View Full Version : Phyto Question

02/06/2003, 02:48 AM
Is this the right forum?
My latest batch phytopalnkton is brown (it should be mature by Sunday). Is it dead? Should I dump it?

02/06/2003, 10:52 AM
What species of phyto are you culturing?

02/06/2003, 11:37 AM
Nanochloropsis (Japanese chlorella)

02/07/2003, 08:30 AM
Nannochloropsis and chlorella are two different types. Some phytoplankon, Isochrysis for example, is brown. Nannochloropsis is green. The first thing I would do is find out exactly what type of phytoplankton you are trying to culture. However, if it started out as green and then turned brown that's a good sign of contamination.

02/07/2003, 11:44 AM
These are the micro algea disks that I bought from Florida Aqua Farms It says on the sticker on the package "The species on our standard disk (Nanachloropsis = Japanese chlorella) can be cultured in eigther fresh or salt water."
It just sounds like these two are the same - maybe the "=" sign here is fooling me.
The stuff used to come out green but now it's brown.
So, it's contaminated? Just dump it (feed my garden or something) & start over?

02/07/2003, 10:05 PM
Well I've heard of green phyto and I've heard of brown phyto but I've never heard of one changing colour without being contaminated. Unless you are running two different kinds of phyto I'd have to say it's contaminated with something you don't want. If it was mine I'd dump it and start over. Be sure to use new bottles and tubing next time around, you never know what could survive, I wouldn't take the chance.