View Full Version : Outstanding!

02/14/2002, 01:45 PM
Hi Doug,

I just wanted to congratulate and thank you for the article. It is absolutely outstanding!

I am a new reefer but in a way, I feel like an old salt as I have been reading and researching for my first reef tank for a very long time (3 yrs... talking about patience... :rolleyes:). During that time, I have purchased lots of books and read a huge amount of articles and threads from RC and other boards and feel I have accumulated quite a knowledge as to how to do this properly.

Reading your article made me feel I was in the right track to becoming a good and responsible reefer so, I look forward your incoming contributions.

Thanks again and keep up the good work!


02/14/2002, 10:30 PM
Hi Mary,

Thanks so much for your kind words.

After three years of reading and planning I am sure that you are the most patient new reef keeper that I have ever heard of. It sounds like you are definitely on the right track. ;)

Thanks again for the kind words.


02/26/2002, 03:23 PM
:fish2: Arsome magazine there is a great need to spread "Good and Experience & knowledge" in this hobby. I agree with "Filishy" above. I count my self currently a Newbe to this hobby though started to take up this hobby just about almost 4 years ago. Reason i said Newbe is because i never really developed a full fledge mature tank like the pretty pictures in your article. However during those 4 years i started from no knowledge to gain a vast understanding to where i am today.

I lost dozens of fishes, all kind of algea battles, system setup that was inefficient, filter problems, water quality and a wired and freakish Hrdrogen Sulfite(H2S03 i think) release in my tank that killed literally everything. However undaunted i tried talk to people, lots of conflicting suggestions and some helpfull others i figured out however the greatest resource i got was to get various book and magazine subscription to FAMA. I just choose to learn about what i was in though i wasn't successfull at first. So i've learned a lot since and contine to do so. All the trouble i had fighting with my first tank was worth it the experience invaluable. You always learn more when things go very wrong because it cause you to fing or figure out a solution.

So much Kudos to the new magazine and all the articles, though some does still go a bit over my head. This hobby require much patient and i have much. So in process i'm now atarting over with a much bigger tank and doing in right only because in the begining i did it wrong and was determined to do it right ... at some point.

**However would like some one to do an article on setting up a new tank with UNCURED rocks that currently have nothing in it as yet but the sand already. I have read a lot and nothing is ever said much about this and its a bit confusing to figure out.

02/27/2002, 10:22 PM
Hi Epartner,

Thanks for the kind words and I am gald that you like the magazine.

As far as the uncured live rock goes, I am going to touch on that subject in one of my future articles.;)

Thanks again and best wishes.
