getting tired...LOL

Pufferpunk 12/11/2007 12:28 AM

[QUOTE]i have noticed the slime onmy troubled zoas dissappear with in hours of adding the vit C[/QUOTE]
Wow, that was quick!
[QUOTE]but what is causing it to come back?[/QUOTE]
You mean, on mine?

FragMan07 12/11/2007 09:57 AM

Update on Day 2:

I decided to drop a full 500 mg Vitamin C tablet in the tank this morning.

I will monitor the levels this afternoon and see if it effects the water negatively.

I'm debating whether I'm gonna add another 500 mg tonight or maybe just 250 mg

NanoReefWanabe 12/11/2007 10:59 PM

yeah maybe my eyes were just buggin...everytime i look at the zoos there is something different going on with them...go from open an beautiful to shrivelled and dead looking...from day to day...i really dont get it..

but i will keep with the C and see what happens..over the next week or so...if they dont come back i am going to leave them for another week...still nothing i will toss them..:(

Pufferpunk 12/11/2007 11:09 PM

If you don't dose enough, you're waisting your time & vitamins. Check the article for quantity.

shackscs 12/12/2007 08:49 AM

The link to the article is now dead. Can some one direct me to another location or download to read?

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