View Full Version : Glad my Spotted Hawk enjoy it's $25 meal!

03/16/2004, 11:59 PM
So I figured for fun I would pick up a Cleaner Shrimp...

I've heard how people say they are fun to watch, etc...

Put him in, he's looking great... Come back three hours later to find only the small exoskelton and a few legs.


I rarely eat $25 meals... The two goby's I doubt would have touched him.

Have you seen Hawks go after shrimp their own size???? :mad:

03/17/2004, 06:51 AM
Hawks typically just eat smaller ornamental shrimps. Are you sure the shrimp did'nt just molt? Any time you wish to house a fish that is questionable with a shrimp (or a another smaller fish it might pick on for that matter) allways introduce the shrimp or smaller fish first. Let the "little one" get used to the tank and then introduce the other fish.

03/17/2004, 07:07 AM
I would say it did it. I once bought a large peppermint shrimp and a hawkfish at the same time. They were roughly the same size. I put them both in the tank and went to eat supper. I was gone maybe 15 minutes and when I came back the shrimp was hanging out of the hawk's mouth. The only shrimp he wouldn't mess with was a banded coral shrimp.

03/17/2004, 07:12 AM
In my case, I saw the poor shrimp with only half of its body intact but still alive, terrified and hiding. Well, the spotted hawk finished the job a few hours later.

03/17/2004, 07:19 AM
Yeah, they are mean little buggers. Mine would eat anything it could fit in its mouth.

03/17/2004, 09:04 PM
hawks, some wrasses and I have even had pseudochromis eat shrimp, there are lots more but those are most of the "reef safe" fish

03/18/2004, 09:52 AM
I found this (http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=21&pCatId=204)

check out the diet towards the bottom...lesson learned i guess...

A. Critter Killer
03/19/2004, 12:29 AM
"reef safe" refers to the fact that the animal will refrain from muching on corals. For example, even Sprung's Invert. book claims that the my chambered nautilus is reef safe....but he eats krill out of my hands. I don't think any shrimp are safe! Just a thought. ----Sean

03/20/2004, 12:34 PM
Tending to agree with you now...

Really don't know where my head was. :mad:

03/20/2004, 03:52 PM
Sometimes we all learn things the hard way in this hobby.