View Full Version : doopy neon goby

05/22/2003, 08:48 AM
doea any one else have a neon goby that likes to hang out on the mantle of there clam. i have four clams and this is the one he likes to hang out on.

05/22/2003, 08:49 AM
where do you guys get the shells you put under your maximas when you put them in your sand bed?

05/23/2003, 10:54 AM
So far my little Derasa is on a piece of plastic :(

I have been afraid to cut away the plastic for fear of breaking his threads. I am also afraid of putting him in one of the shells from the shell shop in PJ. I would be afraid of varnishes or preservatives. I will probably end up with a surf clam shell from the beach. Maybe i will stick the plastic to the inside of it.

That goby is cute!

Corpus Callosum
05/23/2003, 11:39 AM
my neon gobies used to always hang out on the mantle of my maxima, the clam didn't mind at all.