View Full Version : 2 bettas for sale, pictures included.

04/04/2006, 12:16 AM
Hey folks, just thought i'd offer you guys a slice of FW paradise: male Bettas aka Siamese fighting fish.

Me and my husband a couple months back rescued about 7 deathly sick bettas(won't mention the store)where the cups were only 2-3 inches high of water, algae covered, the fish starving and fin rotted. Its been over 2 months of healing and clean water and we have 2 that are fully healed and ready for a home. They come with: a 1/2 gallon vase(i would reccomend getting 1-5 gallon tank in the future though), gem stones(blue or green) and a care/info sheet(written by moi :D) so all you need is the food, dechlorinator and your decorating skills. The male Betta and the set up is for $10.
They have such great personalities, many we hand feed and they're so easy to care for.

EDIT: Just took some shots, so here ya go. You would not recognise them from what they looked like before.

Before, still repairing, fins shredded, faded colouring:
....and now with shiney, long fins

Was very skinny as his head was wider then his body, also bad fin rot infection.
and now with fully repared fins, filled out body and more coloring. I'll have to get a shot of him flaring, but he wasnt being photogetic. He has beautiful aqua coloring with red tipped fins.

04/04/2006, 12:25 AM
what're are the tails like on these fellas? i've tried to breed my veil tails, but with no such luck, i havn't tried with any of the fancier strains though, (i've had crowntails, butterflys, halfmoon, and double-short-crowns) lol, any pics of them?

04/04/2006, 12:48 AM
I did breed crowntail bettas once, had some fry but non survived over a month. I post poned breeding for now until i have more time to deal with the live food, constant water changes, etc. I only own one crowntail now but him i'm keeping. These are just veiltails for sale.
Future adoptees, that are still recooping as you can see, so they wont be available for atleast another month:
Nick named Stumpy for obvious reasons. It's like his tail was cropped very shortly. Luckily no infection has spread and his tail is finally growing out. I expect him to be a bright aqua bodied/ red finned coloured betta :

Here is Patches who is healing from bad fin rot and a hole completely through his fin. He will be an opaque(clear finned)/ pink marble bodied boy: