View Full Version : Breeding clams?

01/31/2002, 04:02 PM
Is it possible to breed clam in a home aquarium???? How could this be possible ??

Thanks :)

01/31/2002, 11:38 PM
Hi Phil,

Go to my site listed below and click on "clams" and it will take you a link that I think will answer your question. It would be to much space here to explain.

Hope this helps.


02/01/2002, 10:22 PM
Barry great site and sweet system. Super info, i've been looking for more info on boring algae. Great clam prop. info also. Thanks for your contribution!!!

02/02/2002, 10:30 PM
I like that artical on Spawning clams. I try to find as much study material as I can lay my hands on as I want to know as much as I can about this beautiful animal that I can. I have done some extensive reading on the net and other resourses.

I want to be as smart and knownledgeable as Jim Norris :)


02/03/2002, 01:30 AM
Have you found any of the scientific or aquaristic literatue that was mentioned by Daniel Knop in the back of "Giant Clams"?


02/03/2002, 03:01 PM
I am still checking on that. I got a few reference link that I have to check on.

Yes I did read the information provided in his book (Knop) but I can not see how you would beable to do this in a captive envirement. From what I have read, there are different methods to trigger the release of eggs and sperm. One is the most dangerious ( induced spawing) where the hormone Serotonin can be injected into the gonadal tissue. If not done correctly can kill the donor clam.

I have sent off for some materal from the Oceanic Institute in Hawaii on some of there research material so that maybe we can have a better understanding. I will update my web site when and if I receive some material that would be helpful.


02/03/2002, 03:30 PM
I used to work for a LFS that got stuff transshipped. Anyway we got a load of 5"+ gold maxes and after being taken out of the shiping boxes (dark/cold) and placed into the display tanks they had a mass spawning event. I think it was caused by prolonged darkness and dramatic change in environmental temperature. They (about 8-10) blew out their eggs and sperm into a huge cloud (something to be seen!). Unfortunetly the system is flow through so the hole invert system got to dine on clam eggs that day.

Thanks :OJsreef:thumbsup:

02/03/2002, 03:38 PM
Yes I have heard that that as well, change in the environmental temp can induce the spawning. I bet this was neat to see. Too bad you didn't have a camera to file the event. I saw a site that does and I am going to ask him if he minds if I link it to my web site.
