View Full Version : getting lions to eat prepared food

02/14/2002, 11:02 PM
I have been trying to get two lions to eat krill or silversides (not to mention flake, pellets, frozen brime)

they show no intrest at all and after a few days I give in and throw some live rosey red feeders in that they eat to saturation.

any thoughts or tips on this as I know that live fresh water fish are not ideal for a regular diet?


BTW these are not my fish, just ones at the store

02/15/2002, 12:52 AM
Hi Allen,

I generally feed them the live bait untill they start coming to the surface the moment they see me and snatch those feeder fish without even taking a second to look at them. At this point, usually a week or two, they generally take krill and silversides readily :D

02/15/2002, 08:33 AM
first up.....
try not too feed lion fish carp, rosey reds and goldfish are just plain bad. I know its short term, but given the better of evils use ghost shrimp over the other FW fish. (my bias)

If you email me directly i will send you my lionfish info sheet which contains husbandry tips on keeping lions and i have a fairly complete section on weening lions over to dead prepared marine foods.

The good news w/ young P Volitans, P russells is that they eat everything, so they are very easy to ween over. The mid sized lions like antennata, radiata, sphex, mombassaer are all difficult and will probabyl not be in the LFS long enuf to convert over. Dwarf fuzzies, dwarf lions, and Fu for get it in the LFS

my opinion

02/15/2002, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by FMarini
Dwarf fuzzies, dwarf lions, and Fu for get it in the LFS

my opinion

could you clairify that for me? do you mean that you would not buy then for resale because of poor suvrival rates or that they would be sold so fast that I couldnt get them converted?


I did recieve your email and found it great reading and very informative. Is it ok to hand a copy of this out to people who buy the lion fish? I have 4 special orders for dwarf (zebra and Fu Man Chu) to order on monday for customers, and a blue face angel for another guy with a monster tank. (any Ideas on that :D )


02/16/2002, 10:14 AM
"do you mean that you would not buy then for resale because of poor suvrival rates or that they would be sold so fast that I couldnt get them converted? "
What i mean is that it will take longer to convert these fish onto dead food than they usually reside in the LFS. MY LFS turns over lions weekly, and they don't even attempt to convert them, they throw in ghost shrimp to satiate them.

Depending on how these lion was handled during shipping will determine the intial survival outcome. IME these fish are extremely hardy, and if they get to the LFS in great shape they make excellent fish.

Yes please feel free to distribute the info sheet if it helps.

Did the pictures also come down as well?
good luck

02/16/2002, 11:28 AM
I thought that was what you ment!

thanks for allowing the info sheets to be handed out i am sure it will help. I am only at this store for two more weeks then I am done working there. I have been helping new owners get the salt water area backup and running. so I am setting the guide lines and procedures that will hopefully be followed after I leave. Another RC member is on staff there as well now and should ensure that all is well. :)

I will make copys and have it as part of the sale of lion fish at this store.

the pics did come through. :) however I cant spring for color copies. I will ask the owner to take it to kinkos and hae that done.

thanks for all the help

PS I would take any other advice that you would care to give to go into the book I am making for the store.