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Y-DesygnGuy 01/06/2008 08:14 PM

You guys are across the valley from me though... Way to go though once some of those mature your tank is going to look amazing.

stephensturman 01/06/2008 08:28 PM


Y-DesygnGuy 01/06/2008 08:38 PM

I think I am going to order this soon. [url][/url]
It will fit nicely in the stand and I will be able to get a REAL skimmer working!

stephensturman 01/06/2008 09:04 PM

dont waste your money just buy a 10-20 gal tank and add the baffles then your done! im going to venture into doing this very soon!

Reefmack 01/06/2008 09:11 PM

NaCl+H2O Fish - our tastes are the same, but expected I guess. I think the best course I had in college was a field course in icthyology - I had the best collection in class - over 100 species of fish that I netted, seined, and even caught with rod & reel. That was fun, except when a farmer or bull chased you out of a field that had a nice little creek running through it. Amazing how many small, beautiful fish are in tiny little creeks. Off topic again.

Stephen - the carpet nem looks really colorful. Is it a true carpet anemone or a Ricordea yuma? It looks a lot like a yuma, but I'm not at all familiar with carpets.

doubledeuce - I hope you don't mind but I unzipped that file & uploaded the pic onto photobucket so I could show your beautiful tank:


very nice! Are you running an Eheim cannister with a Hydor Flo on the return, or is that something else I see in there?

Y-DesygnGuy 01/06/2008 09:18 PM

[B]stephensturman[/B] -- Well the hundred bucs is really only an hour and half of my time that I will tack on to some ones project...whoops...shhhh!!! :) So if it saves me time and will work, I might do that. Like I mentioned in the other thread we are chatting in :) How does the over flow work? The water level in the back of the rsm is down several inches from the lip it looks like.

[B]doubledeuce[/B] -- Your tank looks good, any close up shots of things?

stephensturman 01/06/2008 09:22 PM

damn are u looking to hire anyone at all im looking for a new job? i did some searching on the overflow today and i think that the best one is the one that the guy made on here doesn't take much room. i was also serious about the job thing!

Y-DesygnGuy 01/06/2008 09:33 PM

Can you do design work? Do you know how to make web pages? How about Databases? PHP Programing? I have Hellfric's Chic helping with me some magazine ad's for a client in California right now. I am always looking for help, I get slammed with work sometimes. At the moment I have 6 projects going and that is about normal really. Thankfully they aren't 200 page catalogs and mainly just magazine ad's and web pages.

Hmm you will have to let me know about the overflow box. My tank is sitting 2.5" away from the wall most of the overflow boxes I saw were almost 4" thick sticking out of the back of the tank. Besides that, how does the water get into the overflow box? The water level is like 4.5-5" down below the back lip of the tank. I see that as the biggest problem, I think a custom one will have to be made...

stephensturman 01/06/2008 09:34 PM

no sadley i dont but im a very fast learner!

stephensturman 01/06/2008 09:35 PM

its a pvc overflow that loops over and if the power goes out when it comes back on it will start flowing again. i could come learn from u and then help once i got it down!

Y-DesygnGuy 01/06/2008 09:40 PM

LOL, I will let you know if I do have something sometime I can get your help with. I do get lots of busy type work I can use help with sometimes.

Hmm has anyone in this thread every done a sump with an overflow? I swear several hundred pages back someone did a sump? LPSLover? I can't think of the person now, grrr :rolleyes:

stephensturman 01/06/2008 09:46 PM

yes thats his name lpslover. do u need someone to go around and sell your buisness services? im very good at that. i am an outside sales rep. for a company right now but there screwin me on pay!

Reefmack 01/06/2008 09:46 PM

Y-Desyn - it was lpsluver - here's a link to one page on it - yoou may have to go back or forward to get more on it. I think he fine tuned the overflow later on after these posts:


stephensturman 01/06/2008 09:49 PM

yup that is the overflow i was talking about! very slim and compact! :)

Y-DesygnGuy 01/06/2008 09:53 PM

[B]Reefmack[/B] -- Awesome thank you sir! I had a feeling the back had to be cut, the water level is really low from the back lid.

[B]stephensturman[/B] -- Honestly at the moment, I can't handle any more work load. I am at this stage where I either need to kick it up one more notch and get office space, hire 2-3 people to do this for me. Or slow down and be happy getting by and keep it here at home with just me doing it. At the moment I feel like I burning the candle at both ends having to do so much for this growing business on my own. So much more to it than I ever thought it would be. I just wanted to be creative and do it on my own terms, now I wear so many hats its crazy! Letting people help me is extremely hard for me do, ive hired and fired countless designers already :p

stephensturman 01/06/2008 10:10 PM

lol well congrats on your buisness.

NaCl+H2O Fish 01/06/2008 10:57 PM

Reefmack - Brothers in Biology Degrees... not used!
[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11537278#post11537278 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reefmack [/i]
NaCl+H2O Fish - our tastes are the same, but expected I guess. I think the best course I had in college was a field course in icthyology - I had the best collection in class - over 100 species of fish that I netted, seined, and even caught with rod & reel. That was fun, except when a farmer or bull chased you out of a field that had a nice little creek running through it. Amazing how many small, beautiful fish are in tiny little creeks.[/QUOTE]

Reefmack - I don't know why I never signed up for a course in icthyology since I began keeping fish at age 10! I did become interested in entymology in my California 4H Club to help overcome my fear of insects and earned a blue ribbon at the California State Fair for my collection!

Most of my college courses were in microbiology, genetics and chemistry... I probably cultured about a Trillion fruit flies.. looking for mutations! LOL!!!

Probably explains my fascination with Y-DesygnGuy's naked clowns!


Rue 01/06/2008 11:15 PM if I'm still using my degree...does that mean I can't join your 'boys club'??? :lol:

Brent F 01/06/2008 11:17 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11529920#post11529920 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rue [/i]


Rue: will a black and a regular coloured clown pair up?

NaCl+H2O Fish 01/06/2008 11:23 PM

You Are Always Welcome!
[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11538287#post11538287 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rue [/i]
[B] if I'm still using my degree...does that mean I can't join your 'boys club'??? :lol: [/B][/QUOTE]

[B]Rue's Zoo -[/B] You will always be welcome in the Biology Degree Club!:lol:

donna53w 01/06/2008 11:34 PM

Reefmack & Kent ... I am impressed with the pair of you! (wonderful educations in the science fields) :) Now if I could only think of something intelligent to ask you about???:p

BTW, our temp has been 40F here for the past few days ... we're enjoying a Chinook. That should make it easier on my coral shipment.

doubledeuce: your tank looks really, really good! It looks like you are well on your way to getting your coral collection started.

stephensturman: that little anemone is loaded with color! :spin1: Very, very nice. I think it looks like a Ricordea, too.

Y-DesygnGuy: I love your avatar. That little fella could be in the movies, too ... move over Nemo. :fish1: Awwwww, I just love your little fish!

Rue's Zoo or is it 'Zue'? It's got a 'ring' to it ... :D

You guys with your mods on skimmers, lights, overflows, refugiums, & 'what-alls' ... I read all the threads with interest, but, I really don't 'get' a lot of it! :rolleye1: However, your discussions & hands-on work are so interesting, even tho the technical stuff just goes over my head, I enjoy listening .... and waiting for the [I]next[/I] mod to get you all revved up once again!!!:rollface: What fun! Especially when I don't have to bother my head with the finessing of these projects.
All I really want to work better on the original RSM is the skimmer ... and I'm waiting patiently for one of you to come up with a simple solution, that works, with no micro bubbles. So come on, I'm waiting for that mod, that even I could attempt, along with simple directions & easy - to - follow diagrams. :D

Fishy Something 01/06/2008 11:35 PM

Well that will teach me to stay away for 2 weeks - 25 new pages of posts later, I finally catch up!

So I had a fun holiday - I finally found sea horses that I (or at least my wife) liked and they are both in quarantine with "tail rot" (that is the horses, not the wife). In order to get the appropriate antibiotics I needed to make a trip to the vet. Has anybody else ever carried their little platic bag into a vet & sat amongst everyone else with their dogs, cats & budgies! I definitely got some funny looks I can tell you! Not to mention a $100 vet bill for an animal that cost about half that!

I am now tube feeding the female daily using a 1 ml syringe & 26 gauge canula - there is some fun for you! The male is still eating live (which we need to snorkel for & collect about a 1 hour drive from home. Trying to only do this once a week! Neither are showing any interest in frozen food, so are still quite some way off their new RSM home.

I had to smile at everyone getting concerned about the cold over there a few pages of posts ago - Christmas here has seen a string of about 10 - 12 days where it has got below 30C (86F)once & above 40C (104F) on 3 - 4 occassions, so I ended up putting together a make shift chiller with a 20 metre coil of irrigation tubing, a big bucket, a pump & bags of ice. Worked a treat until somthing in the tube contaminated the tank & I appear to have lost a beautiful orange gorgonian & black sun coral - hopeful for the gorgonian, but the tubastrae is a goner :-(

With more heat on the way later this week I am rebuilding the chiller with drinking water quality tubing.

One day I will actually get around to posting some pics - but will probably wait until my tank looks a lot better as there are some great examples of what can be achieved here.

All in all a "fun" couple of weeks off!

Fishy Something 01/06/2008 11:41 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11538305#post11538305 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Brent F [/i]
[B]Rue: will a black and a regular coloured clown pair up? [/B][/QUOTE]

Brent F - I would say there is a pretty good chance of it.

[QUOTE]I'm waiting patiently for one of you to come up with a simple solution, that works, with no micro bubbles.[/QUOTE]

Donna53w - My solution for that is the little switch on the side of the tank (from memory I think it is the middle one). Move it to the off position! It skims just as well & no microbubbles!

donna53w 01/06/2008 11:44 PM

Fishy Something ... glad you had a nice holiday!!! I hope your seahorses get better. I can just imagine you sitting with them at the vets office :lol: that's hilarious! AT least your vet knew how to treat them, that's amazing in itself.
Were the seahorses wild-caught?
Pictures, please. :D

Rue 01/06/2008 11:49 PM

Heh...thanks for including me in the club...I feel better now! ;)

The clowns should pair up (if they want to)...same species...just different colour morphs...

Fishy Something! Now that's a dilemma I can't picture...not the vet part (been to the vet with lots of little critters over the year)...but the having to deep sea dive for teeny-weeny live food...:lol:

Donna: 'Rue's Zue'...heh heh heh...

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