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April 2006
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orion25, MchEdward, aquagirl360, Clownfish54, freelhh, $MirF, Kąi, redok69r, shoreboy (58), MLCorp (57), andetorp (56), Jim Rhine (54), gary04 (53), magicmommy (52), gtaunton (49), HowieB (49), rhdoug (48), tike (48), Britt Harris (48), Dwight Devore (47), jose soler (46), moehebin (44), Ricardo Martins (44), dewitt1625 (43), madreefer2 (43), mooboy (42), LRay (42), Jsec64 (42), Gsherry (42), ChoctawChad (41), johnnstacy (41), Po-vegas reefer (40), Dimbbrils (39), salsaneon (38), reefzero (38), woodzmo (37), tpaananen (37), RandalB (37), carco888 (37), yote (37), Reef Junkie (36), Used2Reef (36), phoenix001 (36), Billl L (36), howdycst (36), lonewolf_eng (36), jpm (36), bigredwalk (36), Mattingly (36), thollett (35), swburress (35), percula72 (35), Alfalfameister (35), Ales (35), astleychua (35), Gunnar Nystul (35), Ron C (35), Junior Nilvon (35), Outlawn98 (34), ja5per (34), fjanusas (34), canadian_001 (34), matthewmc (34), coral Rx (34), joelrod72 (34), cjgalante (33), Calfire (33), nyaux (33), Dangerous Ace (32), Spiffyguy (32), acidfast1 (32), rockaria (31), sule (31), In10City (31), kekkuli (31), steel694 (31), VB_SQL_CODER (30), jasnhrpr (30), Thorleif Dahl (30), luckydog104 (30), lockus (29), hamburglar (29), spikella (29), Albatross (29), ivica (29), SBGRAD24 (28), ninobr (28), saintt25 (28), Don Black (28), def (28), jasonb416 (28), jrsatx20 (27), helenjc (26), Azunflea (26), mikecastelli (26), Lil_big_Reef (26), Hurdicuss (26), aqua360 (26), bret1680 (26), stubi (26), Frewl (26), lugnuts77 (26), MOTOR CITY CAT (26), posjr (25), eric281 (25), Maveric (25), Reefishy (25), mataichi (25), B. Rodgers (25), JohnnyW (25), double_s (25), Shadal (24), cwby416 (24), medicine (24), mowdsiw Bubba (24), inda14s (24), Springerii (24), nst416 (24), fcknola (24), nthnharrell (24), housecao (23), Surfjnkie9 (23), drewfish (23), KenMarshall (23), scottytwits (22), techshredder (22), Gonzalo Redondo (22), DRZL-sauras (21), jdesp (21), Brando (20), ItsDave (19), ryan_h487 (19), reefNetWork (19), stinkoman (18), lth1689 (17), siren (17), lth808 (17), james007wjs (17), t3chtr0nic (17), Kevin34 (14), HippoTang101 (13), marysmith (11) Birthdays
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Bughead, Crustaceo Mutoid, Damon-S, The_Spider, DominOE, ninjafish, jjwdiver, Aquactinics, cathera, traces1967, David0417d, Roy V., luckyarbuc, Broog, coolkev, TheHunter, papa.250, SOMEthinsFISHY (63), rheijboer (57), Mwoerner (55), FRIEND KBAWZZ (54), richardtantc (50), barry bruton (50), Livens (50), goldfin (49), edwardsric (49), redcray (49), buddy croft (48), jfk (48), Farouk (48), DK-diver (48), Lucky1959 (47), hugh wolfenden (47), Ken125 (47), solar28 (47), waltere (46), frank arriaga (44), shepoutside (44), formstone (42), MACH5 (42), Brad Reading (42), Talonn (41), bbragg (41), Kubotana (41), RUSTYM38 (41), TimBeR (40), DJ4BJ (39), sigrag (39), cjps67 (39), jayman (39), r6413utah (39), mrlover69 (38), V10 MOJO (38), thecaspercat (38), jstgtpaid (37), wlattery (37), julian d (37), Dunyion (37), browneyes70 (36), heatherkev (36), Mak71 (35), kylefishnerd (35), RobDeBruyn (35), NMREEFMAN (34), tim4reef (34), kenndnguyen (34), dsumm (34), bigginapk (34), Ehydo (33), mcclarsn (33), ReefDaddyRC (33), DNA2112 (33), bohunter1 (33), FLIPNFISH (32), delaneymohr (32), beazer (32), CaptainJack (31), Locutus (31), random_ryan (31), samlav11 (31), manuelmarmolejo (30), seanski (30), totho (30), satyo (30), Sapient (29), Kiddreef (29), Reefkidd (29), caa095 (29), ToTaLCHaoS13 (29), nugs (29), roberto77 (29), hatterasclam (29), tide_ben (28), salvidor4 (28), calibra96 (28), Reelfun20 (28), bherren (28), robgoral (28), rgoral (28), petstoremike (27), SilverDragonb16 (27), moosejac (27), Tigh (27), atwinparadox2 (27), Violet_Dream (26), Telionis (26), jglover (26), DrPhips (26), Bogs (26), cj7eagle (26), ManchesterVan (26), snoopydogchelle (25), Macbeth417 (25), Evilninjakitty (25), sntreptiles (25), Eliz (25), easterly81 (25), MattB (25), sirgeez (25), Jbagel2 (24), Volcmreefer (24), Cagraffwriter (24), ERB82 (24), weslynw (24), jimpa2003 (23), TitansFreak (23), Spudstr (23), mckaax (23), Jayhawker518 (23), squirrelmaster15 (22), GatorDrew (22), truesoundpro (22), kdhoadle (21), orimar (21), SeaMishell (21), golfreak17 (21), matthew1048 (21), JeepSRT (21), nikeboy_2001 (20), heathernoll (20), rileyrayne (20), DrOizo (19), Bobby417919 (19), ima-saltyguy (18), Itz Irish (16), ckeene9 (16), bluielover (16), purebullet417 (15), Red Crayon (13), andy321 (13) Birthdays
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ReefDomain, mastaJ, puggirl, bemack, amichael, davidleiterman, JodyR, Scott Rovig, stellpflug, mrudman, John Spain, bstingrayz, Stevoreno, jd1234, Tigahboy, mecold, jasonh100, Mieko, 93Foxstang, impreza619, Jay Bisch, russy pelican, james madden, edandpeg (61), ckilgore (59), pauloim (57), retief (56), P21JNEL (56), Paul Koscelski (55), AuntKaren (53), luiwaichi (52), hurricanedrift (51), Eric Oslund (51), hornman (49), sjbrooks (49), taucher (48), NICJAC (48), stevebla (48), MartyPower (48), OzGary (46), PaPa_Johnny (46), lavoie.p (46), ClutchKargo (46), enigma282 (46), WI Reef Lover (42), asavoia (41), PGurns (40), onka (40), jwre (40), matt 67 (39), TGM2 (39), cme1one2 (39), ChrisPrusha (38), jrverges (38), jsouthpaww (37), redman1969 (37), jose castillo (37), twinart (37), fear no fish (37), icculus401 (37), adamwarlock13 (37), melissanne2001 (37), swquy (37), dave cl (37), joeytroy (37), hardxray (37), Fliger (36), RonaldoPinto (36), ralphb (36), thingsreef2 (36), gunnfire (36), Rover30 (35), BigBird (35), Pcferguson (35), northmoose (34), firecop (34), minnreefer (34), james734 (34), Apocalypse (33), LFD-143 (33), bluetang37 (33), knottymotty74 (32), wildey475mag (32), TigerWingsFly (32), Microcosmos (31), mrj3nkins (31), Jim Beam (31), coralcam (31), nodea717 (31), Frankgal (30), regal tang (30), betobeto (30), TheReefMiester (30), gsxrrider (30), dap42 (30), Massengill (30), nilo (29), leonchen (29), zonum (29), miah (29), steaua (29), cap'taine (29), antho (29), urodoji (29), nemo1 (28), RTi (28), Faerin (28), nathanw (27), spemin (27), lustom (27), Memphis the Parrot (27), timmyt (27), loki-445 (27), JosefDevaty (27), zrich (26), Harville (26), anorman (26), hondadude2k5 (26), Fl Diver2 (26), avbryce1 (25), citizin (25), Awgui (25), Ripp (25), imbrianfellows8 (25), torquester (25), kelvin1999 (25), ptr82 (24), THEnick (24), mvprincess (24), mhltcob (23), precisionaxle (23), neoskedar (23), Squado (23), SJSharkie (23), riley290 (23), Sermfoelm (23), dakatz (23), cloakerpoked (23), nickfn (22), Pooka8 (22), hoddi (22), joitoy (22), Gom (22), Dr_Caramel (21), DeadlyMuffin (21), Handikapped (21), simoncoul (20), cartman20s (20), iamalittlebum (20), thejiro (20), young_Skywalker (20), diru97 (20), sandystar (19), naysel (19), Bueller (19), crackyflipside (18), Tbones (18), d-mars (17), BabyB (17), keelaydafishguy (13) Birthdays
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JonDrury, yennale, lotus101, scruggssite, ushered_in, mike gill, DRP, WonderBoy, Nizmo350Z, AQUAPHREAK, cameronlane, DiscusKeeper, njschriver, erikages, saddlejocky, ReefDiver (60), goochster (60), geldreamzz (55), Jansin (54), caddis (54), luisyap (54), aquanutz (51), aquanut55 (51), salt-rookie (50), yardboy (50), sshapero (49), Rich_B2 (48), ANTHONY C. NG (48), Walter Pratt (47), Manager (45), reeferbob (44), anthony tambs (44), guitarlady (44), Capriconous (44), droth335 (43), rmilne (43), nealb (43), treestump (42), ukbrad (42), pico64 (42), aquatictreasures (42), tastymoussy (42), christine ando (41), Stoney (41), christine koszu (41), ahawker (40), aquamanco (40), adocia (40), Greg_Montalbano (39), mj67 (39), igge68 (38), pelkins8 (38), KenVadnais (38), nostiguy (37), ccicle (37), hageri (37), gib007 (37), wbeavers (37), ChrisBossierCity (37), torque71 (37), 0055 (37), shaykatzir (36), verfe (36), wheels453 (36), windminstrl (35), gcam (35), Taycc (35), fasteddie (35), CHLOBO (35), Ulysses_2001 (35), Shark Bruce (35), kuzak (35), limis (34), Bassaholic (34), mbaintyeaaq (34), PistolPete73 (33), sjouglard (33), jose (33), zens (33), Max_Power (33), Junco (33), jksites (33), dsovetsky (32), jkj454 (32), goat19 (32), Iriri (32), jjohnson52000 (32), jes281 (32), pearsont74 (32), architeuthis (32), geelite (32), morrisgigantus (32), April (31), Fernando Kamia (31), flipper1324 (31), Bertinakes (31), ohioanreefer (31), abdulaziz (31), JOSEPHLB (31), jdponyboy (30), frenchie777 (30), aardvark (30), cmekcm (30), Aquarium Obsessed (30), Chandy (30), AquaTDV (29), arnaldo mazzei (29), classclownfish (29), tommi (29), kcravnit (29), retin78 (28), STI (28), frazmanw (28), sweetlips (27), larrycivic (27), Reckless Youth (27), Greatreefer (26), redbeene420 (26), AndyCasanova (26), Swirlygig (26), Jeeper014 (26), Renton777 (26), heymickey (25), rochellewelch (25), bagel (24), dillinger (24), lestah (24), zisbell (24), fishy19 (24), Rijinals (24), zman (23), tjohnson (23), TXSeaStar (23), nerdman (23), kirk95gs (23), oddyfemme (22), MoonSwift04 (22), sloblackjetta (22), fishnoob (21), JasonTK (21), dannylao (21), Bowza99s (21), GVR-4579 (21), henrlee (21), sirius1117 (21), Borisov2005 (20), ABorisov (20), APBorisov (20), cayman reef guy (19), d9sccr (19), iceman0032935 (19), Fabio R. (18), Frederik (18), arius (17), 29GReef (17), doogle (17), RobSW1 (17), itscold (15), sdpadresnumber1 (14), Geejo4 (13), sparky30 (8) Birthdays
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mixalis, kevinpo, sdipiet, Python73, dprill, mpleleaf, johny, daveloda, Drewskiz, lily7, pipet, Kawaii, bjkimb74, billydee, r 3lusive, starkist, micko56, t-dizzle, celticcathain, alvin1968, thatguy, 2kr6, FLTmpaBay, Teknagen, tonymax, CoralReepher, sandstar (68), srogers (65), joelstephen (63), Gluedude (62), Cassius (61), dicjohnson (58), capevet (55), sdraper (55), Jcksn999 (53), Finhorn (52), mgillman (48), PaulieG (47), earthyt (46), reef2003 (46), leonenkoleon (46), Kevk (45), ernie61jo (45), Connieann (45), lizadax (44), bowmajo (43), gregmeyer (43), ks3sal (43), Liam (42), baddlord777 (42), bhard (42), SALTWATERSIG (42), RalfE (41), griffins (41), Joe Carey (41), jeffo65 (41), ericlui (41), griffbuff2002 (41), darrenfa (40), TvR (40), lawingdl (40), Devan (40), kdugas (40), switek (39), tanku (39), rtovar (39), neptunesgarden (39), Tikkagirl (38), dood68 (38), bigbad4cyl (38), kevintung (38), bigbluebubbles (38), Daoust (37), hareball_pfish (37), silverflash (37), tvanwinklehome (37), sympso (37), Carlos_Torano (37), sharkyron (37), Sympsodon1 (37), mbamartinez (36), brifox (36), Gandolf (36), lcs (36), Blue Legged Hermit (36), Bryan Thompson (36), buzz911 (36), mycherie000 (36), Mikez9 (36), Roo (35), scores (35), jcocchia (35), hagal (35), arc2417 (35), Joedaddy (35), brainz (35), wpitrof (35), str8fan3 (34), K3P3K3P3 (34), txfireman491 (34), vladiator (34), txfireman2001 (34), perculaclownguy (33), andrestay (33), shawk (33), w30olds (33), Eliasz (33), TNCoralreefer (33), geoshigi (33), deepakbyu (32), petertje74 (32), brianj195 (32), qlawrence (32), schrader mo (31), bayondai (31), Fulcrum (31), brettcollectibles (31), epbage (31), Danne (31), schrader (31), creditgirl (31), domain311 (30), deadman (30), sparticus (30), BHF (30), MyCatsDrool (30), MegaYacht (30), singtensouth (30), Deeolpoas (30), wolfpacktuff (30), Arcangel (29), Sonicman21 (29), Nick_P (29), ministry (29), Zaxxon23 (29), MrsMarlan (29), four20reefer (28), SerenitySystems (28), jbritt (28), justareefer (28), bjbj (28), EinarKM (28), Reefa420 (28), Drako (27), BignevadaBoB (27), Goodwood (27), inkme (27), rockymtnboarder (27), cutestreefer (26), Cougar99 (26), jedi58 (26), cpinkley (26), rareclownfish (26), CPINKLEY21 (26), Rustylugnuts (26), lhlopes (26), crzy4reefs (25), compspot (25), e215b (25), jimmyjayz (25), sassysara7480 (25), ja209 (25), faustsshadow (25), M0oN (24), Squinol (24), wdmont (24), Blu50Stang (24), Bubbles01 (24), sindee (24), saunixcomp (23), Henrique Gomes (23), LOVEMYGSXR (23), waldoadam (23), nanomang (23), beBibbowbuppons (23), fishkeeper (22), jusgage (22), Jarrok (22), alexwbush (22), toxicape (22), nickmg (21), unplugged_55 (21), da1jewfish (21), usnfbcwm (20), jamielee2406 (20), uf7405 (19), snowlancer2720 (19), VTO b6 (19), joey182 (18), Joey88again (18), Screename_116 (18), TomcitieNet (16), caferacermike (16), jack1492 (14), cape surf rules (14), Daniel74120 (13), Budde (12) Birthdays
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otolith, rgrisoli, scott harenberg, greg vigneux, Ted Murphy, Ralph s, 567a, MLWCOMP, Poseidon9697, saturnreef, wildcats, namdrib2, Luuix, pt109 (56), Harry Saunders (56), uuuj (56), RWJones (55), taxi (55), etrsi_645 (55), typhoon (52), Reefer Rocks (52), Vicky Hartman (52), typhoon100 (52), jrgeng (50), don L. (49), marto (49), pnosko (48), DRC69 (47), WhiteRibbon (46), jjulio (46), Pluto (45), anndonnie (45), Koi Hoe (44), egodyla (44), KCLINE59 (43), Clownfish63 (43), Clownfish1963 (43), aliksizmetro (43), rubytm (42), Xmodius (41), cruck (41), gochinj (40), dbuck1 (40), gruzjvikmat (40), THINMAN44880 (39), chalko (39), Masklinni (39), npaden (38), SnowDog (38), bpd964 (38), miro (38), Pypeeduple (38), daneel (37), twalker54 (37), dewight24 (37), koraltek (37), Steve1020 (36), tulip89 (36), josse (36), a1 (36), Thos2go (36), hippishake (36), steve70 (36), Dunc@n (35), d.aar (35), lparnell (35), Hank Scorpio (35), Blue_FuManChu (35), turiaeroste (35), IanCale (34), henryd (34), MickO (33), alan davis (33), biker977 (33), theoceandoor (33), Mephisto UK (33), paullee1000 (32), APFish (32), skipsbroan (32), hogwaller (32), fuzed (31), karele (31), Guppies (31), pimmpinn (31), kba (31), Fastcat (31), mindsgoneawol (31), S.A.McReef (31), intarsiabox (31), envoy1975 (31), malamit (30), eautechre (30), Beerme (30), ARH (30), Martyn_UK (30), lee_unthank (30), UNSUCHKAK (30), Reefsafeuk (30), joninct06340 (29), MIDNIGHTREEFER (29), Gatoloco (29), cbanchs (29), BrettPresley (29), spiderman2000 (29), ss8306 (29), Foxfaxe78 (28), estan (28), enzosousmarine (28), clloevver (28), bluedevil78 (28), jest (27), tesmo (27), donny222 (27), Simonmtl (27), Crizzard (27), Saith (27), chipmunk79 (27), Durwood (26), bobo (26), stevedola (26), chienwei1980 (26), Mathajas (26), Steven1 (25), MrFaceless (25), BabeeGyrlx81 (25), NemoNme (25), Thane (25), tstjl41 (25), Foredababy2 (25), msureefer (24), reefy em (24), tutdog (24), SCRELLO (24), J7ryan (24), Karpen (24), lablueice (23), i8beef (23), murphys007 (23), OleStiffy (23), annamarie421 (23), Mattewell (23), Kolbenschlag (22), Claytonnorthey (22), brainwashed (21), N8WI (20), rhea021 (20), Qomhogns (20), artisera (20), neoghost9i6 (19), bottlecapp09 (17), imand (15), LPSlover (14), sincere96 (10) Birthdays
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EricaS, Pineapple House, bensonwu, isaac269, beermonkey, estee', JSBern, Uplift, Mabus, NeilsReef, donzi, dbphill, billybear22, Roadplug, KUDA, NEK-ap24, Sunny7L, franco_oo, tyson33, ceojp (64), ferenc01 (59), bluelin (55), yelotang (54), ROSIE (52), rosie422 (52), jcaqua (51), phoebe69 (50), pat64 (50), stonedog98 (49), nnewton (47), marlinchaser (46), ghorse (46), frank mascaro (46), jimwalms (46), sesave (45), sebastian corbo (44), fazgood (44), MaDd HaTteR (42), pompey (41), Dan1 (41), dr.darkness (41), cccube (41), sean buehrle (40), Dave Cushing (40), TREXRC (40), bouncerman (40), jerry iske (40), dlferry (40), seanndenise1 (40), DgenR8 (39), The Reef Down Under (39), eric dijkstra (39), twee (39), sdbushnell (39), nikolay (38), lmiles (38), freerider1 (38), KAPFishous (37), Dangerdoll (37), LindaFaye (37), flrman (37), rwlfilkins (37), salt-lik (37), sdjiricek (37), Lisa_s (36), jester393 (36), Roadkill (36), Sindjin (36), Richard Hendry (36), karebearparent (36), stathis (36), dtiedke (35), reefdwellr (35), dvoo495 (35), biofresh (35), jcard71 (35), back_online (35), Adaminhawaii (34), Mass (34), suwanto_73 (33), eddie holland (33), vianna (33), wubvik (33), Dory (32), ErikV (32), aroseta (32), yesacarch (32), sobsts (32), chinoxl3 (31), Elias Iliopoulos (31), Janne A (31), Lalomosh (31), tauren30 (31), cgray88 (30), cnelson (30), tyed (30), Tim the Stick (30), mccarty30 (30), chewie (29), Reefer1 (29), mandarindragonets (29), stormx (29), arbo (29), Reefscaper (29), jtrotter77 (29), soulmanager (29), IndyKTM (29), reefingaddict (29), jazasam (28), scottie (28), Th1000 (28), brayden (28), dzeadow (28), pabloky1 (27), huyzel (27), lee tyson (27), pabloky79 (27), justin42279 (27), Jared020 (27), treny (27), dirtyone (27), rlf_racing (27), justus (26), mscanlon1187 (26), charliebrowniee (26), WhiskeyReefer (26), kwizatz-haderah (26), Ferevh (25), speedsport (25), Estey (25), romeo22 (25), btkrausen (25), jbarton422 (25), mike90 (24), tee180 (24), Mr. Tenticles (23), Gary_Lee (23), kennyimeeki (23), Millerpora (23), stuner777 (23), p0wershifter (23), lamendez (23), Fenix (23), toxqc (23), thisiscmd (23), aastretch64 (23), the_grim_reefer (22), ReefCore (22), Coyle (22), onmyway (22), wu-tan (22), thinmyster (22), chris2222000 (21), egpres (21), Canser (21), SNCBOOM (21), clw2203 (21), raffaele85 (21), AwkwardParrot (21), ghjlx05 (20), tyciol (20), Salvadorii (19), psweany (19), KING_nothin34 (18), SstraikerZ (18), lilfishgirl (18), jgtheman84 (17), thmoney121 (17), koepski422 (17), Kingx (16), Justin L (15), Friends75helper (15) Birthdays
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