View Full Version : free clowns and shrimp

01/31/2005, 07:41 PM
I am about to embark on my next project, which is to raise peppermint shrimp and or scarlet cleaner shrimp. I have attempted this in the past and could only get them to the 5th or 7th molt before the larvae all died. I'm giving it another go. I'll be successful this time. What I need is larvae. If any of you have 2 or more peppermint shrimp or scarlet cleaner shrimp for that matter, in the same aquarium, you have larvae. If you will collect them and get them to me, I'll give you a bunch of the shrimp when they are ready to go. (If I am successful)

Also, anyone with clowns spawning, or neon gobies, same offer applies. I know I can raise these guys as I have done so sucessfully in the past. Now that my rotifer culture is up to full steam, I'm ready to roll.

Please assist me in this endeavor and you shall be rewarded-- unless of course, I fall flat on my face.

01/31/2005, 11:45 PM
I have three Peppermint shrimp how do I collect larvae

02/01/2005, 10:58 AM
you and I need to get together and figure out something with these clownfish eggs I keep getting... I'm really curious to see what happens when you have the typical orange ocellaris and a black ocellaris....

02/01/2005, 03:07 PM
No idea odo. My guess is either 1/2 black and 1/2 orange or the whole clutch comes out a dingy orange color.

Mary, you wait until the shrimp is about to release her clutch then turn off all current in the tank at lights out , put a flashlight above the tank and wait for the release. Then collect them in a cup when they move to the light. Same proceedure for clowns except the female does not release them, they hatch out on their own and swim toward the light.